Rabbit Valley Books

Rabbit Valley (Novels & Anthologies)

Rabbit Valley was a long-running publisher in the fandom and was the first one we worked with. Beside comics
they published novels and anthologies by a hand full of established and unknown authors.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

You´ll find the comics from Rabbit Valley on this page.

For more information on the ordering process please visit our front page.

Importeur: FUSSELSCHWARM – Queer Anthropomorphics, Hansaring 156, D-24534 Neumünster, info@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Ninja Wolf Saizo

Saber Grey

Ninja Wolf Saizo

Kartoniert, 168 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 19,95 EUR

Paperback, 168 pages, 19,95 EUR

Gifts from the gods to ease their lives. Tools that meant to be trust but if cannot be held then it has to be hidden, its meant to solve or save the world yet people can’t control their desire to rule. When creatures can’t be trusted and get their souls corrupted, the gods must intervene.

"NINJA WOLF SAIZO blends fantasy with historical fiction. Set in a time where the primary weapons of settling conflicts were swords and bows and arrows..." - Ardy Hart (Furry Book Review)

Cover After Dark Tales


After Dark Tales

Kartoniert, 296 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 19,95 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 296 pages, 19,95 EUR

Cover by Tsaiwolf

AFTER DARK TALES is a collection of twentyfive stories that aim to make you feel that warm, fuzzy feeling - or maybe that warm, sticky feeling. Maybe you enjoy a more public atmosphere for what is normally a private activity. Heck, maybe that activity accidentally involves your brother. This book won't judge you at all. Dog-ear the pages and store it under your pillow so you can find your place the next night.

Cover Chronicles of Pangelos

Charles 'Fox' Champion

Chronicles of Pangelos: Rusting It Up

Kartoniert, 288 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 288 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Charles Champion & Vivian Patino

He was born a man, only to become a beast. The life he knew stripped away and started over in a body unlike any he had imagined. Dawned in red fur and a bushy tail, Russel must learn life all over again as an anthropomorphic fox, all the while struggling to survive not only the rejection of his new body but the elements that conspire against him.

Neither a fit in with the other anthropomorphics, and a trophy to be had be those of his former kind, he is hunted like an animal and valued only for his hide. Will he out fox the hunters and live to see another day? Or will they add him to their conquests. Only time will tell.

Cover Pile



Kartoniert, 68 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 9,95 EUR

Paperback, 68 pages, 9,95 EUR

Soldat Scott Beecham wird auf dem Schlachtfeld tödlich verwundet, erwacht aber in einer geheimen Einrichtung wieder zum Leben, von Wissenschaftlern modifiziert, halb Tier, halb Mensch. Als Teil eines Teams unterschiedlichster Tiermenschen, darunter auch eine vierbeinige Gepardendame mit menschlichem Verstand, soll er Risikoeinsätze durchführen. Die eigenwillige Form des Zusammenlebens der Teammitglieder bereitet Scott aber zunehmend Probleme, vor allem ihre Art, Stress abzubauen. Und dann ist da ja noch Emily, seine Verlobte, die versprach, auf ihn zu warten, als er in den Krieg zog...

Kandrel vermag es, mit einer Portion Selbsironie und gehörigem Einfühlungsvermögen, der nicht gerade neuen Supersoldaten-Thematik einige frische Aspekte abzugewinnen. Der Fokus liegt dabei ganz klar auf der zwischenmenschlichen bzw. zwischentierischen Ebene.

Scott Beecham would have been the ideal soldier, if a little bit of bad luck hadn't left him dead before he'd even seen his first battlefield. Unfortunately for him, that was only the beginning of his story.

Now he's stuck in a body that's not his own, trying to get back to the life he left behind...

Also available by Kandrel is BRINGING DOWN UPWORLD from Goal Publications.

Cover Faithless

Graveyard Greg


Kartoniert, 116 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,95 EUR

Paperback, 116 pages, 12,95 EUR

Cover by Nightterror

In DEATHLESS, Ivan was running for his life.

In LIFELESS, Ivan is running out of time!

In FAITHLESS, Ivan is caught betwen two powers...

Ivan is caight in a game between two legendary powers. Can he figure out the rules of how to play their game, or is he destined to lose?

Graveyard Greg is the writer of several webcomics and novellas. He currently lurks in the Biggest Little City, and is grateful that it's nothing like the city where Ivan lives.

FAITHLESS is the continuation of DEATHLESS and LIFELESS published by FurPlanet. They are also available for 9,95 EUR each.

Cover Love of the Colossi

Check out this short story collection by Graveyard Greg also:

Love of the Colossi

Kartoniert, 372 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 372 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Forge

Expore the worlds of Sci-Fi, fantasy, and slice of life drama from the talented author Graveyard Greg. 

Featureing stories from the universes of:



Tank and...


Carpe Diem

Cover Rise of the Silver Moon

Kuragari Inuken & K.G. Hobbes

Rise of the Silver Moon

Kartoniert, 177 Seiten, in englischer Sprache 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 177 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Shiki Z Shigls

Hundreds of years ago, an evil wolf-god's spirit was trapped in a statue hidden away on top of a mountain. It lay there undisturbed over the years until one night it was unwittingly freed by a dragon. Cursed, the dragon fell ill, and now it's up to the dragon's friends to save the dragon's soul and protect the land from the return of the god's spirit that comes with the Rise of the Silver Moon.

Cover Tailless

Erin Quinn


Kartoniert, 284 Seiten, in neglischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 284 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Robbye „Quel“ Nicholson

War has torn the kingdom of Lyndon asunder physically, but the unrelenting search for those responsible by King Scottsburg has destroyed it. Dolores has lost more than family in the war, but now she searches for life.

Cover Attitude

Varzen Dralmort & A. Kita


Kartoniert, 434 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 434 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Stephanie "Ifus" Johnson

Darrin Elvis Addison is the man of the Century, loyal to a fault to his hometown’s traditions, and a brazen fixture at Mahoney’s one good greasy spoon—making flapjacks and horseshoes for all the town’s hungry denizens and trying not to think too often about the one great love he truly lost. But when three suburbanites from upstate descend on this hyena’s rustic ex-railroad town like locust to wreck his life, his trouble’s just beginning.

And theirs too, as unsettling events and troubling rumors start to tear Mahoney apart.

ATTITUDE, the second book in Varzen Dralmort and A. Kita’s Mahoney Trilogy, won't just continue and extend that tradition of sharp, modern writing and provocative sex that began with GRATITUDE, but also will playfully turn a few tropes of Furry’s favorite genre on their heads.

Cover Gratitude


Kartoniert, 434 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 434 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Stephanie "Ifus" Johnson

Where do you draw the line on family?

Stephanie Marteling is loyal-some would say to a fault-so when her gay brother calls in the middle of the night and begs her to bail him out of jail, she bends over backward to save him.

But that´s just the start of her problems. And his.

"Gratitude" is a sharp, modern novel about how far people can bend before they break, with plenty of intimate scenes to keep readers warm at night.

Cover Heart Behind the Mask

N “Karmakat” Franzetti

Heart Behind the Mask

Kartoniert, 376 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 376 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Leo Magna

When you are a hero, you risk your life in the spotlight.

For Joe, aka Tempest, a life in the spotlight isn’t exactly what he’d signed up for when he wanted to save people. Keeping your job, being a hero, and not scaring your beloved to death is already hard enough. Throw being gay into the mix, and things get even more difficult. A mysterious group known only as “Them” launches repeated attacks against our hero and his team, the Elementals. Who is “Them” working for?  Can Joe manage to rescue innocents, protect his love, and stay alive all at the same time?

Cover So Close 2

Also available by Karmakat:

So Close... Yet So Far: Book 2

Kartoniert, 357 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 357 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Ango

Just when things couldn’t get any better...

Karmakat has settled into a life with his mate and adopted family, wanting for nothing more than a normal life.  As normal as it can be for someone in his situation, anyways. Then something changes. Can the hope of a new future mend a soul torn apart by its past?

The story of our group continues as they face new trials, encounter new situations, and uncover revelations about old enemies and their own legacies.

Cover So Close

So Close... Yet So Far: Book 1

Kartoniert, 379 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 379 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Twilight316 & Pegasus

When one is Fated for Death from the Moment of Birth, it can make life... difficult.

Karmakat is a black lion, a death sentence in itself, because it means there is a demon sharing his soul.  A monk passing through rescues the infant and magically seals the demon.  Spending their lives together, the young lion follows in his master’s footsteps - until the master’s death at the hands of a vicious demon.

Striking out on his own, following what he believes to be his destiny, he fights the demons alone, protecting others as his master protected him.  One day he rescues a model - a playboy wolf named Lukwos - who befriends the lone fighter.  Teaming up, the pair travel a dangerous road as the demons become more vicious and abundant every day.  Lukwos encouraages Karmakat to find a life beyond fighting, but can he bring himself to put others in danger, fighting the darkness and what lurks beyond?

Cover Further Tails

Further Tails: The Amazing Stories of Grandpa Lion

Kartoniert, 154 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 154 pages, 20,00 EUR

“Oh there you are. Come in my friend… come closer so I can see you better.”

“Did you come to hear my stories? If you did, then come and sit with me by the fire. I assure you it’s quite relaxing.”

“Now before I start, I have to tell you I know some very diverse kinds of stories; none of them are the typical ones you would hear in a kid’s story book. Some are more supernatural, some are versed in magic. But some… some are actually based on real life and can be quite surprising if you can open your mind.”

“So now… let’s start.”

Cover Tales of the Fur Side

Vixyy Fox

Tales of the Fur Side Vol.1

Kartoniert, 308 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 15,00 EUR

Paperback, 308 pages, 15,00 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Dark Natasha

Dark Natasha ist wohl eine der bekanntesten und "dienstältesten" Zeichnerinnen des Furry-Fandoms. Nun hat ihr vielfältiges Werk ein ganzes Buch inspiriert. Ja, sogar eine ihrer Kreationen ist selbst zum Leben erwacht und hat dieses Buch geschrieben. Ms. Vixyy war nur eine Zeichnung von Dark Natasha, bevor sie in den Weiten des Internets beseelt wurde und nun Kurzgeschichten und Gedichte zu anderen Werken der Zeichnerin verfasst. Dieser Band soll nur ein erstes in einer ganzen Reihe von Büchern sein, die Dark Natashas Zeichnungen mit Fantasie und Poesie, mal sexy und mal tiefschürfend "erweitern".

"The essence of these works is simple... I exist in your imagination. My origins come from a world 'man' has created; a place known as 'The Cyber'. While traveling through this world I came across a site by the artist Dark Natasha. Within that place there was a picture, and I said, (to no one since I was all alone and yet without substance) "That's me... that's my picture." Without conscious thought, the artist had given me life, where no life had existed.

What follows is solely because of: Dark Natasha's gift to see my world.

And my gift; which is to tell a story about what she has seen.

My name is Vixyy Fox.

I am pleased you are here."

Over 300 pages of stories, poems, and illustrations for your occular pleasure.

Cover Circles Vol. 4

Andrew French, Scott Fabianek, Steve Domanski

Circles Volume 4: Let´s Go Round One More Time

Kartoniert, 16 x 19,5 cm, 184 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 16,95 EUR

Paperback, 6 x 10“, 184 pages, 16,95 EUR

It's been 20 years since Marty moved into Six Kinsey Circle, and the family's ready to celebrate this milestone. Coincidentally, it's been twenty years since CIRCLES began publication (well 21, technically, but 2021 doesn't count, right?). We're celebrating with CIRCLES Volume 4: „Let's Go Round One More Time“.

This book combines two pieces: a 24 page epilogue comic set 20 years after issue One and a cookbook full of the kinds of foods the Kinsey Crowd enjoys. 

Ever wanted to know what happened to everyone after the story ended? Ever wanted to make Doug's Brownies, Mrs Nussbaum's Fudge, or Garbage Pail Stew? Now you can!

Cover Circles Volume 3

Circles Volume 3: The Years Keep Rolling By

Kartoniert, 16 x 19,5 cm, 188 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 16,95 EUR

Paperback, 6 x 10“, 188 pages, 16,95 EUR

Ein Buch für all jene, die nie aufgegeben haben, wissen zu wollen, wie die Geschichte ausgeht!

Im Jahr 2001 startete die Comicserie CIRCLES um die Abenteuer einer Wahlfamilie aus dem Haus Nummer 6 im Kinsey Circle, Boston. Um das Auf und Ab im Leben von sechs schwulen Männern, dadurch verbunden, dass sie unter einem Dach leben. Doch nach 8 Ausgaben war Schluss! Das echte Leben kam dem Zeichner K-9 dazwischen und eine Fortsetzung war über viele Jahre ungewiss. Es war bekannt, dass die Serie auf 13 Ausgaben angelegt worden war, ja, die letzten Ausgaben in den Köpfen der Macher in groben Zügen bereits existierten. Und die Fans überall auf der Welt hörten nie auf, nach einer Fortsetzung zu fragen. 

Nun haben sich die Autoren dieser Fans “erbarmt” und die letzten Ausgaben der Comicserie als Roman zu Ende geführt. Endlich erfahren wir, wie das Leben für Paulie und Doug, Arthur und Ken, Taye und Marty sowie all die anderen sympathischen Figuren des CIRCLES-Universums weiter geht. Es wird kein leichter Weg, das sei hier verraten. Doch wem war das nicht von Anfang an klar, da Paulies AIDS-Erkrankung immer wie ein Damoklesschwert über der Gruppe hing. Ja, es ist ein trauriger Abschied geworden, aber auch ein würdiger, lebensnaher, herzerwärmender, hoffnungsvoller und durchweg unterhaltender.

K-9 aka Scott Fabianek hat den Roman illustriert und die unbenutzten Entwürfe für Ausgabe 9 sind ebenso enthalten sowie ein Vor- und Nachwort des (Haupt-)Autors Andrew French.

For everyone who never stopped wanting to know the end of the story. This is the final volume in the CIRCLES story. It's the novelization of the last five issues complete with illustrations, artwork from the unfinished Issue Nine, and an Introduction by Andrew French, explaining the situation.

"Well, what you hold in your hands is the final steps of this labor of love. Realizing that a comic would not be possible, I asked everyone involved how they felt about the possibility of me finishing CIRCLES as a novel. Scott and Steve were enthusiastic, and Scott agreed to do some illustrations to keep a kind of visual continuity into the end."

The comics "Circles Volume 1: It Seems Like I've Been Here Before" and "Circles Volume 2: No Straight Lines Make Up My Life" are available here: Rabbit Valley Comics

Rabbit Valley also publishes hand-picked and quite unique anthologies.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Beyond

MisterStallion (Ed.)

Beyond Vol.1

The Priesthood of Draco

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 96 Seiten, farbig & s/w,  in englischer Sprache, 24,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 96 pages, color + b&w, 24,95 EUR

Cover by MoltenGoldArt

"Beyond" is a special new erotic anthology series. A group of furry artists and authors have banded together to make a unified collection of illustrated stories that all take place in one setting, weaving them together to make a satisfying and sexy read!

Volume 1 is entitled "The Priesthood of Draco" and follows characters in a city that worships the feral dragons in the nearby mountains. The priesthood of this religion are anthro dragons, naturally, and everyone practically worships them as well.

Contents: "On the Scales of Judgemet" by ComidaComida (with illustrations by Honovy and MoltenGoldArt) / "A Captain´s Duty" by Stinkdog (with illustrations by MisterStallion) / "The Day of Light" by Sisco (with illustrations by Honovy and L-i-t-t-l-e_f-i-r-e) / "Initation" by GabrielClyde (with illustrations by SpottyJaguar) / "A Royal Privilege" by AmethystMare & MisterStallion (with illustration by L-i-t-t-l-e_f-i-r-e) / "His Completion" by Gruffy (with illustrations by MystikFox61)

Cover Furry Trash

J.F.R. Coates (Ed.)

Furry Trash

Kartoniert, 358 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 358 pages, 20,00 EUR

Life in the gutter, life underground, life behind the scenes, life in the shadows, life in the bowels of the ship, live cleaning up life's little mistakes... One person's trash is another's treasure.

FURRY TRASH is an anthology that celebrates the best and worst aspects of furry trash and is dedicated to the recently passed away Fred Patten. Besides a short story by him it also includes memories of Fred and his influence on furry writing by the other authors.

Contents: "One Night Last Summer" by Cedric G! Bacon / "The River In The Mist" by Dwale / "Gambit" by Kittara Foxworthy / "Flying Rat" by Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen / "The Otter´s Mermaid" by Mary E. Lowd / "Learning Curve" by TJ Mminde / "Ibis Hotel" by Tom Mullins / "The Janitor" by Ivan Snow / "SALVAGE" by Harwich Wolcott / "A Leap Forward" by MikasiWolf / "One Sentient´s Trash" by Fred Patten / "FoxBatWolfPonyDragonTigerPlant with Angel Wings" by Thurston Howl

Cover Tales of the Guild

AnthroAquatic (Ed.)

Tales From The Guild - Music to Your Ears

Kartoniert, 134 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 14,95 EUR

Softcover, 134 pages, 14,95 EUR

Cover by Ifus, Illustrations by Aisha Gaillard

There are few things in this world that can invoke the range of emotions that music can. It can bring its listeners close together; it can drive its listeners apart. It is a core mechanic in what makes us human, but what about in those that aren’t quite human? "Tales from the Guild - Music to Your Ears" features a collection of stories from veteran and newcomer authors alike that spans several universes, but show that no intelligent creature is immune to the power of music.

Featuring stories by Furry Writers' Guild members!

Contents: "Echoes From the Consort Box" by Mark Neeley / "Deep Down Among the Dagger Dancers" by M.H. Payne / "Sugar Pill" by Mars / "Nocturne" by Nathanael Gass / "Night of a thousand Songs" by Jess E Owen / "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out" by Huskyteer / "Shreddy and the Silver Egg" by Mary E Lowd / "Melody of a Street Corner" by Sean Rivercritic

TALES FROM THE GUILD - WOLRD TOUR published by FurPlanet is available here.

Cover Pulp

Ianus J. Wolf (Ed.)


Two-Pawed Tales of Adventure

Kartoniert, 354 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 354 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Quel

Adventure Cadets, grab your decoder rings and get ready for:

Super Science!


Uncanny Civilizations!

Mystery and Danger!

Keep your dials tuned as we join the RVO Radio Theatre for adventure, mystery, and danger!  Dive deep into the jungles of South America where the temple's gift may not bring what you wish in The Ruins.  Then, jump to the Wild West of America as a badger determines who is the predator and who is Prey.  But don't go too far as a group of intreped Army Rangers battle a foreign threat to America more dangerous than the evil mastermind's "robots" in Rocket Canyon. And this next tale of an Aussi gal with a heart of gold and fists of iron battles the Nazis in The Bouncer and the Didgeridoo of Awakening. And join our poster girl, the rough and tumble Tesla Mae and the Lost Tribe. Don't take too long to dock your airship, because evil cultists are trying to destroy Boston in Jericho Tanner and the Ebon Star. Find out who is the destroyer of world and who is the fox that can save us all in Savior.  And finally wrap it all up with a trip across the pond and the high flying aces in Flight of the Fire Dragon! Stay tuned, listeners, for more adventure!

Featuring the stories of: Tym Greene, Ocean Tigrox, Bill “Hafoc” Rogers, T.S. McNally, Renee Carter Hall, Tarl “Voice” Hoch, Roland Jovaik, Huskyteer

Cover Trick or Treat 2

Ianus J Wolf (Ed.)

Trick or Treat Volume Two

Historical Halloween

Kartoniert, 374 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 374 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Stephanie “Ifus” Johnson

Head back to the old neighborhood.

For centuries, Halloween has evolved from autumnal harvest festivals, through nights of mischief and mayhem, up to celebrations of what scares us and all the points in between. This year, we invite you to travel back in time to a few select years in the history of All Hallows’ Eve as told from a furry perspective. And as usual, we have both tricks and treats for grown-ups to get you through the night.

To start, Trick will take you on a whirlwind tour through a few different eras of Samhains past, where Huskyteer, Jason “Houston” Walther, NightEyes DaySpring, Slip-Wolf, Bill “Hafoc” Rogers, and Tarl “Voice” Hoch will work to give you some historical, hair-raising horror.

Afterwards, follow Treat slowly back though four different ages of stimulating Halloween erotica, where Whyte Yoté, Chris “Sparf” Williams, Roland Jovaik, and Ianus J. Wolf offer you different takes on the hot and heavy side of the shifting holiday.

Come along and enjoy another round of Trick or Treat.

Tricks: "Jenny-Burnt-Tail" by Huskyteer, "Witchlight" by Jason "Houston" Walther, "Furfur´s Violinist" by NightEyes DaySpring, "Suck" by Slip-Wolf, "Squeezer" by Bill "Hafoc" Rogers, "Of Gods and Wolves" by Tarl "Voice" Hoch

Treats: "Zero Sum" by Whyte Yoté, "Dance of the Veils" by Chris "Sparf" Williams, "Smoke and Whimsy" by Roland Jovaik, "The Rite" by Ianus J. Wolf

Cover Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat 

The Halloween Anthology

Kartoniert, 316 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 316 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Stephanie “Ifus” Johnson

Welcome to our neighborhood! Tonight is the night when ghouls and ghosts come out of the woodwork and when sweet candies are dropped into waiting bags. In short, it's Halloween, and it wouldn't be complete without both tricks and treats. On this All Hallows' Eve, we offer up something for the adults to enjoy in this anthology of Samhain stories.

First, for anyone that likes a good scare, Trick has some fun horror stories from Renee Carter Hall, Bill "Hafoc" Rogers, Ray "Stormcatcher" Curtone, Rechan, and Tarl "Voice" Hoch that should help bring an appropriate shiver to your spine.

Then after an evening of fine frights, Treat offers you some delectable romantic and erotic tales from Huskyteer, NightEyes DaySpring, Naomi Bellina, Whyte Yoté, Roland Jovaik, and Ianus J. Wolf to help keep you warm on a chill autumn night.

So follow your guides to all the best houses, and decide which part of Halloween you enjoy the most... Trick or Treat.

Tricks: "Hellhound" by Renee Carter Hall / "Son of the Blood Moon" by Bill "Hafoc" Rogers / "Slough" by Ray "Stormcatcher" Curtone / "Unrealty" by Rechan / "Wild Night" by Tarl "Voice" Hoch

Treats: "The Witch Doctor" by Huskyteer / "The Pharaoh’s Throne" by NightEyes DaySpring / "The Things We Do For Love" by Naomi Bellina / "Phobophilia" by Whyte Yoté / "The Magic of Desire" by Roland Jovaik / "Once a Year" by Ianus J. Wolf

And last but not least publishes Rabbit Valley the wonderful novels by Alflor Aalto.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Stories from Lakeforest U

Alflor Aalto

Stories From Lakeforest U

Kartoniert, 325 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 325 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Tsai Wolf

With the summer gone, high school already feels like a distant, hazy memory. Life's pace leaves little time to wax nostalgic and reminisce — there's far too much to look forward to.

Together with his boyfriend, Arden arrives at Lakeforest University, ready for his freshman year. The young otter has heard a lot about college — the good and the bad — but there's even more in store than that. Old friends will be lost, new friends will be made. Fate will turn in ways beyond expectation. But one thing's for certain: For better and worse of it, the boys will have the time of their lives.

Cover Stories from Elton High

Stories from Elton High

Kartoniert, 372 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 372 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Tsai Wolf

Manchmal trifft einen die Liebe so unvorbereitet wie ein missgeleiteter Fußball. So ergeht es Aaron, als er wegen zweifelhafter High-School-Regeln (Als Otter ist er hervorragender Schwimmer, warum muss er den Fitnesstest im Langlauf absolvieren?) auf den Schulsportplatz seine Runden dreht und vom Kapitän der Fußballmannschaft, dem Wolf Mark, angeschossen wird. Aus dem anschließenden Flirt der Beiden wird schnell mehr, doch Mark fällt es schwerer als Aaron, sein Schwulsein zu akzeptieren. Beide wollen zu ihren Gefühlen stehen, aber nur Aaron hat in seinem älteren Bruder einen Verbündeten. Mark dagegen traut sich nicht, sich vor Freunden und Familie zu outen. Nicht ohne Grund, wie sich bald zeigt. Und Marks Ex-Freundin, die zu allem bereit scheint, um ihn zurückzugewinnen, ist auch nur einer der zahlreichen Prüfsteine für die junge Liebe.

Arden's a good kid. He keeps his head down in school and gets good grades. Thus far, he's done a fairly decent job of staying afloat in the hectic sea of life... until a letter comes from school informing him of a new physical education requirement: "Every student, regardless of species, must run a mile in under nine minutes. Failure to do so will result in remediate gym time." Arden shrugs, throws on a ratty shirt and heads out to the school track to see if he can even run a mile, let alone do it in under nine minutes...

Cover Sarin Barneby and the Kings Gambit

Sarin Barneby and the King's Gambit

Kartoniert, 280 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 280 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by OrlandoFox

Sarin Barneby is a fox of many talents. He has a brilliant deductive mind, a quick paw and charm enough for twenty. He uses these considerable gifts almost daily to further his wealth and social status. But sometimes it isn't all about the gold and shiny trinkets.

When a stranger comes into the city to try and show up our fox, Sarin takes him on and poses a bit of a challenge. First one to claim the legendary Crown Jewels wins — the prize is in the jewels, of course, and in the bragging rights.

Cover The Mystic Sands

The Mystic Sands

Kartoniert, 245 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 245 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Robbye „Quel“ Nicholson

Edwin Fowler is a curious specimen. He devours books on ancient cultures with a ravenous hunger, speaks a dozen ancient languages as fluently as his own...

And yet, this raccoon has managed to turn down every opportunity presented before him to see the remnants of these wondrous civilizations in the flesh. No one knows the root of this reluctance, and he least of all.

But one day, an opportunity comes along which Edwin cannot turn down - if only because he and his brother are wanted for murder.

Cover Spies in Their Midst

Spies in Their Midst

The Llyrian Wars: Act One Part 3

Kartoniert, 305 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 305 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Robbye „Quel“ Nicholson

Orrin had heard of letters that changed lives, and he paid the curiosity little mind until such a one found him. It was a brief letter – Your father has passed under mysterious circumstances. Our deepest condolences. You are expected to take on his duties as Lord of Vintaa immediately. Please take today to make whatever preparations necessary, and set out for the Capital City at first light. We will be expecting you...

But the duties he will take on as Lord of Vintaa are not the only ones awaiting the raccoon in the Capital City of Llyra.

Cover The Streets of His City

The Street of His City and Other Stories

The Llyrian Wars: Act One Part 2

Kartoniert, 260 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 260 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Fennec Yip

THE STREET OF HIS CITY enthält 4 Kurzgeschichten und Novellen, die kunstvoll ineinander verwoben sind und so etwas wie die Vorgeschichte zu Alflor Aaltos großartigem Roman THE PRINCE OF KNAVES bilden. In der titelgebenden Novelle erforscht der junge Prinz Natier die Straßen der Stadt Llyra, nachdem er sich von seinem Vater, dem König, zurückgezogen hat. Natier fühlt sich verantwortlich für den Tod seiner Mutter, ist er doch der einzige Überlebende einer grausam gescheiterten diplomatischen Mission mit ihr. Verbittert flüchtet er sich in die Unterwelt Llyras.

In den beiden Kurzgeschichten werden Charaktere kurz beleuchtet, denen Natier auf seinen Streifzügen begegnet, und in der Novelle "Their Labors of Lover" sein Treiben noch einmal aus der Perspektive des jungen Sirius erzählt. Der ist in den "Kollegen" Alir verliebt und lässt Natier in einem ganz anderen Licht erscheinen, als dieser sich selbst sieht.

Visit the city of Llyra and the land of Aarya in this collection of short stories and novellas. They are tales of young heroes looking for happiness and meaning in their lives. Some cross paths, others pass each other by with hardly a nod. This is a prequel to THE PRINCE OF KNAVES.

Cover The Prince of Knaves

The Prince of Knaves 

The Llyrian Wars: Act One Part 1

Kartoniert, 408 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 408 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover & Illustrations by Werepuppy

Prinz Natier ist von Beruf Königssohn, und so verzogen, wie man es als solcher nur sein kann. Seinen Vater benutzt er als nie versiegende Geldquelle, die Namen seiner Bediensteten kann er sich nicht merken und des Nachts schleicht er sich aus dem Schloss,  um sich als Rivard unter das Volk zu mischen. Er besäuft sich schamlos, hilft Straßengangs bei Raubzügen und geht jeden Abend ins Bordell. Doch als er sich mit einem seiner Diener einlässt, verändert sich sein Leben aufs Dramatischste. Noch während des Liebesspiels versucht jener ihn zu töten. Natier kann sich seines Fells erwehren, muss aber aus dem Schloss fliehen, da er für das gleichzeitig auf seinen Vater verübte Attentat verantwortlich erklärt wird. Er taucht in der Stadt unter, lernt dabei so manches über das Leben und versucht schließlich, das Komplott aufzuklären, dem er und das Königshaus zum Opfer gefallen sind.

Die Zeichnung der Charaktere als anthropomorphe (vermenschlichte) Tiergestalten, mit all ihren tierischen Körpermerkmalen und Eigenschaften, passt wunderbar zu der märchenhaften Geschichte, die sich selbst nicht ganz so ernst nimmt und aufs Beste unterhält.

Natier, son of King Rasdill and heir to the Llyran throne, is perhaps as spoiled as someone in his position can become. The King loves him far too much to see past all of the lies that the young fox spins, and Natier uses that love to his gain whenever he can. There is more than meets the eye to this prince, however. Every night, Natier sneaks out into the city; there, he takes on the persona of Rivard, a slightly more mild-mannered fox. As Rivard, Natier is able to do all the things that would not become a prince -- he goes to brothels, helps a local gang of thieves pull off robberies, and gets drunk off his tail on mead. This lifestyle continues until a harrowing event forces Natier to flee the palace and assume the role of Rivard indefinitely as he struggles to make sense of the conspiracy that almost got him killed...

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