Rabbit Valley Comics

Rabbit Valley (Comics)  - Under construction!

Rabbit Valley was a long-running publisher in the fandom but closed down in 2021.
They published stand alone titels as well as US format comic book series.
Many of their titles are still available! Rabbit Valley is now an imprint of
Fenris Publishing.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

You´ll find the novels and anthologies form Rabbit Valley on this page.

For more information on the ordering process please visit our front page.

Importeur: FUSSELSCHWARM – Queer Anthropomorphics, Hansaring 156, D-24534 Neumünster, info@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Circles Omnibus

Andrew French, Scott Fabianek, Steve Domanski

Circles Omnibus (Coming soon - pre-order now!)

Kartoniert, 16 x 19,5 cm, 454 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 40,00 EUR

Paperback, 6 x 10“, 454 pages, b&w, 40,00 EUR

The complete story now available in one large book! Take the story of Six Kinsey Circle with you with the Omnibus version of the CIRCLES story and have your favorite feel good tales wherever you go! 

Contains all CIRCLES issues with fixed typos and continuity gaffes, including a redrawn version of Issue 0 and the epiloge from LET´s GO ROUND ONE MORE TIME!

Cover Circles Vol. 4

Circles Volume 4: Let´s Go Round One More Time

Kartoniert, 16 x 19,5 cm, 184 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 17,99 EUR

Paperback, 6 x 10“, 184 pages, b&w, 17,99 EUR

It's been 20 years since Marty moved into Six Kinsey Circle, and the family's ready to celebrate this milestone. Coincidentally, it's been twenty years since CIRCLES began publication (well 21, technically, but 2021 doesn't count, right?). We're celebrating with CIRCLES Volume 4: „Let's Go Round One More Time“.

This book combines two pieces: a 24 page epilogue comic set 20 years after issue One and a cookbook full of the kinds of foods the Kinsey Crowd enjoys. 

Ever wanted to know what happened to everyone after the story ended? Ever wanted to make Doug's Brownies, Mrs Nussbaum's Fudge, or Garbage Pail Stew? Now you can!

Winner of the Ursa Major Award for Best Anthropomorphic General Literary Work of 2022. 

Cover Circles Volume 3

Circles Volume 3: The Years Keep Rolling By

Kartoniert, 16 x 19,5 cm, 188 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 17,99 EUR (Kein Comic!)

Paperback, 6 x 10“, 188 pages, 17,99 EUR (This is not a comic but a novel!)

Ein Buch für all jene, die nie aufgegeben haben, wissen zu wollen, wie die Geschichte ausgeht!

Im Jahr 2001 startete die Comicserie CIRCLES um die Abenteuer einer Wahlfamilie aus dem Haus Nummer 6 im Kinsey Circle, Boston. Um das Auf und Ab im Leben von sechs schwulen Männern, dadurch verbunden, dass sie unter einem Dach leben. Doch nach 8 Ausgaben war Schluss! Das echte Leben kam dem Zeichner K-9 dazwischen und eine Fortsetzung war über viele Jahre ungewiss. Es war bekannt, dass die Serie auf 13 Ausgaben angelegt worden war, ja, die letzten Ausgaben in den Köpfen der Macher in groben Zügen bereits existierten. Und die Fans überall auf der Welt hörten nie auf, nach einer Fortsetzung zu fragen. 

Nun haben sich die Autoren dieser Fans “erbarmt” und die letzten Ausgaben der Comicserie als Roman zu Ende geführt. Endlich erfahren wir, wie das Leben für Paulie und Doug, Arthur und Ken, Taye und Marty sowie all die anderen sympathischen Figuren des CIRCLES-Universums weiter geht. Es wird kein leichter Weg, das sei hier verraten. Doch wem war das nicht von Anfang an klar, da Paulies AIDS-Erkrankung immer wie ein Damoklesschwert über der Gruppe hing. Ja, es ist ein trauriger Abschied geworden, aber auch ein würdiger, lebensnaher, herzerwärmender, hoffnungsvoller und durchweg unterhaltender.

K-9 aka Scott Fabianek hat den Roman illustriert und die unbenutzten Entwürfe für Ausgabe 9 sind ebenso enthalten sowie ein Vor- und Nachwort des (Haupt-)Autors Andrew French.

For everyone who never stopped wanting to know the end of the story. This is the final volume in the CIRCLES story. It's the novelization of the last five issues complete with illustrations, artwork from the unfinished Issue Nine, and an Introduction by Andrew French, explaining the situation.

"Well, what you hold in your hands is the final steps of this labor of love. Realizing that a comic would not be possible, I asked everyone involved how they felt about the possibility of me finishing CIRCLES as a novel. Scott and Steve were enthusiastic, and Scott agreed to do some illustrations to keep a kind of visual continuity into the end."

Cover Circles Vol. 2

Circles Volume 2: No Straight Lines Make Up My Life

Kartoniert, 16 x 19,5 cm, 164 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 17,99 EUR

Paperback, 6 x 10“, 164 pages, b&w, 17,99 EUR

Collects Issues 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the original series.

Issue 5: Take your mind back to the 1970's. The gay rights movement was young, and so was Paulie Mayhew. Follow Paulie's story from London to Boston. Meet his first love, Colin. Learn about his first encounters with John and Arthur and how they became the friends they are today. And, yes, you'll finally learn exactly how a smart guy like Paulie ended up sick.

Issue 6: Sometimes people make mistakes, and they need to take responsibility for what they have done. That's a lesson Doug has been learning, and his return to Kinsey Circle brings with it a revelation and a new twist to his relationship with Paulie. Will their relationship survive the new roles they must assume?

Issue 7: Ken has a a reputation as the Kinsey’s house’s playboy, but has his latest beau turned out to be The One? And when Arthur and John discuss their past, what will it mean for their future?

Issue 8: Winter comes late to Kinsey Circle in 2002, but changes are happening. Will Ken's new boyfriend pan out? Will Taye get another acting gig? Does Marty remain the cutest chubby skunk in comics today?

Cover Circles Vol. 1

Circles Volume 1: It Feels Like I've Been Here Before

Kartoniert, 16 x 19,5 cm, 174 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 17,99 EUR

Paperback, 6 x 10“, 188 pages, b&w, 17,99 EUR

Eine der wohl besten schwulen Comicserien! Die autobiographisch angehauchten Erlebnisse einer Bostoner Wahlfamilie von Andrew French und Scott Fabianek. Sammelband der Hefte 0 bis 4.

6 Kinsey Circle has a very unusual family... Join patriarch Paulie, his husband Douglas, college kid Marty, actor Taye, gigalo Ken, and artist Arthur for a look at life... slightly bent.

Based in Boston, Massachusetts from Winter 2000 to Winter 2001, the Circles house has its own special slice of life. Watch Marty and Taye fall in love, Ken learn a bit about relationships, and Doug learn to deal with the ghosts of his past which he's imagined up for himself.

Collects Issues 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the original series!

Alle 4 Bände zusammen nur 65,00 EUR! / All 4 volumes together only 65,00 EUR!

Cover Lucid's Dream - Chapters 1 -4

Alex Cockburn aka Ookami Kemono

Lucid's Dream - Chapters 1 -4

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 206 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 25,00 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 206 pages, b&w, 25,00 EUR

Das Katzenjunge Lucid sehnt sich nach seiner Mutter, obwohl es sie nie kennen gelernt hat. Auf einem nächtlichen Streifzug wird Lucid auch noch der letzte Rest Familie entrissen, als eine dämonische Kreatur seinen älteren Bruder hinschlachtet. Der schneeweiße Kater erfährt bald, das diese Kreaturen „Nightmares“ genannte und von magisch begabten Katzen, den „Maus“ gejagt werden. Diese sind Anhänger alter ägyptischer Götter und nehmen sich Lucids an. Dabei eröffnen sie ihm einen neue, wunderschöne und grausame Welt...

Join Lucid, an innocent kitten, stuck in the crossfire between two immortal enemies: The "Maus" of Amen-Ra and The "Nightmares" of Apep. As soon as Lucid is put into the spotlight, both armies focus on recruiting him...

...thus begins the amazing series of Lucid, filled with hand-drawn illustrations, magic, ancient Egyptian Gods, death and destruction, and of one kitten with an unexplainable and powerful ability that could help save the world or destroy it!

Signierte Exemplare erhältlich! / Signed copies available!

Cover The Muse

The Muse

A Dummies Guid to the World and Mythology of „Lucid's Dream“

Heft, 16,5 x 25 cm, 24 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 5,00 EUR

Booklet, 6,5 x 10“, 24 pages, s/w, 5,00 EUR

This booklet witten by „The Muse“ is filled with hidden lore behind the LUCID´S DREAM story, and is a small guide to the Mau culture with artwork depicting the Gods and Goddesses of Egypt. Learn more about the myth and legends from the knowledge of your trusted black ferret!

Cover Concealment


Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 242 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 242 pages, b&w, 20,00 EUR

Ookami Kemono (aka Alex Cockburn) nimmt uns in seiner ersten Graphic Novel mit auf die Sinnsuche der jungen Samantha. Bei dem Versuch, in einer Punk-Clique Anerkennung (und Liebe) zu finden, verliert die junge Frau immer mehr die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes Leben. Der mit ausdrucksvollen Schwarz-Weiß-Kontrasten arbeitende Zeichenstil von Ookami Kemono zieht die Leser_innen dabei schnell und unweigerlich hinein in das Gefühschaos der Protagonist_innen.

Always waking up with a sad expression and finding herself stuck in a dead-end job, Samantha tries to find her self-identity as well as a suitable companion. Every club night, she dresses up in punk/gothic attire that completely hides who she really is just to try to find a social group that would accept her for her hybrid features. One night, she manages to find a unique group of anarchist punks containing a foul-mouth and violent British feline, a levelheaded Egyptian canine, a closed-mouth white feline, a large-tailed skunk and a perverted, drunken mouse. Being accepted into the group and given an off-colored nickname, she finds herself doing activities that she never thought she was capable of. She quickly falls in love with one of the punks in the group, and tries to get his attention by wearing suggestive clothing while still trying to act like she has no interest in him. Very slowly, she starts to lose her identity and her life spirals downhill when the mix of love and hate starts to mold her into something she is not. Her new self-image puts an emotional toll on her only friend who tries to help Samantha find the identity that she once lost, only to find secrets that should have been left alone.

Ookami Kemono’s first graphic novel tells the story of love, trust, secrets, self-identity and why mice should not drink beer and look at porn at the same time…

Signierte Exemplare erhältlich! / Signed copies available!

Cover Shine Book Two

Anastasia „Squiggle“ Bryce

SHINE Book Two

Kartoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 138 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 32,00 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 138 pages, full color, 32,00 EUR

Continue the journey with Corporal Anastasia Bryce as she delves further into the world of ageplay as she goes to her first ABDL party which will blow her mind.

The online edition of this series was the winner of the Ursa Major Award 2021 for Best Graphic Story. 

Cover Shine

SHINE Book One

Karoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 140 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 30,00 EUR

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 140 pages, full color, 30,00 EUR

Take a trip with Corporal Star Bryce as she accidently plunges into the world of ageplay and, with a little help from some friends, learns a lot more about herself then she ever expected.


Cover The Book of Somewhat Useful Convention Knowledge

Likeshine & Faustorian Mavendorf

The Book of Somewhat Useful Convention Knowledge

Heftformat, 21 x 28 cm, 48 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Booklet, 8,5 x 11“, 48 pages, full color, 20,00 EUR

The dos and don'ts of convention going illustrated by Likeshine.

48 color pages of fun and entertainment by everyone's favorite lime green critter.

Cover Hardwork


Hardwork Chapter 1

Heftformat,  21 x 28 cm, 32 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 7,50 EUR (Sonderangebot) 

Booklet, 8,5 x 11“, 32 pages, full color,  7,50 EUR (Special Offer)

The story takes place in a quiet town of Corvallis in the state of Oregon, heart of the valley’ or so it is called. Meet Eugene, a 19-year-old undergraduate writing student at Amphorys State University.

He had to leave his hometown of Portland because of religious issues with his father. He now lives with his half-brother Will, a 29-year-old young history teacher at ASU. 

The two brothers lived painful pasts confronting to the same issue: homosexuality. They now have to face the present and forget about the past together.

Cover Firewake #2

Devon McBride-Wilson (Text) + Joseba Morales (Zeichnungen)

Firewake #2 - Questions

Heft, 16,5 x 26 cm, 36 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 10,00 EUR

Booklet, 6,5 x 10", 36 pages, full color, 10,00 EUR

Firewake finds that the Green Hat Gang was just the tip of the iceberg as he is invited to meet - alone - with the powerful but reclusive biomancer Mistress Fancyber.

Meanwhile, Zaffa volunteers to investigate the gangsters making a nuisance of themselves at the restaurant where Firewake's niece works as a waitress.

But he gets much more than he bargained for, as after confronting them he gets drawn into a shootout. Will courage and trust be enough for either of them?

Cover Firewake #1

Devon McBride-Wilson (Text) + Joseba Morales & Todd McMoshier (Zeichnungen)

Firewake #1 - Signs

Heft, 16,5 x 26 cm, 36 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 10,00 EUR

Booklet, 6,5 x 10", 36 pages, full color, 10,00 EUR

Firewake has it pretty good for a cop. After twenty-three years serving with the Addax Police Department, he’s become one of the best detectives in the city. Along the way, he found a loving wife, and they now have excitable twin six year old colts.

But this experience comes with a price. Firewake has recently been saddled with mentoring a junior officer, Zaffa, whose laid-back, reckless, and mare-chasing attitudes have landed himself in hot water one time too many.

In FIREWAKE Issue One, meet the Green Hat Gang, who have mysteriously broken out of prison and have new, more powerful spells well above their Level. Firewake is called away from his family – on a rare day off – to help investigate and fight the gang, who have been robbing banks across Addax. Can he stop them in time, and find out just who employed them?

Cover HAVOC INC: Atomic Dragon vs The Monsters

Mark Barnard & Terrie Smith

HAVOC INC: Atomic Dragon vs The Monsters 

Parts One and Two

Kartoniert, 18 x 24 cm, 80 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 12,95 EUR

Paperback, 7 x 9“, 80 pages, b+w, 12,95 EUR

Havoc Inc. is back! Chris and Chester are off world to see a wrestling match, but everything goes south once the police get involved. Mistaken identity? Metal monsters? Massive ringtail in a skimpy outfit? Hell yeah!

Atomic Dragon vs The Monsters Part One:

A quiet evening at the wrestling matches goes horrible (if predictably) wrong when Deck manages to knock the out masked champion while going for an autograph. Naturally, the police promptly arrive on the scene, seeking the masked powerhouse’s help in dealing with a slight zombie problem. What’s more natural than to pass off the stunned Deck as the real Atomic Dragon?

Atomic Dragon vs The Monsters Part Two:

Escaping from the Zombie Master’s death trap. Deck and Chester encounter unlikely allies in their fight in the form of wrestlers El Gato Negro and Electrico. Following an attack by the zombie hordes, they follow the creatures back to their lair for an explosive finale.

This collection presents issue #9 and an all-new #10 of the classic HAVOC INC series and includes the short comic „Walking My Weasels Back Home“ original published in RISKY BUSINESS by Radio Comix.

Cover Profiles

Graveyard Greg (Text) + Krahnos (Zeichnungen)


Kartoniert, 16,5 x 26 cm, 134 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 19,95 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 6,5 x 10", 134 pages, full color, 19,95 EUR

PROFILES follows the lives of Lee Turnbull, his best friend (and now lover) Jessie Sanders, and Lee´s older (and VERY bigger) brother Regis. This trade paperback collection includes book 1 to 3 of the classic gay slice of live comic and adds the finally finished but unpublished book 4.

Book 1: Lee Turnbull just came out of the closet to his best friend Jessie, who is anything but inexperienced.

Book 2: The day after finds Jessie having second thoughts, while Lee has an increased sense of confidence. Plus we introduce a gay lion. Rawr.

Book 3: Lee, Jessie, and Regis deal with the aftermath of their encounters, while someone plots to hurt them – one bullet at a time!

Book 4: After 12 long years the final conclusion of the labor of love by Kronos and Graveyard Greg.

PROFILES is for a mature audience only because of intense scenese of sex, language, and the occasional violence.


Dash Fox


Karoniert, 21,5 x 28 cm, 144 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11", 114 pages, full color, 20,00 EUR

Yuri the hyena and his friends know well the danger of Kastel City streets, but General Leopold arrives, with his own sense of justice, willing to sweep the city from the bad elements, including Yuri and the members of the Ripped Gang! Now they have a formidable enemy to deal with! 

Then begins a journey of struggles, relationships, and intrigues.

Associated Student Bodies Yearbook Softcover

Lance Rund (Text) + Chris McKinley (Zeichnungen)

Associated Student Bodies Yearbook Softcover

Kartoniert, 18 x 23 cm, 314 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 35,00 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Paperback, 7 x 9", 314 pages, b&w, 35,00 EUR

In den späten 1990er Jahren entstanden, ist ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODIES (kurz ASB) heute ein Klassiker unter den schwulen und vor allem den Furry-Comics. Die zeitlose Geschichte um den jungen Daniel King und seine Suche nach sich selbst im ersten Jahr am College begeistert von der ersten Seite an. Die skurrilen Charaktere, die er in seinem Studentenwohnheim trifft, der warmherzige Humor, die erotischen Momente, aber auch die ernsten Themen, die differenziert angesprochen werden, machen die Stärken der Serie aus (wenn auch so manches schon heute aus der Zeit gefallen scheint). Daniel findet in seinem Zimmergenossen die erste Liebe, lernt aber auch die anderen Mitbewohner mehr als nur freundschaftlich kennen, er wird Opfer anti-schwuler Gewalt und von seinem Vater, ob seiner Sexualität, verstoßen. Doch er findet auch zu innerer Stärke und Stolz. Und ein Happy-End gibt es natürlich auch.

Das ASB Yearbook vereint alle 8 Hefte der Serie und ist jetzt in einer Softcover-Ausgabe erhältlich. Inklusive zweier Bonusgeschichten, des Quasi-Spin-Offs THE ADVENTURES OF QUEERMAN und reichlich Illustrationen und Entwürfen.

ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODIES, originally published from 1998 to 2000, is a perfect time capsule of days gone by, and hopefully, a society that will never revert to its unaccepting and ignorant ways. Often funny, often sexy, and sometimes heartbreaking, ASB is a tale of a young man’s first year in college as he comes to grip with his sexuality. Told in comic book format, the story follows the no holds barred path of Daniel King’s freshman year where he learns what it means to be gay … and the trials a gay man must often endure. This book includes themain story presented originally in Issues One through Eight of the comic with additional material from several mini-comics. Including thespin-off THE ADVENTURES OF QUEERMAN.

Beside comics Rabbit Valley published a few art books / portfolios.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Stripped 4


Stripped Volume 4 (Coming soon - pre-order now!)

Negy Mature Artwork 

Kartoniert, 21 x 28 cm, 40 Seiten, vollfarbig, 21,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 40 pages, full color, 21,00 EUR 

Negy has released their 4th volume of sexy, muscled hunks! Flip through this artbook and see some of the artist's favorites over the recent years with 42 pages of pinups and steamy scenes!

Cover Stripped 3

Stripped Volume 3 

Negy Mature Artwork 

Kartoniert, 21 x 28 cm, 40 Seiten, vollfarbig, 20,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 40 pages, full color, 20,00 EUR 

Wie das Cover vermuten lässt, steht das dritte Portfolio/Artbook von Negy ganz im Zeichen katzenartiger Saftbolzen (Gruß an Ralf König!). Tiger und Löwen bevölkern mehr als die Hälfte der Seiten, aber auch Drachen kommen nicht zu kurz und es gibt sogar ein paar Seiten Fanart. So schön und so geil wie schon die Vorgängerhefte!

Third collection of personal art and commissioned work drawn by the talented Negy. A lot of lions, some dragons and a bit of fanart. Hot as always!

Cover Stripped 2

Stripped Volume 2

Negy Mature Art

Kartoniert, 21 x 28 cm, 40 Seiten, vollfarbig, 20,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 40 pages, full color, 20,00 EUR 

Das zweite Portfolio/Artbook von Negy steht seinem ersten in nichts nach! Zumeist muskulöse Kerle in aufreizenden Posen und „Action-Szenen“. Unter den persönlichen Arbeiten und Comissions sind wieder viele Katzen- und Dino-artige aber auch ein Hase und so einiges mehr. 

Erläuterungen wie im ersten Heft gibt es dieses Mal nicht, dafür ist die Bildauswahl noch etwas sympathischer geraten und wartet mit der ein oder anderen Überraschung auf. Zudem ist die Farbwiedergabe des Drucks absolut perfekt. (Nicht nur) Daumen hoch!

Second collection of personal art and commissioned work drawn by the talented Negy. Cats and Dragons in all their glory!

Cover Stripped

Stripped Volume 1

Negy Mature Artwork 

Kartoniert, 21 x 28 cm, 40 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 8,5 x 11“, 40 pages, full color,  20,00 EUR

Portfolio/Artbook mit persönlichen Arbeiten und Comissions von Negy aus den letzten zwei Jahren. Meist ganz- und doppelseitige Pinups von muskulösen Kerlen (Feliden, Caniden, Huftiere und viele Dinoartige) in eindeutigen und aufreizenden Posen, aber auch so manch überraschendes Motiv ist dabei. Kurze Erläuterungen des Künstlers zu ausgewählten Illustrationen runden den bunten Spaß ab.

Collection of personal art and commissioned work drawn by the talented Negy. Pumped up and pumped out hunks for your viewing pleasure.

Cover Winding Silhouettes Rose, Dagger and Lace

A Blue Deer & Shana

Winding Silhouettes

Rose, Dagger and Lace

Magazin, 20,5 x 26 cm, 64 Seiten, vollfarbig, 22,95 EUR

Magazine, 8 x 10“, 64 pages, full color,  22,95 EUR

WINDING SILHOUETTES: ROSE, DAGGER AND LACE is the second artbook done in collaboration by Shana and AblueDeer. Maintaining the same concept of WINDING SILHOUETTES, this completely new artbook features sexy furry girls now in fantasy costumes.

This time the artbook includes 32 full color pictures, 10 half page digital linearts, lots of sketches of costume designs and works in progress; and all the information you need to know  about the girls that are posing in each picture. This time you won't only get to see a whole set of fully colored pictures, but you'll actually meet the girls that appear in each picture by reading about their story and reading  personal quotes that show clearly how they feel about their picture.

A new experience for those who enjoyed the previous WINDING SILHOUETTES and also for those who are willing to see a different type of furry artbook. You'll not only see pictures, but really meet characters that bring their best to you!

Cover Winding Silhouettes

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available:

Winding Silhouettes

Magazin, 21 x 28 cm, 32 Seiten, vollfarbig, 18,00 EUR

Magazine, 8,5 x 11“, 32 pages, full color,  18,00 EUR

32 leicht bekleidete, wunderschöne Anthro-Damen bietet dieses Artbook von "A Blue Deer" (furaffinity.net/user/abluedeer/) und "Shana" (furaffinity.net/user/shana) in bester Druckqualität.

What's a good way to describe this title? It's a thirty-two page magazine size collection of furry pretty women. ;-)

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

For more information on the ordering process and our full stock list please visit our front page.

Feel free to ask us about any of these titles or any other book or comic you are looking for: info@fusselschwarm.net

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