FurPlanet Artbooks

FurPlanet (Art Books)

FurPlanet is the largest furry fandom based publisher for books, comics, magazines, calendars, and more.
They publish a large number of art books each year by well known artists and new talents.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

For more information on the ordering process please visit our front page.

Importeur: FUSSELSCHWARM – Queer Anthropomorphics, Hansaring 156, D-24534 Neumünster, info@fusselschwarm.net


Fur Athletes 2025 Calendar (NEW)

Wandkalender, 30,5 x 30,5 cm (61 cm aufgeklappt), 13 Blätter, vollfarbig, 24,95 EUR

Wall calendar, 12 x 12", 13 pages, full color, 24,95 EUR

12-month calendar running from February 2025 thru January 2026(!) featuring the stunning artwork of Cheetahpaws, this folds out to a 12 x 24 inch portrait style calendar.

The 2025 calendar features a variety of sexy male furries in athletic-themed outfits.

Cover Cheetahpaws Artwork


Artwork Vol. 1 (Currently not available but can be (pre-)ordered.)

Paintings. Process. Tutorials. R18

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 96 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 96 pages, 27,95 EUR

Cheetahpaws first art book contains a collection of full coloured illustrations, painting process and mini tutorials.

96 pages of fit and bulged hunks like only CheetahPaws can draw them.

Oops All Yamas


Oops! All Yamas

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 104 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 8,5 x 11“, 104 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

An illustrated collection of art by Yama, of his lovable himbo character Yama.

OOOPS ALL YAMAS contains 104 pages of artwork and comics, in blue & white, monochrome and color, featuring Yama and his friends being big, buff, and horny.

Cover After Dark

Alastair Wildfire

After Dark (2017-2019)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 72 Seiten, farbig + s/w, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 72 pages, color + b&w, 27,95 EUR

"I’ve made this erotica art collection featuring works of mine from the years 2017-2019.

An entirely adult, mixed gender folio, it contains both traditional media paintings and drawings as well as digital works, and features a broad range of species.

I hope you all enjoy it!" - Alastair Wildfire

Cover Larger than Life


Larger than Life

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 92 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 92 pages, 27,95 EUR

LARGER THAN LIFE is a collection of the best gay, hyper art from one of furry's most well known hyper artists, Pulsar! From pin-ups to public scenes, it's all here. Get ready to enter a world where everyone is oversized and ready to go!

Including comments by the artist as well as the short comic „A Zippity Do Dah Day“.

Cover Bearly Dressed


Bearly Dressed

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 56 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 56 pages, 27,95 EUR

D.bruin is a furry artist, illustrator, and lifelong resident of the Chicago area, and he is proud to present BEARLY DRESSED!

This book is a collection of over 50 works of art from 2010 to 2017, and represents a furry art career spanning almost 20 years of adult illustration and comics. So come in, and make yourself comfortable, and of course, make sure you're “dressed” for the occasion!

Cover Boys in Briefs


Boys in Briefs

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 74 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 56 pages, 27,95 EUR

Clamcrusher's first printed volume of artwork. 

74 pages full full of hunky Boys and Men. Not many of these guys are actually in briefs. Oh well!

Cover Rhapsody in Blueline

John Nunnemacher

Cooner: Rhapsody in Blueline

Kartoniert, Magazinformat, 102 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 102 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Improvisational, energetic, expressive – for years the signature blue-pencil art by Cooner has been delighting audiences. RHAPSODY IN BLUELINE is the first book to bring together a sampling of sketches from across the years in a single volume. The collection showcases the action, emotion and character that imbue his art. Reminiscent of classic animation pre-production sketches, Cooner´s figures always seem ready to spring to life.

In addition to the sketches, additional selections are included from Cooner´s work on convention badges and color digital sketches. Although a different medium, the movement and vitality is still present.

Every page in RHAPSODY IN BLUELINE hums with the possibilities of the next moment!

Also available: MY BIGGER BOYFRIEND Volume 1 - paperback, 8,5 x 8,5“, 150 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR)

Cover Tanuki Tactics 2


Tanuki Tactics Volume 2

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 122 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 122 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Gazpacho ist zurück und so manches hat sich geändert - in seinem Leben, an seiner Fursona und an seinem Zeichenstil. An all diesen Veränderungen lässt der spanischstämmige Künstler uns teilhaben in seinem zweiten Artbook, das Arbeiten seit 2012 enthält. Super-cute und super-sexy sind Charaktere und Zeichnungen. Saftige Sexszenen, Chibis und Headshots Seite an Seite. So kennen und lieben wir Gazpacho.

The second art book from the furry artist Gazpacho, TANUKI TACTICS Volume 2 is a broad history of his work.

Cover Tanuki Tactics

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

Tanuki Tactics Volume 1

Kartoniert 21,5 x 28 cm, 106 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 122 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Anders als Nickname und Zeichenstill vermuten lassen, kommt Gazpacho weder aus Spanien noch aus Japan. Wie er dazu kam, Tanuki (japanische Marderhunde) zu zeichnen, beschreibt er in diesem Artbook. Auch geht er auf die Entwicklung seines Stils und seine unterschiedlichen Projekte ein. Kurz und prägnant, lässt er dabei viel Raum für seine Bilder. Und die sind wirklich atemberaubend. Von niedlich bis strunz-geil zeichnet er seine meist pummeligen Charaktere. Eigene Schöpfungen und Charas aus dem Fandom (FA-Nicks sind am Ende des Artbooks verzeichnet) mit süßen Bäuchen und harten Schwänzen. Aber nicht nur Porn findet sich in diesem wunderschönen Band.

The first art book from the furry artist Gazpacho collecting art from 2008 to 2012.

Cover Bravo's Nerds, Chubs, and Fatherly Figures


Bravo's Nerds, Chubs, and Fatherly Figures (Currently not available but can be (pre-)ordered.)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 82 pages, 27,95 EUR

Bravo is here to confess and profess an important new lesson in furry art. 

Now finally collected in one book a whole lifetime of fun, creative, and sexy art is yours to study and bone up on. Enjoy this collection of comics, projects, commissions, and pinups by the Professor of sexy nerds: class is finally in session.

Faces Vol. 1


Faces Vol. 1

2016-2023 artbook by Rika

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 50 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 22,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5x11“, 50 pages, full color, 22,95 EUR

FACES Volume 1 is a collection of Rika's art from early 2016 to late 2023, comprised of some favorite commissions and general art completed throughout those years.

This is volume 1 of 2 and features a broad variety of anthropomorphic character species, genders, and sexualities.

Cover Voyage of Dreams Third Edition

Princess Reimina

Voyage of Dreams Third Edition

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 90 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 90 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

This book features a collection of various artworks by artist Princess Reimina. From sketches, to digital paintings, Princess Reimina showcases the best of her works in 70+ color pages.

Features anthropomorphic characters and examples of commissions, personal art, gift art, and promotional work from previous years.

Cover Voyage of Dreams

Voyage of Dreams

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 80 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 80 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

As the night falls, the sea of life becomes perilous and unforgiving. It is then that the destination is hidden from the eye, and the dangers beneath grasp to take anything with it to the haunting depths below. Guided by the light of the stars and the moon, I can keep afloat and steadfast on this journey to the place in my heart that I call home.

The second Art Collection by Reimina Keishana aka Princess Rei is full of cute pin-ups, character studies, her works for Fursonacon 2017 and some sketches!

Cover So Cute

Michele Light

So Cute - The Art of Michele Light

Gebunden / Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 100 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 39,95 EUR / 27,95 EUR

Hardcover / Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 100 pages, full color,  39,95 EUR / 27,95 EUR

Michele Light gehört neben Terry Smith (die sie ins Fandom brachte) und einigen anderen zu den Veteran_innen der anthropomorphen Kunst, speziell für die in der Anfangszeit noch sehr keine Zielgruppe der Furries. Seit über 25 Jahren zeichnet sie nun schon ihre im besten Sinne klassischen Pin-ups, süß und sexy zugleich, für Art Shows, Anthologien, private AuftraggeberInnen und sich selbst. Die Themen und dargestellten Tierrassen sind dabei so vielfältig wie farbenfroh.

Erstmals liegt nun ein Artbook mit einer Auswahl ihrer Werke vor. Nach Jahrzehnten geordnet und mit kleinen Anekdoten aus ihrer künstlerischen Laufbahn versehen bietet dieser Band einen Überblick über ihr Schaffen sowie die Entwicklung ihres Stils und des Marktes.

The best of Michele Light's furry artwork from the past 20 years. Available as hard- or softcover!

„My first ever retrospective is now in print! Because I waited so long to do a book, this edition is a solid 100 pages of art and commentary. See items that may have been drawn and sold out before you were born, and some limited items only seen by the very few.“ - Michel Light

Cover World of Amazon Hunters

Vagabonda (Ed.)

World of Amazon Hunters (Currently not available but can be (pre-)ordered.)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 74 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 74 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

AMAZON HUNTERS ist kein gewöhnliches Artbook. Nicht nur, dass es als Kollaboration einer ganzen Reihe von russischen Künstler_innen entstanden ist, es erzählt auch eine ganze Geschichte. Angesiedelt in der Welt der Amazonen und der Jägerinnen bietet es neben Illustrationen unterschiedlichster, leicht bekleideter Damen und lesbischer Pärchen (und ein paar Männer) auch zwei Comics und reichlich Hintergrundinformationen, die die Betrachter_innen in die Welt und die Beziehung der beiden Stämme einführen. Alle Arbeiten sind exklusiv für dieses Artbook entstanden!

Folgende Künstler_innen sind vertreten: Vagabonda, Orphen Sirius, Wildering, Ticl Lightbringer, Miles-DF, Kahito, Meltina, Vampiii, Faellin & Antiander

AMAZON HUNTERS is an artbook dedicated to sexy lesbian tribal woman. With 60 pages of high-quality illustrations, two comics, infos about the world of the Amazones & Hunters, a map of their island and a little bit of sketches by Vagabonda, Orphen Sirius, Wildering, Ticl Lightbringer, Miles-DF, Kahito, Meltina, Vampiii, Faellin & Antiander.

Cover Reflections



Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 148 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 32,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 148 pages, full color, 32,95 EUR

Massive magazine-format full color collection of Bonk's work. 

REFLECTIONS contains the following galleries: Clean, Straight, Herm and Gay

and six hot M/M comics: "Horn of Desire", "Money Shot", "Gathering Wood", "Sex on the Beach", "Be My Valentine" and "Kip and the Beanstalk". 

Cover Adventures in Smiling

JD Laclede

Adventures in Smiling

Kartoniert, 16,5 x 16,5 cm, 64 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 16,95 EUR

Softcover, 6,5 x 6,5", 64 pages, full color, 16,95 EUR

This photo album is a collection of JD Laclede's photographic pieces from 2016 to 2018. These pieces are all photos that didn't come out quite right. JD takes it upon himself to fix them, and make the people in them look more like their genuine selves.

The album also includes several pages at the end illustrating the artist's technique in creating these images.

The old saying, "reality is stranger than fiction", which belonged to the surrealist phase of the aestheticization of life, has been surpassed. There is no longer a fiction that life can confront, even in order to surpass it; reality has passed over into the play of reality, radically disenchanted, the "cool" cybernetic phase supplanting the "hot" and phantasmatic." - Jean Baudrillard, “Symbolic Exchange and Death”, 1976

Cover Women of Fur

Marilyn Cole (Ed.)

Women of Fur

Kartoniert, 20 x 20 cm, 30 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Softcover, 8 x 8", 30 pages, full color, 20,00 EUR

WOMEN IN FUR ist ein außergewöhnliches Artbookprojekt, bei dem zwölf Zeichner_innen gebeten wurden, ein bestimmtes Wort zu illustrieren (z.B. fresh, driven, passion oder balance). Zwölf wunderbare Bilder sind dabei entstanden, die anthrophomorphe Schönheit in all ihren Formen zelebriert. Ergänzt werden die Bilder durch Erläuterungen und Skizzen die viel über den Entstehungsprozess der Bilder verraten.

WOMEN OF FUR is an collaboration between 12 different artists. Each artist chose to illustrate an empowering word that any woman can stand for. This collection of work is out to showcase the female form, anthro art as fine art, and the problem solving process involved in illustration. 

Cover Shiverz Collected Artworks Volume 2


Shiverz Collected Artworks Volume 2

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 26 Seiten, vollfarbig, 16,95 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 26 pages, full color, 16,95 EUR

Another selections from Shiverz' finest works and NEVER BEFORE SEEN ADULT ARTWORKS. Images you can only see within this book, plus some favourites.

26 Full Colour Pages, all female furry pin-ups!

Cover Shiverz Collected Artworks 2012

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

Shiverz Collected Artworks 2012

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 34 Seiten, vollfarbig, 16,95 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 34 pages, full color, 16,95 EUR

Selections from Shiverz' finest works and NEVER BEFORE SEEN ADULT ARTWORKS. Images you can only see within this book, plus some favourites.

34 Full Colour Pages, all female furry pin-ups!

Cover Naughty or Nice? 2

Jodi J3T Tong

Naughty or Nice? Volume 2

Kartoniert, 14 x 21 cm, 120 Seiten, blau/weiß, 14,95 EUR

Softcover,  5,5 x 8“, 120 pages, bluelines, 14,95 EUR

Contains J3T's Christmas Card sketches from 2011 to 2014 which even more fabulous, sexy, adorable and funny as the ones before.  Contains images which are both naughty and nice.

Cover Naughty or Nice?

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available: 

Naughty or Nice? Volume 1

Kartoniert, 14 x 21 cm, 120 Seiten, blau/weiß, 14,95 EUR

Softcover, 5,5 x 8“, 120 pages, bluelines, 14,95 EUR

Contains J3T's Christmas Card sketches from 2007 to 2010 which are some of the most fabulous, sexy, adorable and funny pieces she's ever done.  Contains images which are both naughty and nice.

The comic series HOUSE OF LSD by Jody Tong can you find here.

Cover A Chorus of Canines

Laura Garabedian

A Chorus of Canines

Gebunden / Kartoniert, 17,5 x 25 cm, 32 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR / 11,95 EUR

Hardcover / Softcover, 7 x 10“, 32 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR / 11,95 EUR

A visual concerto of dogs in watercolors, oils, ink, and more by Laura Garabedian.

This book is a 30-page portfolio available in hardcover or softcover. It is a celebration of the artist’s love of dogs, especially of sighthounds.

Cover The Art of Laura Garabedian

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available by Laura Garabedian:

The Art of Laura Garabedian

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 120 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 22,95 EUR 

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 120 pages, full color, 22,95 EUR

THE ART OF LAURA GARABEDIAN is a compilation of work from 2009–2013, with specific focus on Laura's tree-creatures, bone worlds, tribal work, watercolor fantasy and lastly, a section dedicated to sketches, studies, and process.

Cover Art of RuDragon Vol.2


The Art of RuDragon Vol. 2

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 142 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 39,95 EUR 

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 142 pages, full color, 39,95 EUR

Rudragon's second art book, collecting works from 2016 and the first half of 2017.  Includes the comic "Dragnfly Blues", "Halloween Bat" and "TV-Dragon". 

Cover Art of RuDragon Vol.1

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

The Art of RuDragon Vol. 1

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 120 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 39,95 EUR 

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 120 pages, full color, 39,95 EUR

Rudragon's first art book, collecting works from 2012 – 2015. Includes the comic "Ru's Gift". 

But there are not only single art books but also (long running) series by a lot of beloved artists.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Cats Uncensored


Cats Uncensored

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 62 Seiten, farbig + s/w, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 62 pages, color + b&w, 27,95 EUR


An artbook chock full of anthro cats both big and small! Features male, female, all-adult artwork by Rukis, including characters from the Red Lantern series, and several other published works.

Cover Foxes in Love

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

Foxes Uncensored

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 60 Seiten, farbig + s/w, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 60 pages, color + b&w, 27,95 EUR

Foxes, Foxes, and more Foxes

An artbook chock full of anthro foxes in all their foxy glory! Features male, female, all-adult artwork by Rukis, including characters from the RED LANTERN series, CRUELTY and several other published works.

Cover Instinct Volume 3

Instinct Volume III (NEW)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 82 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Instinct Volume I + II

Kartoniert 21,5 x 28 cm, je 60 Seiten, farbig & s/w, je 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 60 pages each, color + b&w 27,95 EUR each

We all have an Instinct. It's as natural as breathing. As powerful as our will. And sometimes, it leads to something beautiful.

80 adult-orientated anthropomorphic images in digital and traditional media by Rukis - author of HERETIC, RED LANTERN, CURELTY and UNCONDITIONAL.

Cover Menagerie 3

Menagerie Volume 3

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 64 Seiten, s/w, 19,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 64 pages, b&w, 19,95 EUR

MENAGERIE features all-adult anthropomorphic images, ranging from pinups to group scenes, with a focus on variety of species. Originally released on a subscription only mailing list, this is the first time many of these images have ever been in print.

All-male, M/M illustrations by Rukis!

Cover Menagerie 2

Female Menagerie Volume 1 + 2 + 3

Kartoniert 21,5 x 28 cm, je 60 Seiten, s/w, je 19,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 60 pages, b&w, 19,95 EUR each

All-female, M/F and F/F illustrations by Rukis!

Menagerie Volume 1 + 2

Kartoniert 21,5 x 28 cm, 60 / 74 Seiten, s/w, je 19,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 60 / 74 pages, b&w, 19,95 EUR each

All-male, M/M illustrations by Rukis and Myenia!

Cover The Characters of Red Lantern Vol. 1

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available by Rukis:

The Characters of Red Lantern Vol. 1 (NEW)

Gebunden, 23 x 30,5 cm, 72 Seiten, vollfarbig, 49,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Hardcover, 9x12“, 72 pages, full color, 49,95 EUR

An art book featuring characters from the RED LANTERN books and graphic novels.

An all-anthropomorphic historical fiction setting.

Cover War Hound

War Hound

Gebunden / Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 52 Seiten, vollfarbig, 39,95 EUR / 27,95 EUR

Hardcover / Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 52 pages, full color, 39,95 EUR / 27,95 EUR

Ready. Your. Wapons.

An art collection of Rukis' anthropomorphic animals, armed for battle. Features fantasy, historical, and science fiction settings.

Cover Dirty Animals Vol. 5

Kumada Makoto

Dirty Animals Volume 5

Kumada art book

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 70 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 70 pages, 27,95 EUR

Ob alleine oder zu zweit: Muskeln, Jock Straps und dicke Schwänze zeichnen die Typen in diesen Artbooks aus. Aber auch Durchschnittstypen und süße Jungs unterschiedlichster Spezies verirren sich schon mal in die verspielten Szenarios, die uns Kumada Makoto hier präsentiert.

"Kitanai Animaruzu", schmutzige Tierchen, ist der japanische Titel der Artbooks, und dieser Ansage werden die Bände mehr als nur gerecht. Sehr abwechslungsreich und sehr, sehr geil!

AtomicBoyX's fifth art collection. If you like muscled male bara art, this is the book for you!

Cover Dirty Animals Vol. 4

Ebenfalls lieferbar / also available:

Dirty Animals Volume 4 

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 64 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 64 pages, 27,95 EUR

Dirty Animals Volume 2 + 3

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 76 + 64 Seiten, vollfarbig, je 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 76 + 64 pages, 27,95 EUR

Color Artbook / Dirty Animals Volume 1 

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 36 Seiten, vollfarbig, 22,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 36 pages, 22,95 EUR

Cover Artdecade Monthly Collection 2019


Artdecade Monthly Collection 2019

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 86 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 86 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

For over ten years, independent furry illustrator Artdecade has been creating new and enticing images on a regular basis for his private gallery, which hosts numerous comics and an many year's worth of illustrations.

This collection includes 86 full colour images featured on the site in 2019, and since the images are no longer available online, it's the best way to enjoy Artdecade's cast of verile men!

Cover Artdecade Monthly Collection 2018

Artdecade Monthly

Collection 2018

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 108 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5x11“, 108 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

For over ten years, independent furry illustrator Artdecade has been creating new and enticing images on a regular basis for his private gallery, which hosts numerous comics and an many year's worth of illustrations.

This collection includes 102 full colour images featured on the site in 2018, and since the images are no longer available online, it's the best way to enjoy Artdecade's cast of verile men!

Cover Artdecade Monthly 2017

Artdecade Monthly

2017 Collection

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 108 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 108 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Kaum ein anderer Furry-Künstler* schafft so vielfältige, verspielte und doch strunzgeile Illustrationen wie Artdecade. Egal ob bullige Hetero-Kerle, zierliche Jungschwule oder gestählte Traumkörper, ob verliebte Pärchen, spermageile Sexsklaven oder experimentierfreudige Ehemänner: Artdecades Illustrationen erzählen immer ihre eigene kleine Geschichte. Oft mit einem Augenzwinkern und immer mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen.

Diese Kollektionen vereinen alle für die Webseite www.artdecademonthly.com im Laufe eines Jahres entstandenen Farb-Illustrationen (und einige kurze Comics), zum immer wieder Anschauen. Viele der Illustrationen sind nicht mehr online verfügbar. 

Die 2017er Collection enthält neben Illustrationen auch ein "Making-of" der Visual Novel WILLY BEAR BEACH 2.

Diese findest du in unserem FUZZY GAMES CON BOOTH.

For over ten years, independent furry illustrator Artdecade has been creating new and enticing images on a regular basis for his private gallery, which hosts numerous comics and many year’s worth of illustrations.

This collection includes 62 full colour images featured on the site www.artdecademonthly.com in 2017, as well as a 42 page collection of art and assets from WILLY BEAR BEACH 2, which was also in prodction at the time. 

Cober Artdecade Monthly 2016

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available:

Artdecade Monthly

2016 Collection 

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 104 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 104 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

This collection includes 102 full colour images featured on the site in 2016, and since the images are no longer available online, it’s the best way to enjoy Artdecade’s cast of verile men!

Cover Artdecade Monthly 2015

Artdecade Monthly

2015 + 2014 + 2013 + 2012 # 2011 + 2010 + 2009 Collections

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 96 - 104 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 96 - 104 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR each

These collections include full colour images featured on the site www.artdecademonthly.com, and since many of the images are no longer available online, it’s the best way to enjoy Artdecade’s cast of verile men!

Cover Backtrack 6


Backtrack Vol. 6

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 102 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 102 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

The latest entry in Scappo's BACKTRACK series of art collections is here and includes two comics, "Meridian" and "Quick Study."

"Meridian" is a prequel to the main Waystone storyline. "Quick Study" features a girl with a troubled past managing to find a measure of peace, thanks to her economics professor, Bexley. But these two comics are just the beginning. This volume also includes lots of pin-ups, WIPs, and other goodies for you to enjoy.

Cover Backtrack 4

Und ebenfalls erhältlich / and also available:

Backtrack Vol. 3 + 4 (Currently out of stock, but can be (pre-)ordered!)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, je 94 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 27,95 EUR 

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 94 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR each

Backtrack Vol. 2 (Currently out of stock, but can be (pre-)ordered!)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 120 Seiten, vollfarbig, 32,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 120 pages, full color, 32,95 EUR

Backtrack Vol. 1 (Currently out of stock, but can be (pre-)ordered!)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 68 Seiten, vollfarbig, 22,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 68 pages, full color, 22,95 EUR

Cover Cat Scratches Vol 3 (Fox Prints)


Cat Scratches Vol 3 (Fox Prints) (NEW)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 92 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 92 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

A third collection of artwork by Donryu, this time with extra foxes. 

A 90-page art collection featuring sketches, commissions, and personal works. Also includes pages showing the artist's process from sketch to full color.

Cover Cat Scratches 2

Cat Scratches 2

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 62 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 62 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

62-page art collection featuring sketches, commissions, and personal works. Also includes pages showing the artist's process from sketch to full color.

If you enjoy thicc furry boys, you'll love this collection by Donryu.

Cover Cat Scratches

Cat Scratches

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 84 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 84 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Donryu's second art collection, CAT SCRATCHES includes over 80 pages of various illustrations from commissions to personal illustrations from 2013-2015, and every page involves a peek into his creative process.

Cover Rat Pack 2

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

Rat Pack 2

Electric Boogaloo

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 68 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 68 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

RAT PACK 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO collects 68 pages of assorted rats drawn by the artist Donryu.

This full color collection includes the comic IN THE MEAN TIME and the 25 page comic RAT PROBLEMS 2.

Cover Rat Pack

Rat Pack

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 60 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 60 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

RAT PACK collects 56 pages of assorted rats drawn by the artist Donryu. This full color collection also includes the 15 page comic RAT PROBLEMS. 

Cover Splatter Punk


Splatter Punk

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 26 Seiten, vollfarbig, 16,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5x11“, 26 pages, full color, 16,95 EUR

Olivia indulges in her spunky side in this portfolio soaking with eroticism. Also includes a sketch gallery. Towels not included.

Features M/F adult artwork and some bondage elements.

Cover Kadthology 2

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

Kadthology - Volume 2

Gebunden, 21,5 x 28 cm, 218 Seiten, vollfarbig, 49,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Hardcover, 8,5x11“, 218 pages, full color, 49,95 EUR

This anthology collects selected illustrations from the COFFEE STAINS series of art books, featuring content from 2007 - 2016, along with a new retrospective.

Highlights include: Coffee Stains: Art & Comics by Kadath (2012) / Coffee Stains 2: Caffeinated boogaloo (2013) / Coffee Stains 3: Frappelicious (2015) / Coffee Stains 4: Frappe! Frappe! Frappe! (2016)

…and much more!

Kadthology - Volume 1 can be found here.

Cover Ask Puz n Pals

Ask Puz n Pals

Volume 1 + 2 + 3 + 4

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, je 112 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 22,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5x11“, 112 pages each, full color, 22,95 EUR each

ASK PUZ n PALS are collections of character-focused comic pages, made in response to fan questions posed to the cast of Kadath's long-running comic series. Sometimes naughty, sometimes nice, the various personalities will clash or come together to answer (or avoid answering) the various questions put before them. 

Each collection compiles around 100 strips, along with character bios and a creator Q&A. 

Cover That´s the Spot


That's the Spot!

Adult Artbook Vol. 4 (Currently not available but can be (pre-)ordered.)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 70 Seiten, vollfarbig, 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 70 pages, full color 27,95 EUR

Redrusker fourth art book featuring works from the years 2017 – 2019.

Again a very messy mix (cause of the amount of sperm not cause of the quality of the art) of full color illustrations and sketches.

Cover That´s the Spot Vol. 3

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

That's the Spot!

Adult Artbook Vol. 1+ 2 + 3  (Currently not available but can be (pre-)ordered.)

Magazinformat, je 70 Seiten, vollfarbig & s/w, je 27,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 70 pages each, full color + b&w, 27,95 EUR each

Nach drei textlastigen und spermatriefenden Comics legt RedRusker nun regelmäßig Artbooks auf. Nahezu text-, aber zum Glück selten spermafreie Illustrationen aus den Jahren 2013 bis 2016 sind in den ersten drei versammelt; darunter auch unter dem Pseudonym Nomozuni entstandene. Abwechslungsreich sind die Charaktere - bekannt die (Lieblings-)Motive. In den ersten beiden Artbooks sind manche Bilder etwas klein oder pixelig geraten. Allen gemein ist, dass die Farben stumpf wirken, was wohl am Papier des Artbooks liegt. Klare Highlights sind daher die enthaltenen nicht colorierten (Vor-)Zeichnungen. Ab dem dritten Band ist die Bildqualität deutlich besser und es werden immer wieder fertige Illustrationen gleichberechtigt mit ihren Vorzeichnungen präsentiert.

Redrusker's art books, featuring all gay works from 2013 - 2015 (Vol. 1 + 2) and 2015 - 2016 (Vol. 3)

Cover Tsampikos Folio 2019 - 2020


Tsampikos Folio 2019 - 2020 (Currently not available but can be (pre-)ordered.)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 72 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 72 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

The tenth volume of Tsampikos' art book series. 

"I'm flying free this time around. No paysites! Just about everything you see here was posted first on Patreon for people who support me. Freebies, fan favorites… all good stuff I promise! Don't take my word for it though… you can see what I've been up to inside these pages right now. How convenient is that?!?" - Tsampikos

Cover Tsampikos Folio 2019

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

Tsampikos Folio 2019

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 72 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 72 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

"Yo! Tsampikos here bringing all the cuties yet again. And Mik. A lot of Mik. Too much Mik? (hmmmmmm…)“ - Tsampikos

Cover Mikhaila K.

Mikhaila K.

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 30 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 16,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 30 pages, full color, 16,95 EUR

Tsampikos' popular otter girl, Mik, stars in this 30-page image collection. Includes cute poses, sexy pin-ups and some naughty fun with her bunny friend.

Tsampikos Folio: 1 – Folio: 4 (Currently not available but can be (pre-)ordered.)

Tsampikos Folio 2015 - 2018

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, je ca. 70 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, around 70 pages each, full color, 27,95 EUR each

Collections of works created by Tsampikos starting in 2011 for Sexyfur, Hardblush, Clubstripes, Tailheat and later his own Patreon page, including cards from FUROTICON and ongoing comics.

Cover Stoatally Art Volume 7


Stoatally Art Volume 7

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 112 Seiten, s/w + farbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 8,5 x 11“, 112 pages, b&w + color, 27,95 EUR

Enter a realm of delicious studs!

The Vasukiverse has grown yet again! Hot and sexy new boys roam there 100+ pages filled to the brim with canid nudity, jock horseplay, and more! Get to know them intimately in this overwhelming collection of art spanning 2022 and 2023 - some of which you'll only see here!

This is the seventh art book from the furry artist Vasuki Stoat

Cover The Big Book of Tre

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

The Big Book of Tre

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 108 Seiten, s/w + farbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 108 pages, b&w + color, 27,95 EUR

Comprehensive art collection: Ten years worth of art painstakingly stuffed into one book! See how Tre's look evolved over the span of a decade - from humble beginnings to stunning wolf hunk - starting with the earliest possible sketches to the most recent full color illustrations. It's all here!

Character connections: Learn about the Wolfeller family and other important characters that are connected very closely to Tre - including comics that give a glimpse into his hobbie and social life! Witness just how expansive one wolf's world can become.

Cover Stoatally Art Volume 6

Stoatally Art Volume 6

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 130 Seiten, s/w + farbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 130 pages, b&w + color, 27,95 EUR

Visit a universe of hot jocks and dads, both human and furry alike in this collection of art from 2020 and 2021! Become intimately familiar with a variety of boys! Featuring art normally only posted to Patreon.

What's inside…

Loads of cute guys, new and old, complete with bios and descriptions!

Sketch collages and scrapped doodles!

Cover Stoatally Art Volume 5

Stoatally Art Volume 5

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 116 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 116 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Enter a realm of hot jocks, dads and more in this comprehensive collection of art from 2018. You'll get intimately acquainted with a variety of boys! Includes art previously only available on Patreon!

What's inside:

New characters with bios/descriptions!

Intimate, sensual art of a variety of dudes!

Exclusive sketches and process shots for finished art!

Cover Stoatally Art Volume 4

Stoatally Art Volume 4

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 96 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 96 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Journey to a world of cute boys!

Charming jocks, nerds and dads are at your fingertips! Enjoy a broad selection of differing guys being cute, sexy, and even erotic in this comprehensive collection of furry art from 2017 - including works previously only available on Patreon!

Stoatally Art Volume 1 + 2 + 3

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, je 90 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 27,95 EUR

Paperback, 8,5 x 11“, 90 pages each, full color, 27,95 EUR each

A plethora of handsome hunks awaits you within! From a bad boy shiba to an innocent, shy wolf jock. You'll be given an intimate glimpse at every guy. Get to know each of them in this collections of furry from 2013 to 2016!

Inside you'll find many provocative, sexy boys and unseen sketches and process shots from sketch to final product.

Cover Milestones #4

Fluff Kevlar

Milestones #4

2016 Art Book

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 90 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5x11“, 90 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

This Adult-Only artbook covers Fluff Kevlar's 2016 work, from sketches to finish, including some previously missed items and a few of the artist's thoughts.

The work here dives into a wide mix of subjects and styles Fluff took on throughout the 2016 year!

Cover Milestones 2014 - 2015

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

Milestones 2014 – 2015

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 78 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 78 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

"This artbook continues showcasing my artwork, from the mid-point of 2014, and the entire year of 2015.

This timeframe of work shows my transition from side job to full-time freelance furry artist, as I moved away from commissions and paysites, and into Patreon and other personal work.

I’ve done my best to include nearly everything, along with reflective thoughts or comments on many of the works  included.“ - Fluff Kevlar

Cover Milestones 2012 - 2014

Milestones 2012 - 2014

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 82 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

This artbook of 80+ pages includes Fluff Kelvar's breadth of work from 2012 to 2014, showcasing a wide variety of adult furry/anthro artwork, from personal art, commissions, sketches, paysite work and more.

The artist has also written their personal thoughts and reflections on numerous pieces throughout the book. 

Cover Milestones 2007 - 2012

Milestones 2007 - 2012 

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 78 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR 

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 78 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

This artbook contains 75+ pages of milestones in Fluff Kevlar's time as an artist, and in you’ll find all kinds and types of it. Sketches, paysites, commissions, adult and more, compiled from 2007-2012. 

Cover Private Studio 2


Private Studio Volume 2

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 72 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5x11“, 72 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

Art collection by Kaylii, containing work between 2018-2020, from personal pieces, commissions, and both a long form and a few one page comics.

72 pages, full color, art and comics featuring a variety of characters.

Volume 1 is out of print!

Cover Harem Artist Vol. 2

Ebenfalls erhältlich / also available:

The Harem Artist Vol. 2 (Deluxe)

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 124 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 104 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

A collection of commissions from 2014–2016 for a project called The Harem Artist Deluxe.

Similar to the first series of Harem Artist commissions, this artbook was inspired by classical Arabian styles, with lots of glitter and glam. If you are someone who enjoys jewelry, silks and lots of pretty characters in exotic clothing, then this sequel is for you!

Cover The Harem Artist

The Harem Artist

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 104 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 27,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 104 pages, full color, 27,95 EUR

A collection of 100 images featuring characters in exotic jewelry and clothing.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

For more information on the ordering process and our full stock list please visit our front page.

Feel free to ask us about any of these titles or any other book or comic you are looking for: info@fusselschwarm.net

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