
Jarlidium Press

Jarlidium Press started as a fanzine publisher over 20 years ago and is still going strong
with full-color perfect-bound paperback books and US format comic anthologies.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

For more information on the ordering process please visit our front page.

Importeur: FUSSELSCHWARM – Queer Anthropomorphics, Hansaring 156, D-24534 Neumünster, info@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Cosmic Dash Vol.1

David Davis

Cosmic Dash Vol. 1

Kartoniert, 124 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache 25,00 EUR

Paperback, 124 pages, full color, 25,00 EUR

The crew of the Lucky Strike is just trying to deliver parcels, while Dash, the engineer, tries to keep the Lucky Strike herself together. That's not easy at the best of times, but it's even less easy when you have a murky past...

Book One collects the first three Cosmic Dash stories:

„Smoofyland Robot Rampage“ (MADNESS! ROBOTS! TEDDY BEARS!)

„Death and the High Cost of Delivery“ (TERROR! MYSTERY! PARCELS!)


Cover The Tale of Jasper Gold Book One

Jamil Gonzalez

The Tale of Jasper Gold 

Book One

Kartoniert, 17 x 26 cm, 78 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 12,00 EUR

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 78 pages, b&w, 12,00 EUR

When settled rancher Jasper Gold's bounty-hunting past catches up to him, Jasper must take up his gun once again to track down a gang of criminals as he searches for his lost daughter.

"The Tale of Jasper Gold" is a tale of dastardly villains, gun-toting bounty hunters, and courageous heroes of the West. Written and illustrated by Jamil Gonzalez, book one collects the first three chapters of the tale. 

Cover iCandi

Megan Giles


Webcomic Archive #12

Heftformat, 17 x 26 cm, 32 Seiten, farbig & s/w, in englischer Sprache, 6,00 EUR

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 32 pages, color + b&w, 6,00 EUR

The continuing adventures of Candi Bunny by Megan Giles! Plus additional one-pagers with Candi.

"Ninevah Explains" - Candi confronts a duplicitous buck to get Ninevah's money back.

"Worker's Comp" - Rabbit ears and ceiling fans are a bad combination.

Bei Einzelheftbestellungen müssen wir innerhalb Deutschlands einen Portopauschale von 1,50 EUR berechnen. Ab drei Heften oder in Kombination mit anderen Comics und Büchern ist der Versand portofrei.

Cover Scavengers #5


Scavengers #1 - #5

Heftformat, 17 x 26 cm, je 28 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 6,00 EUR

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 28 pages, full color, 6,00 EUR each

Issue #1: Leslie Brown has just come aboard the USV102 Recovery as the Con-Fed mandated in-system pilot. It's not easy being the outsider in a small group like that, but a routine first assignment — picking up the cargo ship Demeter and towing her back to station — should ease the transition. Right?

Issue #2: Today isn't getting any better, is it? A mysterious accident has turned their tow job into salvage instead, and partway through that they are sent on an equally mysterious errand by Con-Fed order. And then pirates! After all that, a guy really needs a hot fish sundae.

Issue #3: The crew of the Recovery has been ordered to chase down a ghost — one that's remarkably solid for a ship that has been missing for centuries! It's hardly fair that the in-person inspection raises more questions than answers.

Issue #4: The Recovery crew make it back to base but it's neither peaceful nor enlightening. Intrigue, arrests and ow.

Issue #5: The Recovery and crew are sent on a shady retrieval errand that looks worse at every turn, but they don't have much choice, even though they would rather be doing laundry.

Bei Einzelheftbestellungen müssen wir innerhalb Deutschlands einen Portopauschale von 1,50 EUR berechnen. Ab drei Heften oder in Kombination mit anderen Comics und Büchern ist der Versand portofrei.

Cover Squeak! #7

Squeak! is an anthology series of risque and adult comic stories. Primarily M/F and F/F.

Squeak! #7

Kartoniert, 17 x 26 cm, 24 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 7,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 24 pages, full color, 7,00 EUR

Comics by Kompy, Sailor Anna and Flinters. Cover by Caribou

Squeak! #6

Heftformat, 17 x 26 cm, je 24 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 6,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 24 pages, b&w, 6,00 EUR each

Comics by Ram the Dragon, PMoss & Sailor Anna. Pinups by PMoss, Flinters & Nut-Case. Cover by Caribou.

Squeak! #4 - #5

Heftformat, 17 x 26 cm, je 24 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 5,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 24 pages, b&w, 5,00 EUR each

#4: Comics by Mike Higgs, Flinters and Zephery Hughes. Cover by Caribou.

#5: Comic by Zephery Hughes. Cover and pinups by Os.

Squeak! #1 - #3

Heftformat, 17 x 26 cm, je 24 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 6,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 24 pages, b&w, 6,00 EUR each

#1: Comics by Flinters and Sailor Anna, featuring Flinters's Sugarnutz characters. Cover by Flinters.

#2: Comics by Zephery Hughes, Flinters and Sailor Anna. Cover by Zephery Hughes.

#3: Comics by Tabbiewolf, Flinters and Zephery Hughes. Cover by Tabbiewolf.

Bei Einzelheftbestellungen müssen wir innerhalb Deutschlands einen Portopauschale von 1,50 EUR berechnen. Ab drei Heften oder in Kombination mit anderen Comics und Büchern ist der Versand portofrei.

Cover Xfrmations Unlimited #9

Xfrmations Unlimited is anthology series of transformation-oriented comics, stories, and art.

Xfrmations Unlimited #8 + #9

Heftformat, 17 x 26 cm, je 24 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, je 7,00 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 24 pages, full color, 7,00 EUR each

#9: Comics by Bubbeh, Silverclaw, Flinters and Catmonkshiro. Cover by Catmonkshiro.

#8: Comics by Valsalia, Shawn the Girl, Tincrash, and Flinters. Pinups by Nut-Case. Cover by Shawn the Girl.

Xfrmations Unlimited #1 - #7

Heftformat, 17 x 26 cm, je 24-32 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 4,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 24 to 32 pages, b&w, 4,00 EUR each

#7: Comics by Lobst, Flinters and Nut-Case. Cover by Nut-Case.

#6: Comics by Tabbiewolf and Flinters. Story by Taki. Cover by Shawn the Girl.

#5: Comics by Kelvin the Lion, Flinters, Angrboda and Mike Higgs. Story by Triangle Pascal. Cover by Kelvin the Lion.

#4: Comics by Thomas K. Dye and Mike Higgs. Cover by Mike Higgs.

#3: Comics by The Fennex, Flinters, Kelvin the Lion and Picklejuice. Stories by Allan D. Burrows and Taki. Cover by Angrboda.

#2: Comics by Picklejuice, Zannah, Flinters, Roy D. Pounds II and Kelvin the Lion. Stories by Lapso, Flinters and Allan D. Burrows. Pinups by Flinters, Machi-Neko and Flinters. Cover by Roy D. Pounds II.

#1: The prototype issue, to see whether the printer would actually do adult material or not. Two comic stories by Flinters. Cover by Flinters.

Bei Einzelheftbestellungen müssen wir innerhalb Deutschlands einen Portopauschale von 1,50 EUR berechnen. Ab drei Heften oder in Kombination mit anderen Comics und Büchern ist der Versand portofrei.

Beside comics Jarlidium Press publishes art books and novels.

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

Cover Fur-Baring Mammals


Fur-Baring Mammals

Collected Caribou #2

Kartoniert, 15 x 22,5 cm, 100 Seiten, vollfarbig, 25,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 6 x 9“, 100 pages, full color, 25,00 EUR

100 color pages of mammals by Caribou, lads and ladies wearing mostly just fur – the choice is yours!

Cover Tipping the Scales

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available:

Tipping the Scales

Collected Caribou #1

Kartoniert, 15 x 22,5 cm, 100 Seiten, vollfarbig, 25,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 6 x 9“, 100 pages, full color, 25,00 EUR

100 color pages of dragons, dinosaurs, and other reptiles of all kinds, lads and ladies wearing mostly just scales – the choice is yours!

Cover Dewey & Friends


Dewey & Friends

Geheftet, 17 x 26 cm, 36 Seiten, vollfarbig, 6,00 EUR (Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Booklet, 7 x 10“, 36 pages, full color, 6,00 EUR

Art collection of mouse librarian Dewey Teagarden and her friends!

Cover Dear Dewey Teagarden

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available:

Dear Dewey Teagarden: Selected Letters

Webcomic Archive #10

Kartoniert, 17 x 26 cm, 44 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 10,00 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 44 pages, full color, 10,00 EUR

Mouse librarian and columnist Dewey Teagarden shares illustrated correspondence of a saucy nature!

Attention: This book contains letters with illustrations, it's not a comic nor a full scale art book!

Cover P2P (Pouch 2 Pouch) Network Protocols


P2P (Pouch 2 Pouch) Network Protocols (NEW)

Kartoniert, 15 x 22,5 cm, 124 Seiten, farbig + s/w, in englischer Sprache, 14,00 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 6 x 9“, 124 pages, color + b&w, 14,00 EUR

Between 2018 and 2023, Flinters drew 1,819 pictures. That´s crazy.

Kangaroos, otters, foxes, raccoons, porcupines, dragons, and more found their way into the weekly art stream online. Lasting well into the early hours, Flinters would produce a half dozen images week after week, year after year.

Here is a collection of 100+ select images presented in printed form for your pleasure. Each has a short comment by Flinters on the image valuable observations including art technique, subject content, art tips or just whatever he was eating at the time because he is like that.

So grab yourself a snack and a drink, sit back and enjoy a trip through the mind of Flinters. You might even find yourself in a new body and species when you´re done.

Cover Easily Distracted

Ebenfalls erhältlich / Also available:

Easily Distracted

Kartoniert, 15 x 22,5 cm, 100 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 14,00 EUR 

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 6 x 9“, 100 pages, full color, 14,00 EUR

Art collections from Flinters with works form 2016 to 2017 and commentary.

Cover May Contain Nuts

May Contain Nuts! 

Flinters Art Book 2014-2015

Kartoniert, 17 x 26 cm, 80 Seiten, vollfarbig, in englischer Sprache, 14,00 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 80 pages, full color, 14,00 EUR

Annual art collection from Flinters with commentary.

Cover Happy Little Trees

Happy Little Trees (2013)

Kartoniert, 17 x 26 cm, 80 Seiten, s/w, in englischer Sprache, 14,00 EUR

(Altersnachweis erforderlich)

Softcover, 7 x 10“, 80 pages, b&w, 14,00 EUR

Annual art collections from Flinters with works from 2013 and commentary.

Cover Interesting Times

George S. Cole & Niall C. Shapero

Interesting Times (NEW)

The Chinese Curse Book 2

Kartoniert, 314 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 314 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Christina „Smudge“ Hanson

Late summer, 2094 may be 'Late Winter' for the Greater United States. Carl Siam, a biologically uplifted cat and Los Angeles Monad police detective, has been seconded to the GUS's Internal Security Force for undercover work. Infiltrating the Uplift Revolutionary Movement, Carl began to understand more, especially about the GUS's dark side which his military and police careers have protected him from. Until now.

Which side is he really on? Not the anti-Uplift hate groups, the Klan or the Sons of True Men. The Federal Government with its KGB-inspired ISF? Or those Uplifts pledging their "Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor" to URM and seeking radical change like real civil and economic rights for all - including Uplifts? Carl needs to decide, and quickly, before the streets run red with blood.

Cover Red Skies

Red Skies

The Chinese Curse Book 1

Kartoniert, 300 Seiten, in englischer Sprache, 20,00 EUR

Paperback, 300 pages, 20,00 EUR

Cover by Christina „Smudge“ Hanson

The year is 2093 and the Greater United States has trouble. Climate change has happend, and wars and political upheavals. Prosperity is precarious and security is scarce, even as technology produces biological miracles like regeneration treatments – for those who can afford them – and Uplifts.

Most Human have it hard, but Uplifts have it harder. Carl Siam is a detective on the Los Angeles Monad police force, but he can´t keep a partner and it´s a good day when he´s called „kittycat“ instead of „abomination“. Even so, he´s one of the lucky ones.

This situation can´t last. Something´s got to change. Unrest is in the air in the hot summer, and an Uplift detective is the perfect pawn to help investigate, regardless of where his sympathies may actually lie...

You can order any title by email: order@fusselschwarm.net

For more information on the ordering process and our full stock list please visit our front page.

Feel free to ask us about any of these titles or any other book or comic you are looking for: info@fusselschwarm.net

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