Thurston Howl Publications

Thurston Howl Publications

Thurston Howl Publications and its imprint Bound Tales published progressive, LGBTQ-friendly fiction and nonfiction,
as welll as horror and childrens books by both new and experienced authors. Including a lot of furry titels.

You can order any title by email:

For more information on the ordering process please visit our front page.

Importeur: FUSSELSCHWARM – Queer Anthropomorphics, Hansaring 156, D-24534 Neumünster,

Cover Furries Among Us 3

Thursten Howl (Ed.)

Furries Among Us 3

Essays By Furries About Furries

Kartoniert, 154 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 7,99 EUR

Paperback, 154 pages, 7,99 EUR

Cover by Creeps

Hello! And welcome to the third volume of FURRIES AMONG US! For those new to the series, this book appeals to extant furries who are interested in learning more about their fandom as well as those curious about furry...what it is and what its appeal is!

New topics are to be found in this present volume, ranging from furry animation to pup play discourse, from religion to gaming, furry politics, and furry sociology with essays from Tempo, Patch O’Furr, Pup Matthias, Taurin Fox and Kish Fox and many more!

We implore you to peruse through these essays contained in this wonderful volume and learn a little…who knows? There might be more furries among us than you think!

Contents: "Furries and Animation" by Taurin Fox & Kish Fox / "Fur and Faith: A Religious Fur´s Experience" by Francis Shepherd / "Furry: The Game We All Play" by Tempo / "Hate Groups in the Furry Fandom" by Patch O´Furr / "Puppies Among Furries" by David Popovish aka Pup Matthias / "Activism or Escapim: The Nature of Politics in the Furry Fandom" by Edward Bear / "Here Comes the Drama Lama: Drama Whthin the Furry Fandom" by Courtney N. Plate, Sharon E. Roberts, Stephan Reysen, and Kathleen C. Gerbasi / "The Lion, the Wolf and the Wardrobe Fursuit: Do Furries Attending a Furry Convention Have Animal/Fursona, Furry, and Convention Themed Dreams?" by Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Sharon E. Roberts, Stephan Reysen, Courtney N. Plate, and Rebecca McHugh / "Psychology and Fursonas in the Furry Fandom" by Stephan Reysen, Courtney N. Plate, Sharon E. Roberts, and Kathleen C. Gerbasi / "A Furry, a Brony, and an Anime Fan Walk into a Bar: A Psychology-Based Interfandom Comparison" by Courtney N. Plate, Stephan Reysen, Sharon E. Roberts, and Kathleen C. Gerbasi / "Closet? What Closet? A Qualitative Investigation of Furries´ Expression of Sexual Orientation in the Fandom" by Sharon E. Roberts, Chelsea Bryn Davies-Kneis, Courtney N. Plate, Stephan Reysen, Elizabeth Fein, Rebecca McHugh, and Kathleen C. Gerbasi / "Of Gods and Gorgons, Demons and Dogs: Anthropomorphism and Zoomorphism Through the Ages" by Rebecca McHugh, Sharon E. Roberts, Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Stephan Reysen, and Courtney N. Plate

Cover Furries Among Us 2

Furries Among Us 2

More Essays on Furries by Furries

Kartoniert, 180 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 7,99 EUR

Paperback, 180 pages, 7,99 EUR

Cover by Tabsley, Illustrations by Sabretoothed Ermine

Der erste Band war ein großer Erfolg und wurde viel beachtet. So war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis ein weiteres Buch mit Essays von Furries für Furries (und auch alle anderen) erscheinen würde. FURRIES AMONG US 2 bietet wieder eine bunte Auswahl an gut lesbaren Aufsätzen, Beobachtungen und Studien zu unterschiedlichsten Aspekten des Furry-Fandoms. Von der Geschichte der Furryclubs (in Deutschland meist Furdances genannt) und den Anfängen des Furry-Fandoms in der Science-fiction-Fanszene der USA über Begriffsklärungen von z.B. Transformation oder Otherkin, bis hin zu Artikeln über Furry und Gender oder Foucault finden sich eine Vielzahl von Themen in diesem Band. Auch mehrere Artikel mit Ergebnissen des „International Anthropomorphic Research Projects“ fehlen nicht. Wie schon der erste Band ein unverzichtbares Buch für alle, die erfahren möchten „wie Furries denn so ticken“.

Are they human, or are they beast? Over the past several decades, the world has seen a new phenomenon on the rise, a group of people identifying as "furries." They have appeared in the news and popular TV shows as adults wearing fursuits and participating in sex parties, but what are they really? As a sequel to the award-winning first volume, this collection of essays on the furry fandom reveals furries through their own eyes, with bestselling novelists Bill Kieffer and Phil Geusz, celebrity social media characters Jesus Fox and Satan Fox, the International Anthropomorphic Research Project, and so many more, covering topics from anthropomorphic animal science fiction to furry clubs to furry gender identity and the psychology behind furries. Some of the essays are comical and playful, while others are serious and academic. On one paw, this is a work for non-furries to get a glimpse into the anthropomorphic world. On the other, this is a chance for furries to hear from many of their favorite furries.

Recipient of a Leo Award 2017.

Contents: "The Importance of Being Seen: Foucault, Furries and the Dual-Exchange of (In)visibility" by Televassi / "The Furryclub Movement" by Patch / "Interview with Foxes of Yiff" by Jesus Fox and Satan Fox / "Gender: Furry" by Makyo / "Am I Furry?: Fandom vs Genre" by Mary Lowd / "Furries and Science Fiction, or... From the Very Beginning, We Were There" by Phil Geusz / "TF = Transformation" by  Bill Kieffer / "History of Furry Publishing II" by Fred Patten / "It Just Clicked: Discovering Furry Identity and Motivations to Participate in the Fandom" by Dr. Stephen Reysen / "The Highs, the Lows, and Post-Con Depression: A Qualitative Examination of Furries´ Return Home Following an Anthropomorphic Convention" by Dr Sharon Roberts / "Say It Ain´t So: Addressing and Sispelling Misconceptions about Furries" by Dr. Courtney Plante / "Furries, Therians and Otherkin, Oh My! What Do All Those Words Mean, Anyway" by Drs. Kathleen Gerbasi and Elizabeth Fein

Cover Furries Among Us

Furries Among Us

Essays on Furries by the Most Prominent Members of the Fandom

Kartoniert, 174 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 7,99 EUR

Paperback, 174 pages, 7,99 EUR

Cover by Rukis, Ilustrations by Sabretoothed Ermine

Das gab es so noch nie: Artikel zu Aspekten der Furry-Szene von Menschen, die nun wirklich wissen sollten, worüber sie da schreiben - den Furries selbst!

Thursten Howl hat unterhaltende Essays, Erfahrungsberichte und wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zusammengetragen, zu so unterschiedlichen Themen wie etwa Fursuiting, Musik und bildende Künste in der Furry-Szene; Online-Dating und Conventions; erotische Literatur oder Sex im Fandom. Bekannte Namen sind unter den Autor_innen, etwa Kyell Gold oder Fred Patten, aber auch relativ unbekannte Furries kommen zu Wort und schildern ihre Eindrücke. 

Dieser Reader erhebt natürlich keinesfalls Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, noch wird er jedem einzelnen Furry gerecht werden, zumal es auch bei einer globalisierten Szene wie dem Furry-Fandom regionale Unterschiede gibt und die meisten Autor_innen aus dem nordamerikanischen Raum kommen, er ist aber ein unverzichtbarer Einstiegspunkt für alle Menschen (ob nun Furry oder nicht), die sich eingehender mit dem beschäftigen wollen, was Furry-sein ausmacht.

Are they human, or are they beast? Over the past several decades, the world has seen a new phenomenon on the rise, a group of people identifying as "furries." They have appeared in the news and popular TV shows as adults wearing fursuits and participating in sex parties, but what are they really?

This collection of essays on the furry fandom reveals furries through their own eyes, with bestselling novelist Kyell Gold, award-winning artist Rukis, the International Anthropomorphic Research Project, and so many more, covering topics from anthropomorphic art to fursuiting to conventions and the psychology behind furries. Some of the essays are comical and playful, while others are serious and academic. On one paw, this is a work for non-furries to get a glimpse into the anthropomorphic world. On the other, this is a chance for furries to hear from many of their favorite furries celebrities.

Winner of the Ursa Major Award 2015 for Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work.

Contents: "The Furry Fandom" by Nyareon / "Social Furs: An Inside Look at How the Furry Fandom Socializes" by Shoji / "The Furry Fandom as a Folk Group" by Hypetaph / "Furry Erotica" by Kyell Gold / "The History of Furry Publishing" by Fred Patten / "Yiff? Murrr?: Sex in the Furry Fandom" by Thurston Howl / "My Experience with Furry Online Dating" by Takaa / "What Does Art Mean to the Furry Fandom?" by Zambuka / "The Fuzzy Notes of Furry Fingers" by Roo / "Fursuiting and the Fandom" by Keefur / "First Furry Convention at Califur 2008, A Memoir" by Corvin Dallas / "Furcons: The Ins and Outs" by Zantal Scalie / "The Origins of the International Anthropomorphic Research Project" by Raphael Dogustus (Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Ph.D.) / "By the Numbers": Comparing Furries and Related Fandoms" by Nuka (Courtney Plante, Ph.D.) / "Social Identity Perspective of the Furry Fandom" Doc (Stephen Reysen, Ph.D.) / "Marginalization of Anthropomorphic Identities: Public Preception, Realities, and "Tails" of Being a Furry Researcher" by Dr. Shazzy (Sharon E. Roberts, Ph.D.)

Cover From Paw To Print

Thurston Howl (Ed.)

From Paw To Print

Essays About Writing in the Furry Fandom

Kartoniert, 94 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 6,99 EUR

Paperback, 94 pages, 6,99 EUR

Cover by Creeps

Ever since Paul Kidd published his first novels („Mus of Kerbridge and A Whisper of Wings“) through Kitsune Press and Vision Books back in the 1990s, writing in the furry fandom has exploded and become nearly as respected a form as fan-driven artwork. Names such as M.C.A. Hogarth, Rukis Croax, Tempe O’Kun, Watts Martin, and Kyell Gold have seen works published through presses such as Armoured Fox Press, Weasel Press, Jaffa Books, Sofawolf Press, FurPlanet, Rabbit Valley Comics, and Thurston Howl Publications, each raising the bar and moving furry literature forward into new vistas with every new release and with a little of everything to be found between every cover. 

Since 2011, there has also been the Furry Writers Guild, whose mission statement is to support, inform, elevate, and promote quality anthropomorphic fiction and its creators, along with guiding new writers on their way from the idea to the writing process to the finish line of submission.And here too are just a few words of wisdom, from both writers and publishers, as they bring a portion of their experience and advice to the fore that could aid an incoming furry writer. 

From learning about the best way to go about submitting your works to publishers to learning about worldbuilding, from animal attributes in furry writing to the differences in romance, erotica, and porn (which exist), you’ll not be disappointed!

Contents: "Romance, Erotica, and Porn: Knowing the Difference" by Tarl "Voice" Hoch / "What Makes Good Worldbuiling?" by J.F.R. Coates / "Animal Attributes in Furry Writing" by Amy Clare Fontaine / "Furry Erotica and Pornography: Art, Yiff, and the Shelf" by Katav (Leo Award 2020) / "Small Press vs. Self-Publishing" by Weasel / "Paws (Pause) Before Print: Best Practices for Submitting Work" by Rayah / "The Ever Changing Printing Process As Observed by Rabbit Valley Comics Over Twenty Years" by Andrew Rabbitt / "Layout and Design: Reducing Barriers between Story and Reader" by Madison "Makyo" Scott-Clary / "Tracking an Anthology: The Steps from Start to Finish" by Madison "Makyo" Scott-Clary / "Giving an Anthology Cohesion" by Thrurston Howl / "Writer´s Platforms: Why They are Important" by Tarl "Voice" Hoch

Beside nonfiction books Thurston Howl Publications publishes fiction anthologies as well.

You can order any title by email:

Cover Awoo Who´s This

Thurston Howl (Ed.)

Awoo, Who's This?

Furry Writers Imitating Furry Writers

Kartoniert, 100 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 6,99 EUR

Paperback, 100 pages, 6,99 EUR

Cover by Creeps

It should come as no shock nor surprise that writers love and are often inspired by other writers, often by borrowing one another's characters or concepts or paying tribute to a write whose style shaped their own in some small (or large) way. Furry literature is no different, with each writer old and new keeping close to the adage that it does not matter whether you woof, meow, chirp, hoot, or hiss, each furry writer learns a new trick from another. That said, with the vast array of unique styles and content around, we thought it would be a fun challenge to have a pool of furry wordsmiths be randomly assigned another writer in that pool, and asked to write a story as that other person. And now you, dearest reader, have the results in your very paws! 

This volume, raising money for the Furry Writers' Guild, features work from Bill Kieffer, Rose LaCroix, Kuroko, Thurston Howl, Alison Cybe, Nathan Hopp, and Vincenzo Pasquarella.

Contents: "Callie´s Luck" by (not) Rose LaCroix / "Stay Dead" by (not) Vincenzo Pasquarella / "Caged Beasts" by (not) Kuroko / "Sacrifice" by (not) Alson Cybe / "Nine Shots" by (not) Nathan Hopp / "Rewrite" by (not) Bill Kieffer / "The Prince with Obsidian Eyes" by (not) Thurston Howl

Cover The Vore Studio

Joel Kreissman (Ed.)

The Vore Studio

Kartoniert, 160 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 160 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by Poofy Fluffkins

Vorarephilia, often shortened to “vore,” is a fetish and paraphilia for the idea of being eaten, eating another, or watching the process of eating. Needless to say, it’s a fetish that is a little difficult to film but hasn’t stopped the writers at the Vore Studio from serving up some succulent works to whet your appetite!

Featuring stories from: Gemma C. Pridmore, Dajan Tafari, TastyAce, Brianne Kendall, Foxgut, Carbanon, Tatsu the Lunatic, KittyBoi, Sini, Detroit and W.R. Frixmargen.

Each tale is sexily prepared for the reader’s devourment, all mixed up and garnished in myriad ways both fresh and well-seasoned by the writers. So go on…dig in and enjoy!

Contents: "Making a Vorno" by Joel Kreissman / "Coming Out" by Dajan Tafari / "A Lunchtime Bet" by Gemma C. Pridmore / "Creatively Coping" by Brianne Kendell / "Quieting Anxieties" by TastyAce / "Taurshare" by Foxgut / "Population 2,763. And Falling" by Carbanon / "Pulling Thorns" by Tatsu the Lunatic / "New Arpartment" by KittyBoi / "Gulped and Absorbed" by Sini / "Thrown to the Wolves" by Detroit / "Refreshed" by W.R. Frixmargen

Cover Difursity

Weasel (Ed.)


Stories By Furries Of Color

Kartoniert, 74 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 74 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by TokenWorks

Publishing has a problem. It's an industry that's mostly white. Publishing companies have shown little to no progress in becoming more inclusive. Representation for authors of color is minimal, and publishers need to step it up.

Representation matters, and this anthology is an attempt to fuel that growth. DIFURSITY is an anthology featuring furries of color. Collecting tales of ghosts, war, fantasy and love, this book is just a start.

Winner of the Ursa Major Award 2020 for Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work and recipient of a Leo Award 2020.

Contents: "In Better Times" by MikasiWolf / "Vietnamized" by Allison Thai / "Where the Souls Go" by MikasiWolf / "Rekindling" by Al Song / "No Substitutes Allowed" by Lauren Stoker (This story is quite problematic. Please read the review by Jakebe T. Rabbit, as well as the statement by the editor Weasel on this matter.)

Cover Even Furries Hate Nazis

Kate Watts (Ed.)

Even Furries Hate Nazis

Kartoniert, 159 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 159 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover by Joseph Chou

All too often, furries are dismissed as hypersexual fetishists or children who just never grew up. Yet like any other group, the fandom is incredibly diverse–and like any other group, we vote. Unsurprisingly, then, with the rise of “alt-furs,” many in the fandom have marshaled active resistance to pro-Nazi sentiments both within and beyond the fandom. Furries attending Anthrocon 2018 wore badges telling Nazi furs to f*ck off; furries on Twitter proudly declare themselves anti-Nazi and thus we feel the cultural moment is ripe for a principled stand against fascism–and the time is now to offer furries a creative venue for their anti-Nazi views to flourish.

With stories from Nathan Hopp, Stephanie Park, Jelliqal Belle, and more, we invite you to join us in resisting those who divide us and fighting hate where it looms.

Contents: "The Battler" by Cedric G! Bacon (Leo Award 2020) / "An Incident at Demansk Station" by Stephanie Park / "Nazis Should Never Be Normal" by Nathan Hopp / "Firesale" by Laura Hinkle / "The Scent of Oak" by Alexander Patterson / "The Silver Eagle" by J. Daniel Phillips / "No Mercy" by Jelliqal Belle / "Resist" by Alison Cybe

Cover Purrgatorio

Weasel (Ed.)


The Ten Regions of Furry Purgatory

Kartoniert, 286 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 14,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 286 pages, 14,99 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Drkchaos

While less popular than „Inferno“, Dante's „Purgatorio“ has captured creative imaginations for centuries. This collection of erotica and horror (often combined) is separated into the multiple regions of Purgatory. Each section tells stories of the souls trapped in that region. 

Here, you will see anthro-animal characters at their most melancholic and depressed moments: on the foggy highway, at the sex club, in the lonely mountains, in the study with the wrench and, of course, waiting in the mists of Purrgatorio.

Contents: "The Wish of the World" by Charles Michael Averin / "Red Skies" by Miles Reaver / "The Hunger Moon" by Jelliqal Belle / "Kingdom for a Heart" by Faolan / "The Virgin Sea" by Thurston Howl / "Silencing an Outcry" by Alice Clawford / "Remember When We Used to Play" by Cedric G! Bacon / "The Last Lament of Junkman Jones" by Jelliqal Belle / "Belphegor´s Prime" by Searska GreyRaven / "The Contract" by Miles Reaver / "Ancient Infections" by Joel Kreissman / "Faint Memories" by Rayah / "One Night Stand" by Patrick D. Lambert / "Having What You Want" by WhiteClaw

Cover Infurno

Thurston Howl (Ed.)


The Divine Clawmedy Volume 1

Kartoniert, 280 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 14,99 EUR (Alternsnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 280 pages, 14,99 EUR

Cover & Illustrations by Drkchaos

The hounds of hell are barking... and they want you to join the hunt. 

The Nine Circles of Hell has been a much-loved conception of the inferno, popularized by Italian poet Dante. This collection of horror and erotica is divided into the nine circles. Each of the nine sections tells the stories of those souls condemned to their respective circles. Here, you will see anthro-animal characters at their darkest and weakest moments: at the whorehouse, at the chopping block, in the morgue, in the dining room with the candlestick, and, of course, rotting in the fires of the Infurno.

Recipient of a Leo Award 2018.

Contents: "Blur" by Weasel / "A New Toy" by Tarl "Voice" Hoch / "Down Among the Damned" by R.S. Pyne / "Go Nuts for Donuts" by Jensyn Grayves / "The Eye of Aquana" by Faolan / "The Cold" by Cedric G! Bacon / "A Cat in Hell´s Chance" by James Hudson / "Je Reviendrai" by Kirisis / "Metal Hellth" by Ferric / "In the Name of Science" by Allison Thai / "A Soul Removed" by Stephen Coghlan / "Waiting" by TJ Minde / "Those Delicate Fingers" by Hypetaph / "The Night Betrayed" by Jaden Drackus

Cover Sensory De-Tails

Thurston Howl (Ed.)

Sensory De-Tails

Kartoniert, 188 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 18,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 188 pages, 18,00 EUR

Cover by Thiger (actual cover uncensored)

There exists an occasional pattern in most furry writing: when writing characters who exist in a world where people have animal characteristics, furry characters tend not to smell the blood in the room, hear a person breathing behind the trees or see in specific colors. In a nutshell, these furry characters were only furry in appearance. And so, editor Thurston Howl (FOXERS AND BEARIEFS and 12 DAYS OF YIFFMAS) issued a challenge to all furry writers: write furry erotica with the core argument of, [insert sense here] is the sexiest part of furry erotica!

And they rose-in more ways than one-to meet the challenge, culminating in this very book!

Recipient of a Leo Award 2020.

Contents: "Paths" by Kyell Gold (Sight / Leo Award 2019) / "These Are the Days of Our Lives" by Weasel (Sight) / "Violets" by Joel Kreissman (Smell) / "Filthy Coyote" by Shoji (Smell) / "The Things We Do" by Tarl "Voice" Hoch (Touch) / "Vlack, White, Red" by Kuroko (Touch) / "The Spirits of the Wood" by Nathanial „LeCount“ Edwards (Touch) / "Blind as a Bat" by Jay Coates (Hearing) / "Symphonic Completion" by Al Song (Hearing) / "Titillating Trivia" by Linnea "LiteralGrill" Capps (Taste) / "Tasteful Education" by Patrick D. Lambert (Taste)

Cover Dog Pile

Thurston Howl (Ed.)


Kartoniert, 156 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 14,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 156 pages, 14,99 EUR

Cover by Vale (actual cover uncensored)

Welcome to the dogpile! We welcome all kinds of pets here: pups, ponies, kittens, and more. Inside these pages, you’ll find a unique headspace, one where you get to fit inside someone else’s paws. Meet your master or handler. And have a pawesome time with our kinky resident pets.

With stories from Linnea “LiteralGrill” Capps, Al Song, TJ Minde, Thomas “Faux” Steele, Thiger, Jaden Drackus, and Faolan, this furry erotic anthology has furry characters engaging in pet play for an all-around fun experience.

So, put your gear on, come on in, mind the rules, and remember: bad pups get sent to the kennel.

Contents: "Waggy" by TJ Minde (M/M) / "The Familiar" by  Linnea "LiteralGrill" Capps (F/F) / "Deference of Shining Joy" by Al Song (M/multiple M) / "What You Really Want" by Thiger (M/M) / "Good Boy" by Faolan (M/M/M) / "The Wingman´s Pup" by Jaden Drackus (M/M) / "The Competition" by Thomas "Faux" Steele (F/F/M)

Cover Found Footage

Thurston Howl (Ed.)

Found Fotage

Kartoniert, 174 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 174 pages, 10,99 EUR 

Cover by Creeps

Starting with what was called the McPherson Tape and moving on to Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, and V/H/S, found footage films have, for the past few decades, captivated horror lovers everywhere. Something about stumbling across dusty old movie reels, cursed videotapes, crusty Hi8 mini-tapes, or recovered MP4s that rustle up the curious...

There’s a different spin on the trope within each story, from the recovery of a filmmaker’s unfinished film to the accidental finding of a snuff film all the way to a witnessing something strange on footage while on the job in loss prevention. There’s also the epistolary tale inviting the reader to wade through recovered emails, journal entries, and a book that invites its reader to step through a door, though one should be warned that stepping back won’t be quite as easy.

In the great tradition of past HOWLERS, there’s murder, mayhem, blood, and gore oozing from each page!

Contents: "America, America, This is You" by Korie Khanyers / "When White Descends" by Tain Leonard-Peek / "Ed Wood´s Last Movie" by Cedric G! Bacon / "Missed Call" by J.S. Hawthorne / "Mart´s Eyes" by Scott McGregor / "The Blood-Wood" by Scott Hughes / "The Hooded Man: A View-Master Reel" by Mackenzie Hurlbert / "This Digital Diary" by Becky Sweeney / "Family Holiday 2009" by Nathan Good

Cover Movie Monsters

Thurston Howl (Ed.)

Movie Monsters

Kartoniert, 196 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 196 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by Creeps

King Kong. Dracula. The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Jaws. Each of these are popular monsters from horror movies. The writers in this book take on this theme with sinister delight. Some of them revamp (pun intended) the old monsters of film. Some pit them against each other. And some of them create all-new monsters. As you read these stories, be careful. You never know what might slip through into reality.

Contents: "B-Train Blues" by Steven Van Patten / "Encounter with the River God" by Clint Collins / "The Thing that Goes Bump in the Night" by Rebecca Rowland / "Saltwater Fish Tank" by Nick Manzolillo / "Valley of the Lost" by Cedric G! Bacon / "Lambskin" by Steve Dillon / "The Case of the Wizard-Cat, Who Whore a Rotted High Hat" by Kate Watts / "Identity" by Shaun Horton / "Tulpa Pebbles" by Daniel D. Duvall / "Dawn of the Bodysnatchers" by Roger Jackson / "Cthulhu Doesn´t Dance" by Alison Cybe / "Suicide Solution" by Rob Teun / "Perceptions" by Bryan Nickelberry

Cover Slashers


A Furry Horror Anthology

Kartoniert, 362 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 16,99 EUR (Alternsnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 362 pages, 16,99 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Stedilnik

Eleven writers are sitting around a campfire telling their spookiest slasher stories in this collection. But what they don't know is that a real killer in their midst, and even the authors themselves are in danger. 

Fully illustrated by Stedilnik, this book is one you'll want to read with all the lights on... and don't worry if you hear sounds outside your house tonight. The wolf is on the prowl.

Contents: "Ritual Fallacy" by Nathanial "LeCount" Edwars / "House of Hares" by Madison Keller (Leo Award 2018) / "A Killer Among Others" by MikasiWolf / "I Can´t Stop I" by KC Alpinus / "Homecoming" by Patrick D. Lambert / "Hell on a Two-Lane Blacktop" by Weasel / "A Question of Loyalty" by Arcane Reno / "Komakino" by Cedric G! Bacon / "Damned If I Don´t" by Thurston Howl / "Nightmare at Elmwood College" by Winter Darkraven / "What´s Your Name?" by Faolan

Add Seven Deadly Sins Tarot Cards

Joseph Chou + T. Thomas Abernathy

Seven Deadly Sins Tarot Cards

8 Karten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 7,95 EUR (Sonderangebot)

8 cards, b&w, 7,95 EUR (Special Offer)

The Seven Deadly Sins has been a literary trope for centuries, popularized by Italian poet Dante. They are as follows: pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth. 

The (out of print) anthology SEVEN DEADLY SINS explored these sins from a furry perspective. The 7 Tarot-like illustrations of the athology are now available as actual card reproductions.

Add Arcana Tarot Card Collection

Arcana Tarot Card Collection

22 Karten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 14,95 EUR (Sonderangebot)

22 cards, b&w, 14,95 EUR (Special Offer)

"The first card is your past," the vixen said, turning over a tattered card. She spoke as she traced the stroke of lightning along the top. "The tower. Difficult times, sudden change. An upheaval in your life? A new revelation?" The darkness of the room stifled your voice; you could only nod. "The hanged man," she murmured as she turned over the second card. "Being true to yourself, A resolution of difficulties. This is your present, the work you have to do right now." "The third card," a smile traced her features, "is your future..."

All 22 Tarot-like illustrations from the (out of print) book ARCANA: A Tarot Anthology are now available as actual card reproductions.

The three most ambitious anthology projects by Thurston Howl Publications were SPECIES, BREEDS and WOLF WARRIORS.

You can order any title by email:

Cover SPECIES Wildcats

KC Alpinus (Ed.)

SPECIES: Wildcats

Kartoniert, 217 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 217 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover by Tabaxitaxi

Thurston Howl Publications’ furry series SPECIES features works that highlight the broad range of literature with species specific furry protagonists. Inside you’ll find stories from classic times to recent furry lit to works completely original to this volume, each one diverse in both its genre and storytelling.

„SPECIES: Wildcats“, the fourth volume in the series, showcases drama, historical, action and adventure, the supernatural, South Asian folk tales and more, all concerning those felines whose attributes are magnificent, taciturn, and dangerous as they slink from far-flung future times to the ancient past and back again with all the soft-footed skill inherent to the wildcat. 

From classics such as William Blake’s “The Tyger” and Frank R. Stockton’s “The Lady, or the Tiger” to original pieces from MikasiWolf, Thurston Howl, Sonriah Thais, and Ferric, “SPECIES: Wildcats“ invites you to embrace the pageantry of the feline with some of the best anthropomorphic fiction offered!

Contents: "The Tyger" by William Blake / "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton / "The Lion and the Spider "(African Folk Tale) / "The Tiger Cub and the Calf" (Santal Patganas Folklore) / "Wanderlust" by Cedric G! Bacon / "The Corvette Nedra" by Sonriah Thais / "On the Hunt" by Ferric the Bird / "What It Means to Be Loved" by Isa Al-Ramad / "Fathers to Sons" by MikasiWolf / "In Search of the City Below" by Thurston Howl / "The Night the Stars Fell" by KC Alpinus / "Ember in the Night" by BanWynn Oakshadow (Leo Award 2020)

Cover SPECIES Otters

SignificantOtter (Ed.)


Kartoniert, 144 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 9,99 EUR

Paperback, 144 pages, 9,99 EUR

Cover by Kippy (Leo Award 2019)

„SPECIES: Otters“ showcases drama, action, and adventure. Otters construct planet-circling water slides, uncover covert knowledge sunk to the bottom of a river, and confront what it means to be an otter. With stories by Frances Pauli, Mary E. Lowd, and Madison Keller, this anthology invites you to dive into masterfully crafted anthropomorphic fiction!

Contents: Otter Poems / "Dance with the Devil" by Jessica Paddock (Leo Award 2019) / "Sky River" by Kary M. Jomb / "Conviction" by Ryft / "Otter Chaos" by Madison Keller / "Otter Dance" by Frances Pauli / "Rivers" by TJ Minde / "Where Dead Things Slumber" by Anastasia Spinet / "The Best and Worst of Worlds" by Mary E. Lowd

Cover BREEDS Wolves

Thurston Howl (Ed.)

BREEDS: Wolves

Kartoniert, 244 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 216 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover and illustrations by Faukx

Thurston Howl Publications’ furry series BREEDS features volumes that highlight the broad range of erotic literature with species-specific furry protagonists. 

"BREEDS: Wolves" has your typical dominant top wolves as well as wolves that go against the pack, howl in the throes of passion, and sometimes beg to be in the omega position for once, and includes authors Jaden Drackus, Kuroko, Patrick D. Lambert, Starvix Draxon, Miles Reaver, Cadejo Jones, Faolan, WhiteClaw, Billy Leigh, FuzzWolf, Sisco Polaris, and NightEyes DaySpring. 

Join the wolf pack, join in the howl, and join in the hunt. But be careful, 'cause my what big teeth they have. All the better to eat you with.

Contents: "The Preshow" by Jade Drackus / "Chasing Tail" by Kuroko / "The Awkward Question" by Patrick D. Lambert / "The Great Camping Adventure" by Starvix Draxon / "Stud Club" by Miles Reaver / "The Box" by Cadejo Jones / "Good Boy" by Faolan / "Yes, Sir" by WhiteClaw / "Charlie One" by Billy Leigh / "Giving" by FuzzWolf / "What´s It Like?" by Sisco Polaris / "Unsatisfied" by NightEyes DaySpring

Cover SPECIES Wolves


Kartoniert, 156 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 8,99 EUR

Paperback, 156 pages, 8,99 EUR

Cover and illustrations by Daniie

"SPECIES: Wolves" starts with Aesop’s Fables, works toward the Victorian werewolves, and includes new furry fiction, with authors Renee Carter Hall, John Kulp, and Billy Leigh. Watch the anthro wolf as he changes from fabular instructor to werewolf to pack singer celebrity. Follow the wolf in all his many faces. Howl on.

Contents: "The Dog and the Wolf" by Aesop / "Ysengrimus" trans. by Rayah James / "The White Wolf" by Andrew Lang / "The Gray Wolf" by George MacDonald / "Graffers" by Kadrian Blackwolf / "Glass" by Slip Wolf / "A Winter´s Work" by Renee Carter Hall / "The Winter Wolf" by Kristen Hubschmid /  "Lone" by John Kulp / "Stealing the Show" by Jaden Drackus / "The Needle and the Departed" by Weasel / "Wolves That Sing" by Billy Leigh / "INSTINCT" by Faolan

Cover SPECIES Foxes


Kartoniert, 216 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 8,99 EUR

Paperback, 216 pages, 8,99 EUR

Cover and illustrations by Tabsley

"SPECIES: Foxes" starts with Japanese folklore of the kitsune, works toward the tales of Reynard the Fox, and includes new furry fiction, with authors TJ Minde, Colin Leighton, Mary E. Lowd, Jaden Drackus, Matt Trepal, Kittara Foxworthy, John Kulp, Amy Fontaine, and NightEyes DaySpring. Watch the anthro fox as she shifts from alluring seductress to street con artist to a young kit raised in a house full of hens. Follow the fox in all her many forms. Just don’t let her outfox you...

Contents: "Come and Sleep" by Kyoukai / "How Reynard Captured Chanticleer" by Anonymous / "The Crow and the Fox" vy Jean de La Fontaine / "Pytchly´s Story" by Thomas Smith / "Fox in the Hen House" by Mary E. Lowd (Cóyotl Award for Best Short Story of 2013) / "The Harvest Moon Ceremony" by NightEyes DaySpring / "A Part of the Family" by Kittara Foxworthy / "Face Value" by Jasen Devlin / "A Trustworthy Fox" by Colin Leighton / "Songs in the Garden" by Matt Trepal / "Street Fox" by SignificantOtter / "The Fox-Man" by Amy Fontaine / "Pictures" by TJ Minde

Cover Wolf Warriors 5

Sendokidu (Ed.)

Wolf Warriors V: Wolves in Time

Kartoniert, 270 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 270 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover by Christian Esche

WOLF WARRIORS is a semi-annual series to raise funds for the National Wolfwatcher Coalition. The book features artwork, poems, short stories, and more. This year's theme was „Wolves in Time“, so enjoy the multiple perspectives throughout this volume.

Including works by Shannon Barnsley, Rose LeCroix, HJ Pang, J.D. Phillips, Dana Sonnenschein, Ivic Wulfe and others.

Cover Wolf Warriors 4

Sherayah Witcher (Ed.)

Wolf Warriors IV: Wolves of Light and Darkness

Kartoniert, 166 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 11,99 EUR

Paperback, 166 pages, 11,99 EUR

Cover by Tabsley

Wolves are one of the most revered creatures in the animal kingdom, and in this anthology, we strive to give them the spotlight they deserve as we examine them at their brightest and in the depths of darkness. Wolves are shown in all their shining glory as they show others how to walk the path of redemption. The wolf’s vulnerability is also exposed at the midnight hour when it is protecting its young from inclement danger. This compilation of harrowing works includes prominent authors and artists such as Mark Onspaugh, Kate Falvey, Tamara Miles, and Virginia Maria Romero, and strives to display the contrast and complexity of the wolf through stories, poetry, art, and other creative expressions.

Cover Wolf Warriors 3

Jonathan W. Thurston (Ed.)

Wolf Warriors III: Winter Wolves 

Kartoniert, 284 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 13,99 EUR

Paperback, 284 pages, 13,99 EUR

Cover by Khaosdog

Wolves have terrified and mystified us, their howls echoing through the words of our fairy tales, the texts of our stories, and the deepest crevices of our imaginations. 

WOLF WARRIORS III presents a diverse collection of artwork, poetry, essays, and short stories, featuring award-winning writers Juley Harvey and Graham Houghton. This anthology captures the various faces of the wolf in winter: from the wolves howling at the Yule festival to the wolf eyes staring at you through the blizzard. The howls of these warriors will make you smile, make you cry, and, most of all, make you want to raise your own howl to join the chorus.

Cover Wolf Warriors 2

Wolf Warriors II: The National Wolfwatcher Coalition Anthology

Kartoniert, 256 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 13,99 EUR

Paperback, 256 pages, 13,99 EUR

WOLF WARRIORS II presents again a diverse collection of artwork, poetry, essays, and short stories, featuring award-winning poets Mark Tredinnick and John Noland. This anthology captures the various faces of the wolf: from the fantastic to the horrific, from the snow-capped mountain peaks to the moonlit lake in the trees. The howls of these warriors will make you smile, make you cry, and, most of all, make you want to raise your own howl to join the chorus.

Including: Robert Bradford, Chelsea Dub, Mark Tredinnick, Shannon Barnsley, John Noland, A.M. Duvall, Hannah E. Christopher, Jitka Saniova, and many more.

Cover Wolf Warriors

Wolf Warriors: the National Wolfwatcher Coalition Anthology

Kartoniert, 388 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 16,99 EUR

Paperback, 16,99 EUR

Wolves have terrified and mystified us, their howls echoing through the words of our fairy tales, the texts of our stories, and the deepest crevices of our imaginations. "Wolf Warriors" presents a diverse collection of artwork, poetry, essays and short stories. This anthology captures the various faces of the wolf: from the fantastic to the horrific, from the snow-capped mountain peaks to the moonlit lake in the trees. The howls of these warriors will make you smile, make you cry, and, most of all, make you want to raise your own howl to join the chorus.

Featuring best-selling author David Clement-Davies and award-winning artist Lauren Strohacker. Also including: Catherynne Valente, Adrian Lilly, Dominique Goodall, John Noland, Linda Palmer, Pierluigi Paviola, Shannon Barnsley, and more!

We also have a lot of entertaining, thrilling and sexy novels & novellas by Thurston Howl Publications to offer.

You can order any title by email:

Cover Conclusions

Stephen Coghlan


The Genetically Modified Species Book Three

Kartoniert, 392 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 392 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover by Joseph Chou

Beaten, but not broken. Divided, but not conquered.

With the steps of the process now in the enemy's possession, the children of The Genmos project hurry to foil their enemy's plans on multiple fronts - from fighting them in the highest reaches of government, to freeing their trapped allies, to stopping the General himself despite their numbers being thinned from injuries and loss.

As their inevitable showdowns conclude, lives will be lost, dynamics forever changed, and secrets from the origin of The Genmos project will be revealed.

Cover Crossroads

GENMOS: Crossroads

Genetically Modified Species Book Two

Kartoniert, 304 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 304 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover by Joseph Chou

Having found each other, the GENMOS now face a greater danger than just the agency, division within their ranks. As cliques develop Devlin, lead scientist and father figure, struggles to keep the more ambitious of his children from becoming casualties. To make matters worse, a partially formed new GENMOS is discovered. Whether the former enemy will survive to become their ally or their downfall now rests on Devlin's shoulders... and his willingness to play God once more.

Cover Gathering Storms

GENMOS: Gathering Storms 

Genetically Modified Species Book One

Kartoniert, 204 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 204 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover by Joseph Chou

"I'm writing this letter to you because I want to tell you how my family, the Genmos, became recognized as living beings. You might have heard of us in the news recently, but if you haven't, let me quickly fill you in. It all started years ago, when my dad used a government contract to create super-soldiers for his own needs. After almost a decade of providing limited success, the project was canceled and we were ordered destroyed. Unwilling to kill his children, dad hid us throughout the country, splitting us up from each other. Just after my eighth birthday, my oldest sister got into some hot water. Her guardian had died and she was forced to live on the streets. When several witnesses reported seeing her, it sparked a race to recover her, and my other siblings, between my father and the agency that had ordered us destroyed. That night began my people’s fight for our rights, our freedom and our very lives. I've collected writings from my siblings and have tried to put them into an order that I hope makes sense for you. This is our story.

Yours sincerely, Anna Keper 

The last original Genetically Modified Species"

Cover Cold Training

F Gibbs

Cold Training

Fire Dog Trilogy Book 2

Kartoniert, 260 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 14,99 EUR

Paperback, 260 pages, 14,99 EUR

Cover by Kenji "Tokenworks" Ishikawa

Will’s collar fits him well and keeps him mindful of his place beside his Mistress. However, someone must keep the city of Vancouver safe, and the new fire chief is the absolute best there is.

When the city is rocked by earthquakes, Will and his fire department are overwhelmed. Their duty to protect the city and its people becomes only more difficult as power-hungry forces circle, looking not only to claim the city for themselves, but also the very minds and souls of those who live there. 

Cover Fire Branded Leather

Fire Branded Leather

Fire Dog Trilogy Book 1

Kartoniert, 220 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 220 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by Kenji "Tokenworks" Ishikawa

Will has enough in his life to be happy. A stable job as assistant fire chief, good friends, and enough money to keep his food bowl full. What more could a dog ask for? Expect perhaps someone warm on those cold Vancouver nights.

It all came from an ad in the newspaper, “Are you willing?” He was. Fires are breaking out all over the city and Will is run ragged. His days are soot stained as he fights to keep the city from burning to the ground and his nights reek of sweat and blood as he learns the ways of a new passion.

The flames burn higher as Will discovers there is more to this life then being a dutiful mutt who follows the orders of his superiors. And then she places a collar on him.

Cover The Rubber Princess

Zeta the Coyote

The Rubber Princess

Kartoniert, 533 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 533 pages, 12,99 EUR

A darkness has swept over the continent of Icasra, spearheaded by none other than Queen Zuria, goddess of a divine element called latex. The dragoness’ rubber evil sweeps far and wide across the land, converting all in its path and enslaving thousands.It is up to Aegerter of Genesium, a young bobcat knight-errant, to rise up and claim his place as a holy guardian of latex and rally his party of adventurers to defeat the dragon queen and rescue the source of her power: The Rubber Princess Isarte of Reinfaust.Join Aegerter, Isarte, Trigg, Jessamine, Loris, Zovak, and Tekmesa as they embark on an epic adventure of heroism, bravery, and fetishistic beauty that will ultimately decide the destiny of an entire world.

Cover Whip & Boot

Herr Wozzeck

Whip & Boot

Kartoniert, 190 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 190 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover by Mordecai

“I would like to see you again, too,” Frank admitted. Herubbed Derek’s shoulder gently, leaning forward and pressing his snout gently against Derek’s head. “I got a feeling about you, kid, and that’s that I shouldn’t let you wander away too far.”

Love and leather meet in this romantic tale of a canine and his scaly companion, with the trials and tribulations that comes with exploring first love and fetishes! 

Recipient of a Leo Award 2020.

Cover Stable Boy

Sisco Polaris

The Stable Boy

Kartoniert, 234 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 11,99 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 234 pages, 11,99 EUR

Cover and illustrations by Rov

Here comes the new job, same as the old job. At least that’s what Kyle thought when his agent told him to audition for an exciting new opportunity. However, a good actor (or whore) never turns down a gig. What he never expected was how different this job would be. Working for a genetic science company, he was hired for one purpose: to look after what appears to be a horse. Kyle quickly realizes that Aden is more human than animal. While working to keep Aden happy and compliant, Kyle finds himself torn between his desire to keep his job and his need to explore the strange relationship growing between the two. At the end of the day, Kyle has to decide whether it is worth it or not to keep being Dr. Ramon's little stable boy.

Cover Fair Trade

Gre7g Luterman

Fair Trade

The Kanti Cycle Volume 3 (Final Volume)

Kartoniert, 328 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 15,99 EUR

Paperback, 328 pages, 15,99 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Rick Griffin

Kanti had spent many sleepless nights torturing himself with thoughts of the day when he would give up on returning to Tish. Old and gray, back stooped from decades of labor, he would try to get up out of bed, and change his mind. Why bother? He couldn’t have been more wrong. He was still young, his pelt still tan, and his back didn’t hurt when he rose.Everything had conspired to keep the two lovers apart: rivals, foes, distance. Now, he needs his friends’ help more than ever if he wants his old life back.

Winner of the Ursa Major Award 2019 for Best Anthropomorphic Novel, the Cóyotl Award for Best Novel of 2019 and a Leo Award 2019.

Cover Skeleton Crew

The Kanti Cycle Volume 2: SMALL WORLD is not available at the moment!

Skeleton Crew

The Kanti Cycle Volume 1

Kartoniert, 220 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 11,99 EUR

Paperback, 220 pages, 11,99 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Rick Griffin (New Cover)

A slave raised believing himself free, a criminal even before his birth. Everyone thinks Kanti is someone he isn’t: a playboy reduced to working at the dump, a spiteful son trying to make amends, and perhaps even an excuse to recycle every last officer, crewman, and cub on board. However, this unlikely hero and the rest of the crew are in for a wild ride to the brink of mutiny, isolated deep in space, some 1,500 light years from home. When the sinister Commissioner Sarsuk starts tightening restrictions on birth tokens for the geroo colony, Kanti is forced to make decisions about his identity...and his place in the colony he hopes to always call home, even if at the risk of family, friends, and love.

Cover The Silver Key

Kyle Metzger

The Silver Key

Kartoniert, 248 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 248 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by Tabsley

Two centuries of war have cost the master illusionist -- Alexi -- much: his elder brother, the trust of his family, and any scrap of humanity. Spurned by his kin, the rogue sorcerer has made his home among the younger races, serving the powerful as an assassin. A simple contract goes awry as the sorcerer finds himself unwilling to let his mark, a young feline boy, drown. Forced by his own conscience into the schemes of empire, and swept up among nobility, the illusionist struggles to free himself, and his newly collected waif, from the noose tightening around them.

"...A twisting tale of magic, deception, and political intrigue in a world ruled by ruthless felines. THE SILVER KEY will keep you guessing about who you can trust." - Amy Fontaine, Author of MIST

Cover The Phantom Janitor

Vincenzo Pasquarella

The Phantom Janitor

Kartoniert, 148 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 11,99 EUR

Paperback, 148 pages, 11,99 EUR

Cover by Tabsley

Derrick, a small-town timber wolf, has dreamed of being an actor all his life. His mom was an actor, his dad was an actor, and Derrick wants to follow in their footsteps. However, Derrick’s world is shaken after hearing of his father’s passing and his mother’s sudden remarriage. He finds himself working a dead-end job at his stepfather’s movie theater, and his dreams of acting have been put on hold. Just when Derrick thinks his world can’t become more chaotic, Cassidy, a childhood friend and actress, appears again in his life. She invites him to participate in an acting competition where the prize is a scholarship to a well-known fine arts college. Could this be Derrick’s key out of his small town and into the limelight he so desperately craves?

Cover Where Werewolves Fear To Tread

Alan Gordon

Where Werewolves Fear to Tread

Kartoniert, 280 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 280 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by Tabsley

When a college party ends with a gruesome discovery and werewolves start showing up in broad daylight, Sam Lehrman, a local dog trainer, is forced into action. Throughout this journey, Sam finds himself not only facing the demons of his past but also fearing for the future of canid-kind. Not knowing who his true allies are, Sam sets out to secure the fate of the only item that might be able to save them, The Book of Wolves.

Cover The Pride of Parahumans

Takaa Silvermane

The Pride of Parahumans 

Kartoniert, 166 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 11,99 EUR

Paperback, 166 pages, 11,99 EUR

Cover by Donryu

The revolution won us freedom, but science left us sterile. In a post-war future, the remaining parahumans struggle to find meaning and purpose in a world that still discriminates against them. Androgynous fox scientist Argentum combats space pirates, monopolistic corporations, and treacherous activists, desperately trying to survive the numerous assassination attempts in order to find some form of hope for parahumans everywhere. Will zie find that hope in their science, their politics, or maybe even in the parahumans' own desperate pride? Even if that answer lies in the coldest reaches of space, Argentum intends to find out.

Cover Always Grey In Winter

Mark J. Engels

Always Gray in Winter

Kartoniert, 178 Seiten, in englischer Sprach, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 178 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by Bone

A distant daughter. A peculiar device. A family lineage full of secrets. When werecat Pawlina Katczynski finally resurfaces, her location previously unknown to anyone close to her, the reunion is short of welcomed. Instead, she finds herself thrust tooth and nail—tooth and claw—into a feud between opposing werecat clans as her family and their enemies reignite a battle that has raged for years. Always Gray in Winter invites the reader to join the feud and see if blood is truly thicker than water...

Cover Evolutionary Action

Phil Geusz

Evolutionary Action

Kartoniert, 270 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 270 pages, 12,99 EUR

Cover by Dena Jarrar

Rusty Harrison, a special ops field agent, is no stranger to the harsh reality of the post-Collapse world he finds himself in. As a contradiction from the peaceful gengineered Rabbits he lives with, Rusty is the only Rabbit willing to take on the University business that keeps the peace that his fellow Rabbits enjoy so much.. His next mission, however, is not like anything he’s ever experienced before, and it may prove to be his most dangerous one yet. Rusty takes on a young practicum student named William, and they find themselves searching for lost artifacts, facing political rivals, uncovering truths that could rewrite their history books, and saving the University and their country from utter chaos.

Cover Where Carnivores Meet

Thurston Howl aka Jonathan W. Thurston

Where Carnivores Meet - A Diego and Marshall Story

Kartoniert, 212 Seiten, in englischer Sprache 17,95 EUR

Paperback, 212 pages, 17,95 EUR

Cover von T. D. Wolf

Diego is a rabbit, a pianist, and a hopeless romantic. He's also straight, unlike his best friend Marshall, a fox and your typical gay hipster. When the two become involved in a massive gang war, they find themselves not only questioning the future but also how much they are willing to trust one another.

"After doing research in the furry community, I decided it would be worth exploring from a fiction perspective. Therefore, this novel was a lot of firsts for me. For one, it was my first attempt at erotica. However, I stand by the statement that the erotica in this book is dependent upon as well as influencing the main plot. This novel speaks to any LGBT person, particularly those around college age who goes against many LGBT stereotypes without being against the community. This novel is about getting rid of labels. After all, that's what LGBT is truly about: blurring the lines." - Thurston Howl

Cover The Sword of Destiny

Ebenfalls von Jonathan W. Thurston erhältlich / also available:

The Sword of Destiny

Spirit Sword Saga Volume 1

Kartoniert, 310 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 310 pages, 12,99 EUR

Three teenagers, Drage, Matthew, and Aria, live in Paradise Shores, a quiet little suburb outside Boston.While Matthew and Aria are planning for the future, Drage yearns for an adventure, a way out of the mundane expectations of his single mother. One dark night, he gets more than he bargained for when wispy Shadows come to threaten their lives. The three are whisked away to an underwater world of magic and technology. As the teenagers race to return home before all war breaks out, they realize there may be more mysteries in the golden kingdom in the sea than they could have ever imagined.

Cover Farmost Star I See Tonight

Farmost Star I See Tonight

Kartoniert, 200 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 14,95 EUR

Kartoniert, 200 pages, 14,95 EUR

Cover von Theresa Digiacomo

They were wolves — two lupine teenagers seeking refuge from the hazards of a winter-cursed land. Rian howls to the rising sun. Lissa howls to the moon at night. When fate forces the two forlorn calls to coincide, they realize that they are not alone. As Rian’s black fur brushes across Lissa’s own white fur, their destinies become intertwined in this tale of friendship and love. Rian’s father is not pleased with the disappearances of his son though, and a lustful hotshot from another pack tries to take Lissa for his own. In this world of wolves and romance, both Rian and Lissa must decide what they truly value and make sacrifices if they want to stay together. Farmost Star I See Tonight a young adult, fantasy romance novel about the dramas and trials of teenage love in the form of two love-struck wolves. Being two completely different wolves, the pair symbolize the harmony that can exist in relationships involving people of equally different backgrounds. In this novel of raw emotion, the point of view switches from Rian’s eyes to Lissa’s, and the reversal of perspective continues in order to give a clear sense of the black and white prevalent in the novel. These unique characters take the plot in a direction entirely different from the average romance novel, being neither a happy ending nor a tragedy. Rather, this story gives hope to teenage readers by letting them know that the road to love and life is not paved in asphalt or even diamond. It is broken glass — painful yet shimmering with beauty.

"This book is my first one to be published but by no means my first one written. As a high schooler and a beginning college student, I came across people who experienced the worst of events. From rape to domestic violence to self-loathing, teenagers across the country do experience these problems. It is not fiction. I wrote this novel to speak to those teenagers and give them a glimmer of hope, even if it is not a perfect paradise waiting for them." - Jonathan W. Thurston

An last but not least has published Thurston Howl Publications children's/picture books.

You can order any title by email:

Cover North by the Rose

M.A. Packer

North By The Rose

Kartoniert, 160 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 160 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by M.A. Packer

As war between two factions of woodland creatures comes to a close, Iona the white hare receives devastating news that her brother, a hero of that war, has joined a strange cult. Heartbroken, she takes it upon herself to find him and bring him home. Armed and clothed with two final gifts from her parents, she soon discovers that Tiardamor, the great spirit that gave life to her world, is leading her on a greater errand, one that will decide the fate of her world.

„This is a sweet and charming book which reads like a fable and will appeal immensely to any REDWELL fans.“ - Mamma Bear (Furry Book Review)

Cover The Coyote Who Braved Baseball

Bill Baynes

The Coyote Who Braved Baseball

Kartoniert, 96 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 10,99 EUR

Paperback, 96 pages, 10,99 EUR

Cover and Illustrations by Fenrir

A coyote pup named Moth wends his way down the hills to San Francisco and discovers a community of animals living at the Giants ballpark. In his eagerness to fit in, he makes trouble for the other animals. The shy coyote must lead a daring rescue during a crucial Giants game to save his friends.

Cover Felicia The Ferret

Gary Duehr (Text) & Joseph Chou (Illustrations)

Felicia the Ferret & The Atom Smasher

Kartoniert, 19 x 23,5 cm, 38 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 12,99 EUR

Paperback, 7,5 x 9“, 38 pages, 12,99 EUR

"Felicia the Ferret & the Atom Smasher" is inspired by the true story of Felicia the Fermilab Ferret, who in 1971 journeyed from her farm in Minnesota to the Fermilab atomic accelerator near Chicago, where she played a key role in the atomic age and became world famous.

Anyone – especially anyone small – will treasure this picture book. With gorgeous illustrations and simple but poetic text it tells the story of a little ferret´s heroic contribution to modern science.

You can order any title by email:

For more information on the ordering process and our full stock list please visit our front page.

Feel free to ask us about any of these titles or any other book or comic you are looking for:

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