Weasel Press

Weasel Press

Weasel Press and its imprints Red Ferret Press and Sinister Stoat Press published Beat literature, sex-positive anthologies and poetry, as well as daring horror by diverse authors and poets. We stock most of their anthropomorphic titles.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

For more information on the ordering process please visit our front page.

Importeur: FUSSELSCHWARM – Queer Anthropomorphics, Hansaring 156, D-24534 Neumünster, info@fusselschwarm.net

Cover What Makes A Witch

Linnea Capps

What Makes A Witch

Kartoniert, 62 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,00 EUR

Paperback, 62 pages, 10,00 EUR

Greer is a young rat thrown to a cruel world. Living on the streets, he finds sanctuary with Mistress Addison, a witch and enemy of the Grand Coven. Though only women can control the power of the ley lines, Mistress Addison defies those rules and agrees to take the young rat on as her apprentice. Starting his journey, Greer finds himself learning for more about his own identity than how to cast spells.

Follow him and see what his path unfolds in WHAT MAKES A WITCH!

Winner of the Ursa Major Award 2020 for Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction and recipient of a Leo Award 2020.

Cover Carnage



Kartoniert, 218 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 15,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 218 pages, 15,00 EUR

Cover by James

When Rachel and her friends arrive at a haunted house, they get more than their average ghostly scare. Forced to face 10 stories about intense fears of relationship abuse, addiction, hookup horror, and unthinkable monsters, the trio fight to stay alive or die and become another story in the walls of Carnage.

"Nasty, sexy, grody, dripping with filth and panting with desire... these sweaty sordid little yarns get their barbs in you and don't let go!" - Midnight Society

Winner of the Cóyotl Award for Best Novel of 2021. 

Content warning: This book contains scenes of graphic violence, sexual violence, gore, murder, alcohol, smoking, sex, homophobia, blood, domestic violence, non-consent, cannibalism, blood, suicidal ideation, body hatred, death, self-harm, kidnapping, mental & verbal abuse.

Cover Jazz at the End of the Night

Also available by Weasel:

Jazz at the End of the Night 

Kartoniert, 188 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,95 EUR

Paperback, 188 pages, 12,95 EUR

Cover by Tabsely

Jazz at the End of the Night is a collection of short stories crawling from the caverns of hopelessness. The characters share in their hard times cursing the universe and losing everything that mattered to them. Each story throws the reader into a harsh reality of life changes, betrayal, and sometimes madness. Follow Derrick, returning from We Live for Half-Moons, still trying to find order in love yet only finding a crater of suffering as he explores life with a hot young thing he picked up at a gas station. Rick worked hard to keep him and his partner afloat. When he loses his job, he loses his whole life in an instant. Forced to sleep on the streets after his partner disappeared, he dreams of finding his love, hopefully alive. Izzy falls into a crippling depression as the bills pile and the collectors spam his phone. When his husband leaves him after frustration, the weasel lets go of everything in his life and takes off on the road, searching for happiness. Jazz at the End of the Night is a collection of hollow bridges, and it's not easy to find the pieces to fix them.

Recipient of a Leo Award 2017.

"Weasel’s JAZZ AT THE END OF THE NIGHT is a fine collection of dark, erotic anthropological stories unearthing the inner core of human sexuality, desires and fears." - David E. Cowen

Cover Passing Through

Weasel (Ed.)

Passing Through

Tails from the Road

Kartoniert, 138 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 9,95 EUR

Paperback, 138 pages, 9,95 EUR

Cover by Tabsely

PASSING THROUGH is a collection of stories from hitchhikers and travelers alike. Cash, Grass, or Ass, open up and hitch a ride!

Recipient of a Leo Award 2017.

Contents: "First Time Ain’t Easy" by Tyson Wes / "Seed of a Doubt" by Frances Pauli / "The Savage Caravan" by Jako Malan / "El Vucko" by Billy Leigh / "Highway to Hell" by Thurston Howl / "Underpass" by BanWynn Oakshadow

Cover Typewriter Emergencies

Typewriter Emergencies

Kartoniert, 180 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 15,95 EUR

Paperback, 180 pages, 15,95 EUR

Welcome to the first release of TYPERWRITER EMERGENCIES, a collection of psychologically damaging and hard hitting furry literature. It's a mad world we live in, a world where we are still uncovering some of the darkest of our secrets. We were asking a lot when we started our submission call. We were asking our authors to really dig the knife into their story; to give us the real maddening details, the secrets, the loss of control. And they did just that. This anthology has a total of thirteen gut-wrenching stories from several talented individuals. It's a collection that drops the reader into thirteen rough worlds without anything to protect themselves, only the leadership of the characters they're following. Each author handles a different aspect of the universe, touring the reader through some rather diverse struggles. 

TYPERWRITER EMERGENCIES is a journey not lightly made, and one that will definitely leave a deep impression on our readers. Weasel Press is proud to have our first furry collection on the books and we hope you will enjoy every moment this intense anthology has to offer.

Recipient of a Leo Award 2018.

Cover The Goat

Bill Kieffer

The Goat: Building the Perfect Victim

Kartoniert, 162 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 13,95 EUR

Paperback, 162 pages, 13,95 EUR

Cover by Viergacht

Built on a crumpling infrastructure of technology and magic, society makes a blessing of the many cursed with species dysphoria... animal souls trapped with human shells. They mold them into mages rather than monsters. Glenn is certain there's a goat inside of him but the Elder Council doesn't agree.

In a shitty marriage that plays like a broken record of abandonment and reconciliation, Frank lives in broken world. He gets by, ignoring the darkness and denying his deepest fantasies. The violence isn't as buried as he thinks it is.

And when he sees a pack of werewolves threatening a nerdy, defenseless man outside of a doughnut shop, Frank casts a few wards and rolls up his sleeve to wade into the fray.

When Glenn is rescued by his former high school bully from the ani-mages that had turned on him, he had no idea what exactly lied in store for him with Frank. But he knew one thing, if Frank couldn't beat away his humanity, no one could.

Winner of the Cóyotl Award for Best Novella of 2016.

"Shock. From beginning to end. If you ever want a book to slap you in the face as hard as possible, this... this is for you." - Thurston Howl

Cover Love Baisant

Cathy Watness

Love Baisant

Kartoniert, 24 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

Paperback, 24 pages, 15,00 EUR

Love Baisant is a series of “nontraditional” love and erotic poems featuring forbidden love between nonhuman species, queer women loving and/or sexing each other up, interracial couples who are happy, celebrations of rough, consensual sex, historical queer women longing for each other and missing their pet dog, and the sexualization of a saxophone. This is a collection for people to find a safe space in works that celebrate love and sex in all of their forms and nuances, tragedies and triumphs. This collection is also to entertain those who are in the mood for some romantic, sexy, and at times downright raunchy poetry.

Cover Furry Haiku

Thurston Howl (Ed.)

Furry Haiku

Kartoniert, 36 Seiten, in englischer & japanischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

Paperback, 36 pages, bilingual, 8,00 EUR

Cover by Creeps

The art of haiku is to express much yet remain concise. The poet must pack a great deal of meaning into their poem while only saying a few words. This brief anthology features poets who have captured that balance between remaining small and concise and showing us an entire world.

With works by Linnea Capps, Banwynn Oakshadow, Angela Jones, David Green, James Hudson and Faolan. 

Translated into Japanese by Shoji.

Cover Kisses and Kickflips

Kacey Pinkerton

Kisses and Kickflips

Kartoniert, 80 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 9,10 EUR

Paperback, 80 pages, 9,10 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by GlitterTrapBoy

This poetry collection tells the story of a gay couple who develop a complicated relationship. The first few poems I wrote came from a simple erotic idea. A grungy skater boyfriend who enjoys public sex and pretends he doesn't care. But as life changes, we do too, and so must that tough but lovable skate dog.

Character studies have always been appealing to me; I enjoy the idea of exploring the motives of a character and how they feel. Poetry has also been a fascinating form of writing to me, but I had never before found anything to drive me into writing it extensively. This collection is an attempt to merge those two interests. I wrote this collection of poetry, but it isn't my poetry. It is a character's.

The poems in this collection feature themes of love, attachment, desire, and sex, and like in real life, time and mistakes play a prominent role in growing. All the poems are biographical with an attempt for realism and honest emotions.

Cover Swept Under The Rug

Thurston Howl + Katav (Ed.)

Swept Under The Rug

Kartoniert, 134 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 134 pages, 12,00 EUR

Cover by TabaxiTaxi (actual cover uncensored)

Furries and transformation narratives go hand in hand. But what is seldom written about are furry characters transforming into objects. This erotic horror anthology ties together a few creepy but sexual narratives of just that! Readers are invited to walk into our shop of random collectibles. Each having a tale of its own, each having a past much like you. So take a moment and browse for awhile. You never know what you'll find.

Content warning: Some of the stories in this book contain themes of suicide, violence, gore, sexual assault (including of children), and dubious and complete lack of consent.

Contents: Stay With Me by Faolan / Bear Naked Choke by Iggy Q. Roquefort / Broken Promises by Ferrie / Ikezu by Cedric G! Bacon / Peep This by Nikkolas James / The Masque of the Red Fox by Thomas "Fauy" Steele

Cover Knotted 2

Weasel & Jonathan W. Thurston (Ed.)

Knotted Vol. II

Tails of Dominating Desires

Kartoniert, 194 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 15,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 194 pages, 15,00 EUR

Cover by TabaxiTaxi

Knotted is an anthology of darker pleasures, inviting readers to explore their wilder fantasies through a collection of fiction. Intended for adult audiences only, these eight stories plunge into the adventurous side of the bedroom, satiating a dominating hunger from the painful world of electric stimulation to the light and playful world of controlling another’s orgasm. Everyone has their sexual tastes, and we can be a little ravenous at times when it comes to feeding them. But, it’s okay to indulge when the sin feels just right.

Contents: "An Object Lesson" by Rechan (M/F) / "Buzzed" by Jonathan W. Thurston (M/M) / "All Work And No Play" by TJ Minde (M/M) / "The Br´er Necessities" by BanWynn Oakshadow (M/M/M) / "Gift Of The Goddess" by Mog Moogle (F/M) / "God´s Plan" by Tyson West (F/M) / "Centerpiece" by Madison „Mayko“ Scott-Clary (M/F) / "Short Staffed" by Televassi (F/M)

Cover 12 Days of Yiffmas

Jonathan W. Thurston (Ed.)

The 12 Days of Yiffmas

A Naughty Furs Holiday Wishlist

Kartoniert, 256 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 16,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 256 pages, 16,99 EUR

Cover by Joseph Chou

Happy howlidays and merry yiffmas from Red Ferret Press! This anthology contains twelve erotic furry tales for the holiday season, complete with illustrations and an accompanying music album (Links inside).

On the twelfth day of yiffmas, this antho gives to you: Twelve puppers humping / Eleven Krampus beatings / Ten Bulfs a-frowning / Nine brothers nuzzling / Eight snow-wolves looming / Seven singers howling / Six reindeer coming / Five necrophiles! / Four chastity cages / Three cat captains / Two snake orgies

and a candy cane used for more than your mouth!

Contents: "A (Not Yet) Merry Christmas" by WhiteClaw (M/M) / "Freyr´s Game" by Faolan (M/M/F) / "Where the Lovelight Gleams" by Colin Leighton (M/M) / "Do Not Open Until Xmas" by Kuroku (M/M) / "Yule Carol" by Cedric G! Bacon (F/M) / "Ice Fishing with Nick" by Sisco Polaris (M/M) / "Band Over" by Miles Reaver (M/M/M) / "Snow-Plowed" by Nathanial „LeCount“ Edwards (M/M) / "Family Comes First" by Ferric (M/M) / "Thirty-Nine-and-a-Half-Foot-Pole" by Thurston Howl (M/ multiple M) / "Jingle Hell" by Patrick D Lambert (M/M) / "Waggy" by TJ Minde (M/M)

With artwork by Boneitis, TabaxiTaxi, Faukx, Jakensitou, Stedilnik, Iudicium, Tabsley,  Joseph Chou, Flowamai, Erkhyan, Indicium and Dktorzi.

Cover Fragments of Lifes Heart

Mando and Munchkin (Ed.)

Fragments of Life's Heart

Kartoniert, 402 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 19,95 EUR

Paperback, 402 pages, 19,95 EUR

Cover by Darkomi

They say Love is the oldest story on Earth, but we don’t have to tell it the same way every time. How many ways are there to explore our feelings that we may have never even considered? Countless fragments of different worlds, all held together by the greatest force of all.

Join us as we explore the many different forms of love—family love, forbidden love, love that embraces what society always taught was wrong. Seasoned veterans and brand new talents bring you seventeen anthropomorphic stories with all different forms of sexuality and relationships, in a journey across genres, worlds, and time.

Love can bloom, thrive, and end. Love can heal, mesh, and blend. We’re all Fragments trying to stick together.

Contents: "Tending the Fires" by Jess E Owen / "Transitions" by Mog Moogle / "The Mistress of Tidwell Manor" by Renee Carter Hall / "Yet Time and Distance" by Kris Carver / "Polynomials by Fever Low / "Raise Your Voice" by Stefano "Mando" Zocchi / "Going Out" by T C Powell / "Harvest Home" by Altivo Overo / "The Foreigner" by Dwale / "Trade All the Stars" by Watts Martin / "Draw to the Heart" by Ocean Tigrox / "Paint the Square-Cut Sky" by Slip-Wolf / "Hearth Soup" by Laura "Munchkin" Lewis / "Brass Candy Girl" by M C A Hogarth / "Footsteps" by Televassi / "Rain Check" by Field T Mouse / "The Soul of Wit" by Daniel Lowd

Cover Reach for the Sky

Vixyy Fox

Reach for the Sky

The Battle of Britain – A Novel of Lt. Corn

Kartoniert, 420 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 17,95 EUR

Paperback, 420 pages, 17,95 EUR

Cover & Illustrations by Little Napoleon

REACH FOR THE SKY is an anthropomorphic tale in which you will find stories of daring, bravery, and even love; where by the Battle of Britain is brought to vivid life from the perspective of those who lived it. The stories in this series are based upon real history. They represent memories that are fast slipping away; memories of a time that drastically affected the entire world. 

Storyteller Vixyy Fox and Artist Little Napoleon have combined their efforts in this work; bringing to life a history blended with characters all too human yet set apart by who they are. In the reading you will forget they are Fox or Stag or Bulldog or Wolf. The fact they are not human actually allows you to understand more fully the human emotion they portrait. There is the determination of the Wolf; unwavering loyalty expressed as German nationalism. There is the tenacious Bulldog; shown to be fierce and unrelenting as the leader of England or as an old fighter pilot. Then too the quick wits and cleverness of the Fox are brought forward as a sorely needed wingman complimenting the determination and resolve of the English Stag who is willing to take on all challenges no matter the cost. 

Written for the adult reader, REACH FOR THE SKY is a continuing Battle of Britain series based upon the characterization of Flight Lieutenant Archie Corn as introduced to the writer by Anthony Stewart, her friend and fellow aviation enthusiast. Enjoy...

Includes the Winner of the Cóyotl Award for Best Novella of 2012.

Weasel Press also had published the quarterly furry hustler magzine #OHMURR!

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

Cover #OhMurr! Spring 2022

Weasel (Ed.)


Spring 2022

Kartoniert, 21 x 27 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR 

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 10,5“, 82 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

#OHMURR! is a venture into furry smut like no other. Blending photography, short fiction, and nonfiction into an sex positive experience not yet seen in the furry fandom. Each issue seeks to feature murrsuit photography, pup gear, pony gear and related kinks, on top of fandom made sex toys, sex positive articles and experiences from furries / pet players, and playfully sex-filled fiction.

Think of a Hustler magazine for furries, only without right wing cringe. Sex positive, as diverse as possible, and a lot of fun. 

This seventh (regular) issue  of #OHMURR! includes short stories (Blinded by the Moonlight by Thomas „Faux“ Steele, The Customurr is Always Right by Aldous Husky, The Screwjack by Izzy Torres, The Whore Next Door by MikasiWolf); interviews with Mockingbird Leather, The Crafty Hedonist, Bee´s Bizarre Bazaar, Badcat Furniture, Kisu and Friends and Darker Horse Toys; photos of Inferno (Cover), Luteus, Tig, Izzy T., Emili Purr, SubbyShiarra, DozingUnicorn, PurrfectPlayToy, James Sharp and Stephie the Deer; and reviews of Dildos from The Crafty Hedonist, Bee´s Bizarre Bazaar, Kisu and Friends, Darker Horse Toys and Bad Dragon as well as Pup Collars from Mockingbird Leather.

Cover #OhMurr Winter 2022

Winter 2022

Kartoniert, 21 x 27 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 10,5“, 82 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

This sixth (regular) issue of #OHMURR! includes short stories (Be Your Valentine by MikasiWolf, Familiarity Breeds Contempt by Aldous Husky, An Immortal´s Consort by Thomas „Faux“ Steele, Rebel Scum by IantheFolfy); an essay about a hook up in Russia by IantheFolfy, interviews with Batbites Art, SubshopDapper Doberman, Topped Toys, Drake´s Shop, Fantasdicks, Concocktions, Factory-D, Knotme! Toys and Grunge Bunny Gear; photos of Sinful Solas (Cover), Breezy, Luteus, Jamie Sharp, Izzy, Koji, Laila Mayhem, SubbyShiarra, Thurston Howl and Saigon; as well as reviews of Dildos from Batbites Art, Topped Toys, Drake´s Shop, Fantasdicks, Concocktions, Factory-D, Knotme! Toys, and Fetish Gear from Subshop and Dapper Doberman.

Cover OhMurr DIldo Edition 2021

Dildo Edition 2021 (Actual cover uncensored)

Kartoniert, 21 x 27 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 10,5“, 82 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

This special Dildo Edition of #OHMURR! includes short stories (Playtime by Sleth, Fitting In by Mikasiwolf, Game On by Darius Davis, Shapeshifter by DirtyCoyote); interviews with Creature Feature Toys, Nerdclimax, Ambush Toys, Gaudy Gryphon, Primal Hardwere, Phreak Club, Deep Fantasies, Weredog, Lust Arts, and Carnal Compendium; photos of Jamie Sharp (Cover), HornedDomi, SubbyShiarra, Thurston Howl, Izzy T., Chroma, and Stephie; as well as reviews of Dildos from Creature Feature Toys, Nerdclimax, Ambush Toys, Gaudy Gryphon, Primal Hardwere, Phreak Club, Deep Fantasies, Weredog, Lust Arts, and Carnal Compendium.

Cover OhMurr Holiday 2021

Holiday Edition 2021

Kartoniert, 21 x 27 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 10,5“, 82 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

This (XX)X-Mas themed issue of #OHMURR! includes short stories (A Boy´s Gift by S. Park, Delivering the Joy by MikasiWolf, Holiday Giving by Ada Finch, The Nutcracker & The RatDaddy by Thomas „Faux“ Steele); interviews with Exotic-Erotics, Senmurv Studios, Vulkenstein Studios, Wolfberry Crafts, Lair of Lust, and Sabre McCullough; illustrations by & a feature about Robbie; photos of Kyo (Cover), Ayli Katt, Izzy T., Takua Wotter, SubbyShiarra, Tyggz Tiger, ArdiWolfe, Kit, and Modesto; as well as reviews of Dildos (Exotic-Erotics, Senmurv Studios, Lair of Lust), a Pony hood (Vulkenstein Studios), a Pup hood (Sabre McCullough), and Bad Dragon Toys.

Cover OhMurr Halloween 2021

Halloween Edition 2021

Kartoniert, 21 x 29,5 cm, 104 Seiten, vollfarbig. in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 11,5“, 104 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

This Halloween themed issue of #OHMURR! includes short stories (Kulak-Gor by Holly A. Morrison, Hell on a Two-Lane Blacktop by Weasel, The Jinn´s Bargain by Thomas „Faux“ Steele); interviews with FAPP, Chillow Fantasies, Love Muscle Toys, ForFun, Darkpaw Studios, Kudu Voodoo, Tail Labs, Jack O´Toys, Wolfskin Studios, and Vulpini Design; photos of Strypz (Cover), Luteus, Takua, Blair Lox, Ace, Plasmic, Izzy T., Altin, and Luteus; as well as reviews of FAPP the tabletop RPG, Dildos (Chillow Fantasies, Love Muscle Toys, Kudu Voodoo, Tail Labs, Jack O´Toys, Vulpini Design), Petsuits (ForFun), Dakimakuras (Darkpaw Studios), Primal Hardwere & Bad Dragon Toys. 

Cover OhMurr Fall 2021

Fall 2021

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 80 Seiten, vollfarbig. in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 80 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

The fifth (regular) issue  of #OHMURR! includes short stories (The Military Spouse by MikasiWolf, Raise ´Em by Thurston Howl, Intensive Tutoring by Thomas „Faux“ Steele); interviews with Organo Toys, Twisted Beast, Pothos Stable, Argents Apparel, Salty Doggo Toys, Braeburned, Mothsicle Suits, Explore the Realm, Lemonbrat Studios, Norsewolf Creations, Madetowere, Threads Workshop; photos of  Ryne Bearlet (Cover), SubbyShiarra, SaoirseMutt, Makai, BioBatz, Bumpas, Thurston Howl, Shirou, Izzy T., and Blair Lox; as well as reviews of a Half Pup mask (Primal Hardwere), Dildos (Organo Toys, Twisted Beast, Salty Doggo Toys, Explore the Realm, Madetowere), a Pup hood (Argent Apparel), Murrsuits (Lemonbrat Studios) and Braedurned´s 609.

Cover #OhMurr! Summer 2021

Summer 2021 (Actual cover uncensored)

Kartoniert, 21 x 27 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 10,5“, 82 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

The fourth (regular) issue of #OHMURR! includes short stories (There´s Something I Should Tell You by Max Turner, No Age Limit by MikasiWolf, These Are the Days of Our Lives by Weasel), interviews with Furry Dakimakura, Twilight Meadow Creations, Frosst Fursuits, Vaachar, Bad Dragon, NeexArt, Dauntless Rooster, SilentKimiya Workshop, Exhibit51, Ritz Costumes, features about S. Park (plushie maker) and BlackLynk (musician), photos of Ryff Hyena (Cover), Stephie, Mumble, Jamie Sharp, Pyro Firestorm, Bumpas, SaoirseMutt, SubbyShiarra, Ryne Bearlet, BioBatz, Thurston Howl and Weasel, as well as reviews of a face mask, wall scroll & dakimakura (Furry Dakimakura), a tentacle & ovipositor (Primal Hardwere), masturbators (Vaachar, Bad Dragon) and Dildos (Twilight Meadow Creations, Bad Dragon, Dauntless Rooster, Exhibit51).

Cover Oh Murr! Sping 2021

Spring 2021

Kartoniert, 21 x 27 cm, 82 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderabgebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 10,5“, 82 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

The third issue of #OHMURR! includes a short story (A Night to Walk by MikasiWolf), essays on Exploring ABDL & Babyfur by Thomas „Faux“ Steele & Self-Exploration by Brianne Kendall, interviews with Bully Bros Gear, Blackfang Labs, Sexpert Jamie Sharp, Leathersaurus, Wilde Prints, Sleepy Stag Suits, Flurb!, Living Beasts, Akifu Toys, Xenocat Artifacts & Scrapyard Leather, illustrations by & a feature about Yagi Badboi, photos of Jinothestray (Cover), Pup Bubba Yukon, Izzy T. AKA Weasel, Spacey, Shirou, RabidRabbit, Thurston Howl, Cerebus, Jinxy, Luteus & Pup Sugar, as well as reviews of #OHMURR! Summer 2020 (by Brianna Kendall), a Bull Hoods (Bully Bros), a Hyena Hood and Leashes (Leathersaurus), vinyl stickers (Wilde Prints), plush attachments (Sleepy Stag Studios), Fleshights (Flurb!), a tail (Living Beasts) and Dildos (Blackfang Labs, Akifu Toys).

Cover OhMurr Winter 2021

Winter 2021 (Actual cover uncensored!)

Kartoniert, 21 x 29,5 cm, 92 Seiten, vollfarbig. in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8 x 11,5“, 92 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Special Offer)

The second issue of #OHMURR! includes short stories (Tunnel of Love by Circ, Wheely Sex by Brianna Kendall, To Dine with a Wolf by Tazo Phonix & A Barista Kitten by Sylleath), essays on Sex Pawsitivity by Katav and Hypnokink by Kuroko,  interviews with Inked Fur, Watts the Safeword, Snap Jaw, Fantasy Grove Toys, Lovesmith Toys, Cassius Crafts, Sinnovator, BBFursuits & Paladin Pleasure Sculptors, illustrations by JunkieBoy, Nethil feat. Dante San & a feature about Fenrir, photos of Raleigh (Cover), Wicked Osiris, Pup Bubba Yukon, Sonoran Anuby, Luteus, Izzy T., Marrow, Angus Hoss, Thurston Howl, Stella West, Shirou, PurrfectPlaytoy, Hazel, Alpha Muttles, Mishka Wolfcat, JinoTheStray, Sugar & Saigon, as well as reviews of WHIP AND BOOT (by Togo), a pup mask (Sanp Jaw), a pair of sheath shorts (Cassius Crafts), a tail (BBFursuits) and many different Dildos (Wandering Bard, Fantasy Grove Toys, Lovesmith Toys, Sinnovator & Paladin Pleasure Sculptors).

Cover OhMurr!

Summer 2020

Kartoniert, 18 x 25 cm, 74 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 8,00 EUR

(Sonderangebot / Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 74 pages, full color, 8,00 EUR (Sonderangebot)

The first issue of #OHMURR! includes short stories (Circle Sky by Cedric G! Bacon, Backseat Driving by Anonymous, Connected by the Waves by Circ, Dark of Night by Primus Leonides & Jitters by Whiteclaw), interviews with Wandering Bard Toys, Rudderbutts & Rogue Fang, illustrations by Thiger, photos of Maeby (Cover), Spacy, AuroraKitten, BigTittyTusky, Haru Hijink, Katav, Rabid Rabbit, Phosphur“Alpha“Wulf, Cerberus Balor, The Breeding Grounds, SubbyShiarra, Softykitten, Roswell, NaughtyCrux & Thurston Howl, an essay on House Parties (by Reverie) as well as reviews of OMAHA THE CAT DANCER (by Summercat), Underwear (Rudderbutt & Rogue Fang) and the Centaur Dildo from Wandering Bard Toys.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

For more information on the ordering process and our full stock list please visit our front page.

Feel free to ask us about any of these titles or any other book or comic you are looking for: info@fusselschwarm.net

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