Northwest Press

Northwest Press

Northwest Press is a book publisher dedicated to publishing the best lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender comics collections and graphic novels and celebrating the LGBT comics community since 2010.

You can order any title by email:

For more information on the ordering process please visit our front page.

Importeur: FUSSELSCHWARM – Queer Anthropomorphics, Hansaring 156, D-24534 Neumünster,

Cover A Home Without

Don Gaddis

A Home Without

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 176 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 26,99 EUR

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 176 pages, full color, 26,99 EUR

This debut graphic novel by Don Gaddis is a harrowing account of domestic abuse and growing up different in an unsafe place.

A forever-storm graced the lives of Rosemary, Mitch, and their three children. In a small house within a small Southern town, they lived together for a time, always hopeful that tomorrow might bring some measure of happiness.

Heavily inspired by his own childhood, artist and writer Don Gaddis invites the reader to step across the threshold of a home without…


Cover Dash TP

Dave Ebersole (Text) + Delia Gable & Vinnie Rico (Zeichnungen)

Dash: The Case of the Mysterious Zita Makara

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 232 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 24,99 EUR

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 232 pages, full color, 24,99 EUR

1940, Los Angeles. A disgraced private eye with a bad-boy boyfriend. A femme fatale in search of an ancient artifact. A supernatural horror lurking, growing… waiting for the time to strike!

The reimagined noir adventure, complete in one volume, with 40 pages of new stories (illustrated by Vinnie Rico and Sean Von Gorman),behind-the-scenes extras, a cocktail recipe and an introduction by Steve Orlando.

Also available in 6 single issues. Please see below!

Cover 13: The Astonishing Lives of the Neuromantics

Yves Navant

13: The Astonishing Lives of the Neuromantics

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 120 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 19,99 EUR

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 120 pages, full color, 19,99 EUR

13 is a space opera that evokes HEAVY METAL in its sexuality, innovation, and flat-out strangeness. In a future beset by poverty and subjugation, the privileged live in orbital penthouses and use the underclasses for parts. One young man has his arms taken from him and undertakes an epic journey to become whole.

„Yves Navat has created a revolutionary queer space opera.“ - Kyle Harris (Cultur Editor, Westworld Magazine)

Cover Unpacking

Steve MacIsaac


Kartoniert / Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag, 21,5 x 28 cm, 240 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 29,99 EUR / 39,99 EUR

Softcover / Hardcover with dust jacket, 8,5 x 11", 240 pages, full color, 29,99 EUR / 39,99 EUR

UNPACKING is a deep-dive into the mind of a recently-separated guy who’s struggling to forgive, having trouble letting anyone else into his life, and unable to risk getting hurt again in order to find someone. When is it a good idea to follow your heart? How do you end it and not hate each other afterwards?

For the past few years, Steve MacIsaac has been helming the gay anthology series SHIRTLIFTER, which explores gay life, love, sex, and heartbreak. In addition to the many short stories from guest contributors, he's been serializing a longer-form story: UNPACKING. 

Matt's 8-year relationship with Michel has imploded, Michel has moved away to be with his 25-year-old boyfriend, and Matt is trying to cut him out of his life. Everyone else, unfortunately, can't stop reminding him of his ex. Matt's go-to distraction to sidestep his pain is to have one-night stands with seemingly any hot guy who's ready to go. Out-of-towners are a particularly good choice because there's no danger of a second night together. Of course, he always has to go to their place, because he's not quite done unpacking the boxes from moving out of his and Michel's old place. Rather, he never started. When Matt meets Connor, a married man playing around with guys on the side, they hit it off instantly, but there's a hitch: despite his discomfort with the "gay" or "bisexual" label, Connor seems to want more than one night. They go on a series of increasingly frequent non-dates, both saying they want nothing more than sex and "buddyship", but the situation gets complicated and out of control.

This meditative piece explores the challenges of knowing when it's a good idea to follow your heart, keeping a relationship fresh, and how to end it and not hate each other afterwards. UNPACKING isn't quite a romantic comedy, or a sexy fantasy, it's a fractal look into one love life where everything is separate but connected, and where there's no way to survive grief but to go through it and get to the other side.

Steve has remastered a lot of the artwork for this beautiful oversized edition!

The hardcover edition includes 16 bonus pages with unused illustrations, alternative panels and the 7-pages vignette UNPACKING originated from!

Cover Capitol Hillbillies

Chris Lange

Capitol Hillbillies

Volume One

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 21,5 cm, 144 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 19,99 EUR

 Softcover, 8,5 x 8,5“, full color, 19,99 EUR

Find out why Capitol Hillbillies is a comic strip like no other in this deluxe collection with almost 200 strips chronicling the adventures of four gay dudes in Seattle. Dating, video games, plenty of sex jokes, and even a unicorn for good measure. A must for any LGBT reader!

Includes a foreword by Ed Luce ("Wuvable Oaf")!

Cover The Completely Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green

Eric Orner

The Completely Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 21,5 cm, 216 Seiten, vollfarbig & s/w, in englischer Sprache 24,99 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 8,5“, color + b&w, 24,99 EUR

In über 300 Episoden und in über 80 (nicht nur schwulen) Zeitungen und Zeitschriften zeichnete Eric Orner von 1989 bis 2005 das absolut unfabulöse Sozialverhalten des Ethan Green und schuf damit so etwas wie das Äquivalent zu Ralf Königs Werk im englischsprachigen Raum. Vom unsicheren Jungschwulen bis zum gestanden schwulen Mann, der aber immer wieder durch sein Liebesleben aus der Bahn geworfen wird, begleitet Orner dabei seine Figur. Mit viel Sympathie, durchaus autobiographischen Anleihen und einem scharfen Blick auf die absurden und surrealen Momente des (schwulen) Lebens. Nicht immer auf Pointen getrimmt, aber durchgehend witzig liegen nun erstmals alle Episoden dieses wegweisenden Comics gesammelt vor.

Eric Orner’s groundbreaking comic strip, “The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green”, debuted in 1990 and appeared in papers in a hundred cities across the US, Canada and the UK. Now, for the first time, every subversive, laugh-out-loud funny, and occasionally surreal episode from the gay everyman’s 15 years in print is in one deluxe collection.

Includes behind-the-scenes stories from the author, bonus strips, and a foreword by New York Times bestselling author David Ebershoff.

Cover The Big Book of Bisexual Trials and Errors

Elizabeth Beier

The Big Book of Bisexual Trials and Errors

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 200 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 24,99 EUR

Paperback, 8,5 x 11“, 200 pages, b&w, 24,99 EUR

Elizabeth Beier chronicles true-life romantic tales as she breaks up with a long-term boyfriend and navigates a brave new world: dating women. Beier tackles the complexities of sexuality and self image with a conversational and immediate art style and stories anyone who’s ever struggled with dating can relate to.

"... if you’re a fan of TV dating shows like "The Bachelor" or the old-school "Dating Game" (where folks go on dates both blind and curated, then dish about what happened), this book is for you." -  Cathy Camper (

Cover Transposes

Dylan Edward


Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 120 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 19,99 EUR

Softcover, 7 x 10“, full color, 19,99 EUR

Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? Das diese alte grönemeyersche Frage für Frau-zum-Mann-Transsexuelle ebenso schwer zu beantworten ist wie für biologische Männer, zeigt uns Dylan Edward mit "Transposes". Fünf wahre Geschichten von Trans-Männern, die ganz unterschiedliche queere Beziehungs- und Sexualformen leben. Mit viel Feingefühl und Humor aufgezeichnet; informativ und einzigartig.

Dylan Edwards´ Transposes separates gender from sexuality and illustrates six fascinating true stories of transgender men who also happen to be queer. The result is laugh-out-loud funny, heartbreaking, challenging, inventive, informative, and invites the reader to explore what truly makes a man a man.

Written and illustrated by Dylan Edwards, with a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Alison Bechdel ("Fun Home", "Are You My Mother?"). Finalist for the 2012 Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Fiction!

Cover The Legend of Bold Riley

Leia Weathington

The Legend of Bold Riley

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 232 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 29,99 EUR

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 232 pages, full color, 29,99 EUR

Leia Weathington´s sword-and-sorcery epic "The Legend of Bold Riley" is illustrated by Leia and a host of talented artists.

"Who is Bold Riley?" you might ask. She has hunted the wildest game and dallied with countless beautiful girls, but still longs to know the world beyond the city walls. Princess Rilavashana SanParite, called Bold Riley, leaves behind her station and sets out to travel through distant lands and find forgotten ruins, fearsome enemies, inscrutable gods and tragic love.

She´s as capable with a sword as she is with her wits-man, does she carve things up when the need arises-and is a strong, beautiful, confident woman who doesn´t wear a bikini into battle. And she always gets the girl!

Created by Leia Weathington, with art by Weathington, Marco Aidala, Vanessa Gillings, Kelly McClellan, Konstantin Pogorelov and Jason Thompson. Cover artwork by Brinson Thieme.

Continued in 4 single issues. Please see below!

Cover Rainy Day Recess

David Kelly

Rainy Day Recess

The Complete Steven’s Comics

Kartoniert (Querformat), 25 x 18 cm, 120 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache 19,99 EUR

Softcover, 10 x 7“, 120 pages, b&w, 19,99 EUR

From 1995 to 1998, David Kelly´s "Steven´s Comics" ran in LGBT and alternative newspapers around the country. This comic strip explored the world of a sensitive boy coming of age in the seventies, with all its joys, quirks, and heartbreaks. Rainy Day Recess: The Complete Steven´s Comics collects the entire Xeric-Award-winning series in one volume suitable for young adult and adult readers, with additional material created specially for this collection.

The book also includes a foreword by advice columnist and It Gets Better Project founder Dan Savage; A donation to the It Gets Better Project will by made with every copy sold.

Cover A Waste of Time

Rick Worley

A Waste of Time

Kartoniert (Querformat), 25 x 18 cm, 136 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 19,99 EUR

Softcover, 10 x 7“, 136 pages, b&w, 19,99 EUR

Autobiografische (Web-)Comics sind nur dann wirklich gut und/oder erfolgreich, wenn sie entwaffnend ehrlich sind oder einzigartige Charaktere aufweisen. "A Waste of Time" hat beides! Rick Worley zeichnet sich selbst als niedlichen Hasen und seine Mitbewohner sind ein fundamentalistischer Teddybär, ein verliebter Roboter und ein sexsüchtiger Fuchs (ok, nicht so einzigartig, eher ein Klischee). Gleichzeitig ist dieser Comic so nah an Ricks echtem Liebesleben, dass er manche Beziehungen quasi über den Comic führt. Seine Freunde und Internetbekanntschaften zeichnet Rick Worley dabei als sexy Twinks in einem realistischen Stil, was nicht unerheblich zum Lesevergnügen beiträgt. Poesie und politische Unkorrektheit wechseln sich ab bei Ricks ewiger Suche nach dem "Einen" und oft erfährt der Leser ein bisschen mehr als er eigentlich wissen möchte. Aber genau so muss es sein.

Foul-mouthed, sex-obsessed and misanthropic, Rick is no ordinary cute cartoon rabbit. The strips in this hysterically funny, surprisingly sweet collection range from fantasy tales about a closeted fundamentalist teddy bear, an oversexed fox, and a doomed robot love affair to autobiographical comics that share maybe a little too much information about the author. In their quest for contentment, the characters fail, fail, and sometimes fail again, but they never stop looking. There´s always the chance they´ll find that one person who was worth the search. Or maybe not.

Continued in 3 single issues. Please see below!

Cover Hard to Swallow Paperback

Dave Davenport & Justin Hall

Hard to Swallow

Gebunden / Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 300 Seiten,  s/w + 16 Farbseiten, in englischer Sprache,

39,99 EUR / 29,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Hardcover / Softcover, 7 x 10“, 300 pages, b&w + 16 pages in color, 39,99 EUR / 29,99 EUR

HARD TO SWALLOW COMICS was launched with a simple premise: that erotic comics should be great stories as well as being sexy. The series ran from 2006 to 2009 and featured everything from werewolves and skater ghosts to pirates and porn stars.

Now the whole series - plus a whole issue’s worth of new material - has been collected into one deluxe volume!

Featuring a forward by Scott "Babydaddy" Hoffman of Scissor Sisters.

Cover Al Qaedas Super Secret Weapon

David J. Zelman

Al Qaeda's Super Secret Weapon

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 72 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 14,99 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 72 pages, full color, 14,99 EUR

Nach dem Ende der "Don´t Ask, Don´t Tell" Doktrine sieht eine Gruppe von AL Qaeda Terroristen ihre Chance gekommen. Schwule Schläfer sollen die Truppen der US-Armee unterwandern und die Moral der Truppe zerstören. Mahmoud ist einer von ihnen. Er geht nach San Francisco, sucht sich einen Freund und versucht, so viel wie möglich über schwules Leben und schwulen Sex zu lernen. Dass er dabei beginnt, seine Religion, seine Erziehung und die Beweggründe seines Handelns zu hinterfragen, hindert ihn nicht daran, zur Armee zu gehen, um seinen Auftrag zu erfüllen. Anders als gedacht, hat dort aber niemand ein Problem mit seinem "vorgetäuschten" Schwulsein. Die spontane Sexparty im Grenzgebiet zwischen Pakistan und Indien erweist sich dann aber doch als keine so gute Idee und der indische Subkontinent vergeht im atomaren Feuer. Mahmoud ist da aber schon auf dem Weg zurück nach San Francisco zu seinem "vorgetäuschten" Freund. Denn wenn auch die Welt untergeht, Mahmoud hat seinen Platz in ihr gefunden...

Einigen Verlagen war dieser großartige Comic einfach zu heiß. Nicht etwa wegen der reichlich vorhanden schwulen Sexszenen, nein, man befürchtete allen Ernstes "negative Reaktionen" seitens der (im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes) verarschten Terroristen. Dabei bekommt in dieser wundervolle Farce nicht nur Al Qaeda ihr Fett weg. Nein, auch Republikaner, der Krieg gegen den Terror™ und so ziemlich jedes schwule Klischee werden durch den Kakao gezogen. Mit einem Wort: großartig!

Turns out the end of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was just the opening that the terrorists were waiting for! This witty, sexy, spy tale sends up Republicans, the War on Terror™ and gay clichés from A to Z. The end of the world was never so fabulous!

Cover Fearful Hunter

Jon Macy

Fearful Hunter

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 316 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 29,99 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 316 pages, b&w,  29,99 EUR

Oisin, a shy young druid, lives in a ferocious world of sacred sexuality and erotic elder gods. When he falls for Byron, a simple wolf who only mates for life, their love threatens the plans of those who desire a forbidden power. Do the star-crossed lovers stand a chance when lascivious Druid masters and savage elder gods threaten their fragile new relationship?

Punk music, pickup trucks, and psychedelic earth magic add an urban spin to this captivating queer Celtic fantasy world.

Cover Teleny and Camille

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available by Jon Macy:

Teleny and Camille

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 240 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 29,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 240 pages, b&w, 29,99 EUR 

Jon Macy, longtime contributor to gay comics publications such as GAY COMICS and BOY TROUBLE, has adapted a moving and erotic gay love story from Oscar Wilde´s classic Teleny.

Camille, a wealthy young gentleman in Victorian London, falls in love with the handsome and mesmerizing pianist Teleny. While Teleny performs on stage, the two star-crossed lovers discover they share a psychic link in the form of an erotic vision. While Camille struggles to resist his homosexuality Teleny is being pursued by others. After telepathically witnessing the erotic encounters Teleny has with both sexes, Camille attempts suicide. Teleny rescues Camille physically and emotionally with his rapturous love forsaking all others. In this newfound happiness Camille tries to forget that Teleny owes much of his success to the generosity of the women who desire him.

Fans of gay comics and gay love stories will devour this sensual tome.

Winner of the 2010 Lambda Literary Award for Gay Erotica!

Beside comics collections and graphic novels by single authors/artists Northwest Press offers also highly diverse comic anthologies.

You can order any title by email:

Cover Theater of Terror!

Justin Hall & William O. Tyler (Ed.)

Theater of Terror: Revenge of the Queers

Kartoniert / Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag, 18 x 25 cm, 272 Seiten, vollfarbig, 

in englischer Sprache, 29,99 EUR / 39,99 EUR

Softcover / Hardcover with dust jacket, 7 x 10“, 272 pages, full color, 29,99 EUR / 39,99 EUR

THEATER OF TERROR: REVENGE OF THE QUEERS showcases a remarkable collection of talented LGBTQ cartoonists illustrating in vivid detail what keeps them up at night. The end result is a tome of shocking queer horror comics we dare you to read!

Featuring everything from a gay Frankenschwein made from pig parts to a lesbian Mermaid with a bone to pick, from a demonic Culture Vulture to a trans Werekat from 1930s Paris, from a Dyke Witch with a grudge to a Drag Race in Hell, these stories leap from the page and go for the throat! This book contains over 250 pages of all-original material from 35 cartoonists.

Hosted by the inimitable Peaches Christ in San Francisco’s legendary Castro Theater, these terrifying tales of psychological horror, frightful camp, fearsome social commentary, and sexy monsters will leave you shaking in your boots for the inevitable REVENGE OF THE QUEERS!

Contributors: A.C. Esguerra, Alegra Figeroid, Ashley R. Guillory, Brad Rader, Dave Davenport, Diego Gomez, Ed Luce, Emeric Kennard, Eric Kostiuk Williams, Fiona Smyth, Geov Chouteau, Howard Cruse, Jen Hickman, Jennifer Camper, Jon Cairns, Joshua Grannell, Justin Hall, Levi Hastings, Maia Kobabe, Mariko Tamaki, Max Spragovsky, Phil Jimenez, Rachel Pollack, Robyn Adams, Sean Platter, Sina Grace, Steve MacIsaac, Tana Ford, Tara Madison Avery, Terry Blas, Tina Horn, Trinidad Escobar, Victor Hodge, William O. Tyler & Yves Navant

Cover Qu33r

Rob Kirby (Ed.)


Kartoniert / Gebunden, 18 x 21,5 cm, 241 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 29,99 EUR / 39,99 EUR

Softcover / Hardcover , 7 x 8,5“, 241 pages, full color, 29,99 EUR / 39,99 EUR

In 2012, Justin Hall edited a book called No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics, that took readers on a journey from the beginnings of LGBT comics history to the present day. QU33R is an all-new project featuring queer comics legends as well as new talents that picks up where No Straight Lines left off. We’ve set down our history, now QU33R shines a light on our future!

QU33R had its genesis in an all-color queer comic zine called THREE, which featured three stories by three creators or teams per issue. Rob Kirby published three installments of THREE annually from 2010 to 2012, and the series did well, garnering not only an Ignatz nomination for Outstanding Anthology or Collection but also earning Rob the Prism Comics Queer Press Grant in 2011.

QU33R features over 240 pages of new comics from a cross-generational lineup of award-winning LGBTQ cartoonists: Amanda Verwey (Manderz Totally Top Private Diary) - Andy Hartzell (Fox Bunny Funny, Xeric grant recipient Bread and Circuses) - Annie Murphy (Gay Genius, I Still Live) - Carlo Quispe (Uranus) - Carrie McNinch (You Don’t Get There From Here, The Assassin and the Whiner) - Christine Smith (The Princess) - Craig Bostick (Darby Crash, Go-Go Girl, Boy Trouble) - David Kelly (Rainy Day Recess: The Complete Steven’s Comics, Boy Trouble) - Diane DiMassa (Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist) - Dylan “NDR” Edwards (Transposes, Politically InQueerect) - Ed Luce (Wuvable Oaf) - Edie Fake (Gaylord Phoenix) - Eric Kostiuk Williams (Hungry Bottom Comics) - Eric Orner (The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green) - Howard Cruse (Stuck Rubber Baby, Wendel, Barefootz) - Ivan Velez, Jr. (Tales of the Closet, Dead High Yearbook) - Jennifer Camper (Juicy Mother, Rude Girls and Dangerous Women, subGURLZ) - Jon Macy (Teleny and Camille, Fearful Hunter, Nefarismo) - Jose-Luis Olivares (Pansy Boy) - Justin Hall (Glamazonia: The Uncanny Super-Tranny, True Travel Tales) - Kris Dresen (Manya, Max & Lily, She Said) - L. Nichols (Flocks, Jumbly Junkery) - Marian Runk (Not a Horse Girl, The Magic Hedge) - MariNaomi (Kiss and Tell: A Romantic Resume, Smoke in Your Eyes, Estrus Comics) - Michael Fahy (Boy Trouble) - Nicole Georges (Calling Dr. Laura, Invincible Summer) - Rick Worley (A Waste of Time) - Rob Kirby (THREE, Boy Trouble, Curbside) - Sasha Steinberg (Stonewall, Queerotica) - Sina Sparrow (Art Fag, Boy Crazy Boy) - Steve MacIsaac (Shirtlifter) - Terrance Griep (Scooby-Doo) - Tyler Cohen (Primahood).

Cover Anything That Loves

Charles "Zan" Christensen (Hd.)

Anything That Loves

Comics beyound "gay" and "straight"

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 216 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 29,99 EUR

Softcover, 7 x 10“, full color, 29,99 EUR

"Why don't you just come out already?"

"How can you be bi if you're married?"

"You'll do it with anything that moves."

For all their differences, gay and straight people are often united in their problems with bisexuality. People who follow their hearts wherever they lead, regardless of gender, are still usually met with disbelief and suspicion.

From confessional, personal accounts to erotic flights of fancy to undersea identity politics, this collection of comics invites the reader to step outside of the categories and explore the wild and wonderful uncharted territory between "gay" and "straight".

Featuring comics and illustrations by Adam Pruett, Agnes Czaja, Alex Dahm, Amy T. Falcone, Ashley Cook & Caroline Hobbs, Bill Roundy, Ellen Forney, Erika Moen, Jason A. Quest, Jason Thompson, John Lustig, Jon Macy, Josh Trujillo & Dave Valeza, Kate Leth, Kevin Boze, Leanne Franson, Leia Weathington, Lena H. Chandhok, Margreet de Heer, MariNaomi, Maurice Vellekoop, Melaina, Nick Leonard, Powflip, Randall Kirby, Roberta Gregory, Sam Orchard, Sam Saturday, Stasia Burrington, Steve Orlando, Tania Walker, and Tara Madison Avery & Mike Sullivan.

With an introduction by editor Charles "Zan" Christensen and a foreword by PoMoSexuals author Carol Queen, PhD.

Cover Three 3

Robert Kirby (Ed.)

Three #3

Geheftet, 17,5 x 21 cm, 32 Seiten, 5,00 EUR

Booklet, 7 x 8", 32 pages, 5,00 EUR

Three #3, published with the aid of the Prism Comics Queer Press Grant, brings you all-new queer comics goodness, starting off with an 8 page Wuvable Oaf tie-in story by Ed Luce; “Fly Like an Eagle,” from Carrie McNinch, which tells of her stoner-teen high school years back in 1979 Los Angeles; and “Oh No!” a crazy, very funny all-star comics jam instigated by Jen Camper, featuring Jen, Ivan Velez, Jr., Howard Cruse, Diane DiMassa, Ellen Forney, Joan Hilty, and editor Robert Kirby.

Some titles from Northwest Press are available in the classic US comic format / as single issues.

You can order any title by email:

Bei Einzelheftbestellungen müssen wir innerhalb Deutschlands einen Portopauschale von 1,50 EUR berechnen.
Ab drei Heften oder in Kombination mit anderen Comics und Büchern ist der Versand portofrei.

Cover Mama Tits Saves The Wolrd

Charles “Zan” Christensen (Text) + Terry Blas (Zeichnungen)

Mama Tits Saves the World

Heftformat, 24 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 5,00 EUR

US size, 24 pages, full color, 5,00 EUR

Can one Pacific Northwest drag queen prevail in the fight against hate? With your help… she can! Writer Charles “Zan” Christensen and artist Terry Blas—along with some guest artists—take Seattle’s most famous activist queen to a new level in the new comic book MAMA TITS SAVES THE WORLD!

Cover Politically InQueerect

Dylan Edwards

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts

Heftformat, 48 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 5.99 EUR

US size, 24 pages, full color, 5,99 EUR

In this all-new tale, Todd joins Archer and his mother on a journey to England to help Archer’s grandmother move. Gran is adamant that her old house is haunted, Archer is adamant that it isn’t. Will Archer’s skepticism lead to his peril, or is Gran amusing herself with a huge wind-up? 

Includes a selection of choice PiQue strips from the comic’s 14-year run!

Cover Dash #6

Dave Ebersole (Text) + Delia Gable (Zeichnungen)


Heftformat, je 24 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, #1 - #4 je 3,99 EUR / #5 + #6 je 4,99 EUR

US size, 24 pages, full color, #1 - #4 3,99 EUR each / #5 + #6 4,99 each

1940, Los Angeles. A disgraced private eye with a bad-boy boyfriend. A femme fatale in search of an ancient artifact. A supernatural horror lurking, growing… waiting for the time to strike!

Issue #06: The Mummy, restored to full horrifying power, holds L.A. captive. Dash wields the only weapon capable of stopping him, but when the truth of what Zita has been hiding is revealed, will he? 

The detective's life is changed forever in the final chapter of "The Case of the Mysterious Zita Makara!"

Cover Dash #5

Issue #05: While an ancient Egyptian mummy stalks the streets of LA, Dash searches for the ancient relic that can stop him. But when his search brings him to his deceased lover’s house, will he be able to face the ghosts of his past to stop the horror all around him?

Issue #04: In a dank Los Angles jail cell Zita Makara reaches back through the ages to give Dash the truth he’s been seeking. But will he be able to accept it before an ancient evil monster finds them? A major turning point in this thrilling series that you cannot miss!

Issue #03: Zita Makara is out for blood and Dash is in her sights! Can he stop her before another life is lost? Is she really the monster she appears to be…or is someone else pulling the strings?

Issue #02: After the shocking events of the last issue, Dash is now on the hunt for the mysterious Zita Makara. But will a violent interrogation by his former colleague turned rival, Detective Bruno Fernez, prevent him from stopping another murder?

Issue #01: Los Angeles, 1940: Private investigator Dash Malone can’t shake the feeling his lover, Johnny, is hiding something. Strange deaths start occurring throughout the city while a mysterious woman named Zita Makara begs Dash to take her case. When a grisly murder connects all three, a terrifying mystery unfolds.

All 6 issues are also available together in one volume. Please see above!

Cover A Waste Of Time #3

Rick Worley

A Waste of Time

Heftformat (Querformat), je 36 Seiten , vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 4,99 EUR

US size, 36 pages, full color, 4,99 EUR each

Issue #03: Rickets the broken robot and Prester the born again teddy bear finally discover the whereabouts of the elusive Bill Watterson; he’s spent decades as the prisoner of a deranged Jim Davis, forced to draw Garfield comics! Can our heroes rescue Watterson from the clutches of this commercial enterprise, or have they arrived too late?

Issue #02: Worried about Rick’s prospects for a successful art career, his creations decide he needs some inspiration. They set out to find his favorite artist, the reclusive Bill Watterson, whether Watterson wants to be found or not.

Issue #01: Rick the cartoonist rabbit is growing desperate for success, while his creations—including a coke-addicted teddy bear and a broken robot—have their own plans for his career. Things start to take a sinister turn, and Rick surprises even himself with the depths of pandering to which he’ll sink.

Continuation of A WASTE OF TIME. Please see above!

Cover Rise #2

RISE: Comics Against Bullying

Heftformat, je 48 Seiten , vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 4,99 EUR

US size, 48 pages, full color, 4,99 EUR each

Issue #02: Stand up against bullying! Featuring all-new comics from Marc Andreyko (Batwoman), Sina Grace (Li’l Depressed Boy), Vasilis Pozios, Marguerite Sauvage (Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman), Kristopher White (Father Robot), and MANY more! Proceeds benefit organizations including GLAAD, Prism Comics, and Stand For The Silent.

Issue #01: We all have a place where we belong. Featuring all-new stories from Howard Chaykin (American Flagg), Marc Guggenheim (Arrow), Chris Roberson & Dennis Culver (Edison Rex), Adam P. Knave (Amelia Cole), Jed Dougherty (World’s Finest), and many more! Proceeds benefit organizations including GLAAD, Prism Comics, and Stand For The Silent.

Cover The Legend of Bold Riley #4

Leia Weathington

The Legend of Bold Riley

Heftformat, #01 - 24 Seiten / ab #02 je 36 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 

#01 - 3,99 EUR / ab #02 je 4,99 EUR

US size, #01 - 24 pages / #02+#03+#04 – 36 pages, full color, #01 - 3,99 EUR / #02+#03+#04 – 4,99 EUR

Issue #04 - The Lion Jawed Part II (with Tara Kurtzhals & Sarah Bollinger) The fate of the kingdom of Kabumzala hangs by a thread! To save it, Bold Riley and her new companion, Swift Kuba, put their plan into action. But to succeed, they must tangle with the devious and ferocious Princess Fiddah and her army. Final issue!

Issue #03 - The Lion Jawed Part I: (with Joanna Estep) During a stormy night and under the influence of some surprisingly strong pipe weed, Bold Riley glimpses a shape of what’s to come. Now, somewhat less burdened by sorrow, she heads towards the Atratan Desert in search of the powerful city state of Kabumzala.

Issue #02 - Warp And Weft: (with Zack Giallongo) Bold Riley, still reeling from a tragic loss, continues southward with no real destination or purpose. On the desolate Broken Head Moors, she’s rescued from a terrible storm by an aged weaver whose fantastic tapestries may foretell the shape of what’s to come.

Issue #01 - The Talking Bone: (with Jonathon Dalton) Bold Riley - who has set out to find adventure in the lands beyond her home of Prakkalore - comes across a fragment of bone that shares a tale of lost love. Riley tries to reunite the lost spirit with its beloved, but soon discovers that all is not as it seemed…

Continuation of THE LEGEND OF BOLD RILEY. Please see above!

Cover The Mark of Aeacus #2

Published in cooperation with Class Comics:

Charles "Zan" Christensen (Text) + Mark "Werepuppy" Brill (Zeichnungen)

The Mark of Aeacus

Heftformat, je 48 Seiten , vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 4,99 EUR

(Sonderangebot /  Altersnachweis erforderlich)

US size, 48 pages, full color, 4,99 EUR (Special Offer)

This first non over the top sexually explicit Class Comics title delves deeply into the underbelly of erotica while delivering a riveting story written by Charles “Zan” Christensen and beautifully painted artwork illustrated by Mark Brill and is the Winner of the 2008 Queerie award of “Best Queer Indie Book“!

Issue #02: Jack’s adventure as the Bearer of The Mark of Aeacus continues. A mysterious stranger appears at the foot of Jack’s bed, tells him the secrets of the mark of power that he bears, then tells him he must die. Can Jack’s mysterious new powers save him… or would we all be better off if they didn’t?

Issue #01: Jack, a shy, tortured young man, hooks up with a mysterious stranger at a bar and loses himself in an intense and exhilarating night with him in his hotel room, during which he sees visions of bloodshed and ancient gods. In the morning, he discovers he’s been branded with a mysterious tattoo—the one his mysterious stranger had—and is now imbued with dark and brutal powers. But will those powers be enough to save him from a vicious gang attack?

Cover The Power Within

Charles "Zan" Christensen (Tex) + Mark Brill (Zeichnungen)

The Power Within

Geheftet, 32 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 3,00 EUR (Sonderangebot)

US size, 32 pages, full color, 3,00 EUR (Special Offer)

Shannon ist 13 und schwul. Sein Vater und seine Lehrer sagen ihm, er solle sich lieber nicht zu auffällig benehmen und sich anpassen. Doch das kann und will Shannon nicht. In der Schule wird er dafür gemobbt, gehänselt, schikaniert und verprügelt. Er hat eine gute Freundin, die versucht ihm beizustehen, und in ganz schlimmen Momenten erträumt er sich ein Superhelden-Alter-Ego, das ihm hilft, sich mit seinen Peinigern auseinander zu setzen (auf gute alte Superhelden-Art). Doch irgendwann wird der Druck zu groß und Shannon droht an seiner Umwelt zu zerbrechen.

"The Power Within" spielt auf eindrucksvolle Weise mit dem Genre des Superhelden-Comics und vermittelt ganz im Sinne des "It Gets Better Projekts" ( , eine einfache Durchhaltebotschaft, ohne dabei zu beschwichtigen oder platt zu sein. Bonus-Comics und Illustrationen von Größen wie Greg Rucka, Donna Barr, Gail Simone und anderen machen das Heft aber auch für Comic-Fans interessant.

A comic book tackling the subject of teen bullying and suicide, written by Charles “Zan” Christensen and drawn by Mark Brill. Shannon gets picked on a lot; his dad and teachers think he should just “fit in” more, but that doesn’t help. So Shannon escapes into a super-powered alter-ego whenever he’s in a bad situation. But will the power within be enough to save him?

And last but not least we have some prose anthologies & merch from Northwest Press.

You can order them by email:

Cover Absolute Power

Erica Friedman (Ed.)

Absolute Power: Tales of Queer Villainy!

Kartoniert, 232 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 9,99 EUR

Paperback, 232 pages, 9,99 EUR

Cover von Agnes Czaja

Since Northwest Press published its first prose collection of gay super-villain stories, "The Lavender Menace", readers have been asking for a collection of stories about queer female villains, and now the book is finally here! "Absolute Power: Tales of Queer Villainy!" brings you thirteen short stories of power, destruction and chaos by woman who love other woman almost as much as they love taking over the world!

So what is evil? What makes a person a “villain?” Is it intent to harm…or is it something deeper than that?

Each one of the thirteen authors in this amazing collection has taken a completely different approach to answering this question. They have gone above and beyond expressing the idea of evil and supervillainy. They get to the bottom of why villains are the way they are, and what they hope to gain from it. These are dangerous women wielding Absolute Power… and they’ll be glad to let you know exactly why you should fear them.

This prose collection — with an introduction by lesbian comics tastemaker Erica Friedman — includes stories by Friedman, Tristan J. Tarwater, Missouri Vaun, Barbara Ann Wright, Audrey Chase, JD Glass, Emily Kay Singer, A. Merc Rustad, Claire M. Jackson, Jude McLaughlin, Leia Weathington, Susan Smith, and Mari Kurisato.

Cover The Lavender Menace

Tom Cardamone (Ed.)

The Lavender Menace: Tales of Queer Villainy!

Kartoniert, 223 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 9,99 EUR

Paperback, 223 pages, 9,99 EUR

Cover von Joe Phillips

Thirteen short stories of terror, mayhem, and destruction which offer something highly unique in a genre that demands certain characters be only heroes or victims… gay villains! Prose collection with an introduction by Lambda Literary Award winning editor Tom Cardamone.

Includes stories by Charles “Zan” Christensen, Damon Shaw, Hal Duncan, Jamie Freeman, Jeffrey Ricker, Lee Thomas, Marshall Moore, Matt Fagan, ‘Nathan Burgoine, Rod M. Santos, Stellan Thorne, Steven Bereznai, and Tom Cardamone.

Cover Queer Pin-Ups

Edited by Jennifer Camper & designed by Craig Bostick

Queer Pin-Ups

Playing Cards featuring art by 54 LGBTQ Cartoonists

Kartenspiel, 54 Karten, 22,00 EUR

Card Game, 54 cards, 22,00 EUR

A sexy deck of 54 cards by LGBTQ cartoonists. This is a limited edition fundraising item for the Queers & Comics LGBTQ cartoonists’ conference in May 2015, presented by CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies at The Graduate Center, CUNY, NYC.

All art donated by the artists: Alison Bechdel, Craig Bostick, Paige Braddock, Tony Breed, Jennifer Camper, Kate Charlesworth, Burton Clarke, Tyler Cohen, Jennifer Cruté, David Davenport, Mike Diana, Diane DiMassa, Kris Dresen, Dylan Edwards, Howard Cruse, Michael Fahy, Tim Fish, Ellen Forney, Leanne Franson, Nicole Georges, JD Glass, Roberta Gregory, Justin Hall, Becky Hawkins, Joan Hilty, Victor Hodge, David Hooper, Iwao Iwata, Soizick Jaffre, Gina Kamentsky, David Kelly, Rupert Kinnard, Robert Kirby, Elisha Lim, Ed Luce, Jon Macy, MariNaomi, Carrie McNinch, Annie Murphy, L. Nichols, Eric Orner, Carlo Quispe, Cristy C. Road, Bill Roundy, Ariel Schrag, Sina Shamsavari, David Shenton, Christa Smith, A.K. Summers, Gengoroh Tagame, Rica Takashima, Robert Triptow, Ivan Velez, Jr., Maurice Vellekoop

(Versand innerhalb Deutschlands zuzüglich einer Portopauschale von 1,50 EUR. In Kombination mit anderen Comics, Büchern oder Artbooks portofrei!)

Sticker Wibbly-Wobbly Sexy-Wexy

Wibbly-Wobbly Sexy-Wexy Bumper Sticker

Sticker, 15 x 7,5 cm, 2,50 EUR

Bumper sticker, 6 x 3“, 2,50 EUR

Perfekt für alle die, die Kategorien und Schubladen leid sind und gleichzeitig ihre Verbundenheit mit den Geeks und Serienfans dort draußen zeigen wollen.

Wer nicht weiß was es beuten soll lässt es sich vom guten Doctor erklären: 😉

Proudly proclaim your freedom from binary sexuality and your love of geek culture all at once, with this snappy 6" x 3" vinyl sticker.

Like the Doctor said:

(Versand der Sticker innerhalb Deutschlands zuzüglich einer Portopauschale von 1,50 EUR. In Kombination mit anderen Comics, Büchern oder Artbooks portofrei!)

You can order any title by email:

For more information on the ordering process and our full stock list please visit our front page.

Feel free to ask us about any of these titles or any other comic you are looking for:

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